Dragonwrath acquisition time 10m raids

Since multiple people can be on the same part of the quest, but only one person can complete it, we calculated that it takes about 2-3 weeks after the first staff is crafted for a second one, and subsequent ones, to be completed.


You can have multiple players at different stages of the quest chain, allowing them to complete each stage in succession. It’s similar to an assembly line where players progress to the next part of the quest in a sequential order. Consequently, it’s possible to have several players with the Stage 2 staff simultaneously.

But that’s also true for 10m right so once they get their first staff it will take them how long?

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Indeed, a 10-person team will be capable of accomplishing everything that a 25-person team can. However, it will likely be at a slower pace, possibly taking 3-4 weeks for each subsequent staff member after the first one is in place. This is a rough estimate based on the law of averages, so my calculations might be off.

Answer me. :clown_face:

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Ok so in 20 weeks and being the most efficient it would mean around 6 staff for 25m (going with 5 +3x5) and 10m will be able to do 3 (going with 9 + 4x2) or around that. Seems about right.

Yes that seems right.

Why not just make 25m a 2-3 weeks for the first staff and 10m 4-6 weeks? Why not reduce the overall time, and enable 25m to simply create more than one staff at once?
Why not make it personal loot and extend the period of getting the staff for EVERYONE?

I could come up with a lot of possibilities to make the staff more accessible to everyone that’s playing the game, point is, why gatekeep it behind such a tedious grind? It’s not a hard challenge AT ALL to acquire it, it’s just boring and very repetitive.



Great question.


Probably a thing with not wanting for too many staff early to nerf the raid too much and personal loot might be less social for classic, there’s something with having a guild and getting your turn I guess that makes classic what it is.

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The acquisition process has been accelerated. In the original Cataclysm, players typically needed 2-3 months to obtain their first staves. However, in Cataclysm Classic, Blizzard has not increased the drop rate for heroic raids.Thus, it can be stated that both 10-man and 25-man raids, whether on heroic or normal difficulty, yield the same quantity of quest items; there is no additional reward for undertaking the heroic version.

That is exactly my thinking behind it to.

We are acquiring the staffs faster than we did in the original Cataclysm; the time has been nearly cut in half. Especially when you look at how fast all the staffs after the first one is made will happen.

10m groups are STILL going to need 2-3 months for their first staff, according to your own table, so it has not been accelerated by any means. You’re contradicting your math.

It’s going to be a 3 month phase instead of the original 5 months, so in theory, on the original Cata, a 10m group that raided the full 5 months could’ve acquired 3 staves, while in classic we’ll have just one by the start of the next tier.

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Would be cool to maybe increase the time it takes to make a staff for everyone to like 8 weeks, but give the items to everyone.

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The game is beaten, the raid is going to be fully cleared 7/7HC on day one by multiple groups. By the time the first staff is created, most of those interested in the race are going to be done with it.

Remember to take into consideration that FL is going to last 3 months, instead of the original 5 months.

Point taken on the personal loot (I still disagree), but with both of these topics in mind, I believe that it’s absolutely necessary that the acquisition be accelerated (OR make it more accessible to those who aren’t the top casters of their groups) by any means that Blizzard sees fit.

They said they will extend so I’m guessing 4-5 months.

Not really as many as you’d think, it is still a minority. The same as it was a minority that killed LK pre-buff.

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So thay plan on holding us with a 7 boss raid for 4-5 months? If that’s the case, I might just cancel my subscription and wait for MOP once it drops.

The completion time for a 10-person team is longer compared to a 25-person team because the latter has 2.5 times more people and, on average, three times as many casters.
Logically, a 10-man task should take 2.5 times longer to complete than a 25-man task. However, that’s not the case; they are completing it faster than they should, yet there are still complaints.
If Blizzard arranged it so that 10-man raids could complete staffs at the same rate as 25-man raids, most guilds would likely organize at least three 10-man raids to finish the staffs more quickly before returning to 25-man raids.

Now you’re complaining that we get more time to create more staves? Initially, you complained that the staff wasn’t produced quickly enough in 10-man, even though you opted to raid in 10-man rather than 25. Now you’re upset that they’re extending the duration of the best raid in Cataclysm? Can’t you just be happy?

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Yeah bro, I’ve read that multiple times already. There is literally not a single person in this forum stating that 25m should be longer. Get over it.

Also, not a single person in this forum asked for more time to complete more staves. I (and everyone who has been agreeing with me) am asking for quicker access to it. You proved yourself that access HAS NOT been accelerated to 10m raids. That’s the only point of this entire topic.

A 4-5 month phase is going to gut the classic community, that’s not what Blizzard sold to us initially and there’s no reason (other than $$$) to do it now. If that’s what they’re going for, I’m not staying.

You’ve missed multiple points in your replies, while being condescending in most of them. I will not bother to read the future ones.

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Disagreeing with most of your points does not equate to condescension. Proving your logic incorrect is not inherently patronizing. Being upset about being wrong doesn’t necessarily mean that I am condescending. Unfortunately, the facts do not support your logic.

They arent dropping DS in january they woukd have released FL earlier for that to happen.

FL will last between 16 to 20 weeks which means DS is released at the beginning of March or end of march last until july. Prepatch for mists in july xpac released in august.

Each 10 man group will end up with at least 2 staffs before DS is released and i wouldnt be surprised if in january they increase the drop rate like they did with the frags for the hammer and shadowmourne.

The process will be shorter because the staff quest chain can be completed simultaneously by multiple players. It’s possible to have every member of your raid on the same segment of the quest, all awaiting their turn for the final part. Stage 3 is the actual bottleneck, which should only require 2-3 weeks for a 25-man raid to complete after the first staff is crafted. Consequently, it will likely take 3-4 weeks for a 10-man raid per staff following the creation of the first one.