Dragonwrath acquisition time 10m raids

My guild members were also saying this

(PS, thank you for finally saying something different)

I disagree, but I’ll give it to you that they will. So what? Who even cares at ALL if they do… That’s some fringe stuff anyway, the top of the top that are willing to cut their roster into 2 10 mans just to get more staffs on people… I promise normal guilds, if they even have a decent 25m roster anyway, won’t be doing this.
Now to play into your point, only thing I’d be willing to agree with is a SLIGHTLY longer cadence for 10m. Instead of 4-6(like 25m) it could be an extra week, so 5-7. These people you’re talking about (which I don’t believe exist outside of the ‘parselords’) will care enough to do this.


If a team of 25 takes 4-6 weeks to complete their staff, then by simple logic, a team of 10 should take 2.5 times longer, meaning the latter should take 10-15 weeks. However, this isn’t the case here; the 10-man staff is taking 9-12 weeks, which is actually faster than expected.It is actually faster and does not match the proper scaling, but it seems there’s always something to complain about.

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You mean like all of the 100s of threads you create regularly to B**** about feral? People have decent 10m rosters, and 3 months is too long to get ONE staff. It’s ridiculous. I don’t care about raid sizes. It’s not relevant. What’s relevant is if you choose to raid 10m, which Cata btw has been one to make it so 10/25m don’t matter you get the same loot - type of environment, to now cripple 10ms. By the time 10m gets their FIRST staff, 25m will have 3. I’m not sure why you’re even advocating for this nonsense, this decision only HURTS the playerbase, where NOBODY is hurt if they have the same collection rate, NOBODY.

So, use some of that

You claim to use, and tell me how this current plan of their’s doesn’t force people that really want the staff to ditch their 10m’s and join 25ms to get a chance at fun faster, since that’s CLEARLY what’s going to happen, if you’re in a 25m, fun comes faster, It’s horse****


Makes sense, since 25 man has 3 times the casters as well, so they need 3 times the staves.

What they want to avoid is a situation where it is preferable to split your 25 man group into 3 10 mans to get staves faster.

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Nobody cares about the roster size, it’s about the speed at which people are able to collect them. Why should someone ina 25m be able to enjoy the staff a month or two sooner than someone in a smaller raid. NOT LOGICAL.

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What is your logic behind thinking that 10 man should be able to make the staff just as fast as 25? When 25 has 2.5x more players then 10man?

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Bro, try to keep up. Nobody is saying that 25m should be slower. Their collection rate shouldn’t change, they will get as many as we’re talking about right now.
Slowing down fun because of raid size isn’t logical, and everything you’ve said so far doesn’t defend the speed.
People would be more apt, currently, to join a 25m to get staff, than vice versa.

I’m always BAFFLED when people suggest nerfs instead of buffing others. It’s WILD


Every caster in a 10 man will get a staff before every caster in a 25 man, at current rate.

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I highlighted this issue, and he argued that guilds wouldn’t do such a thing. However, let’s be logical; they absolutely would! Imagine if 10-man groups could craft the staff as quickly as 25-man groups. My guild would organize over six 10-man groups, essentially having alts in groups with one main caster for the first few months to equip all the casters with their staves, then revert to 25-man raiding.

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We would as well, boring. A few of us would play alts to make 3 10 mans happen.


That isn’t the issue.
They get them faster.
Why not do 25m for staff?
There’s no reason to do 10m if it’s that slow, people will already have WEEKS of fun with at least 2 staffs before people that raid 10m ever see a single one.
So, what you guys want is to be special in your cute 25m and gatekeep. It IS cute, but it’s illogical.
Everytime you mention raid size to me I cringe, because clearly you can’t effing read.

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Lol, and I’m not even in a hardcore ‘sweat/parselord’ guild; we’re just a casual heroic raiding guild with a 9/13 record, and we would still do this.

Hmm, that’s not what I said at all. I clearly ceded this and said SO WHAT IF THEY DO, because right NOW, that’s exactly what 10m’s will do. Faster fun for their casters, less chance of burnout over time.
Nice so reading isn’t something you’re good at, OR you’re trolling. I’m out. PEACE :roll_eyes:

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Thats good that is how it should be as 25man has 2.5 times more players!!!

Well your thinking is the one that is illogical

The key point is that a 25-man raid is 2.5 times larger than a 10-man raid and includes three times as many casters.

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If there was a way to get 10 mans their first staff, the same time as 25 mans, but give 25 man two of them I would hope they can do it.

But the way this quest is set up I don’t think there is a way to do that.

So I think this is the only solution they could come to without making 10 mans the preferred way to get staves. (This is a huge issue, even if you want to deny it.)

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There is, but it would make Burning cry like a baby.
It’s to make everything related to the Q-line, ALL lootables able to be looted by everyone that was present for the source needed to aquire them. Easy, fair, but Burning wants to feel special, that’s why he cries so much about feral, he has an inferiority complex obviously.
If people were all able to collect the things they need at the same time (just like question items from mobs), you could raid whatever size you’d want and everyone gets their staves at the same rate. Crisis averted. Might even help retention.

10 man roster has
2 healers (1 flex)
2 tanks
3 melee
3 caster

So with that logic there are 3 casters 5 if you include the healers.

So the first staff in a 10man will take 9 weeks

Staff 1 - 9 weeks
Staff 2 - 11-12 weeks
Staff 3 - 13-14 weeks
Staff 4 - 15-16 weeks
Staff 5 - 17-18 weeks

25 man

Staff 1 - 4-6 weeks
Staff 2 - 6-8 weeks
Staff 3 - 8-10 weeks
Staff 4 - 10-12 weeks
Staff 5 - 12-14 weeks
Staff 6 - 14-16 weeks
Staff 7 - 16-18 weeks
Staff 8 - 18-20 weeks
Staff 9 - 20-22 weeks
Staff 10 - 22-24 weeks
Staff 11 - 24-26 weeks
Staff 12 - 26-28 weeks
Staff 13 - 28-30 weeks
Staff 14 - 30-32 weeks
Staff 15 - 32-34 weeks

Based on that calculation, a 25-person raid composition will require 32-34 weeks to equip 15 members with their staves, considering the average raid includes 15 casters/healers.

I don’t really know how that works could you try to get some numbers on the table?
How much time would a 2nd staff take in 25m or 10m?

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You realize it’s not 9 weeks and it’s 9-12? Meaning it could take 12? and On the low end 25m would have FIVE staves by the time 10m has 1. Now do the math, is 25m 5 times larger than 10m, since you like raid size so much? NO, NO IT IS NOT. Cmon lets hear your logic on this one…

Bro you’re cooked.
Go back to crying about feral.

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