Dragonriding should not have been enabled from day 1

there is nothing stopping you from exploring but your own lack of self control.

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You do realize pathfinder was normal flying vs dragon riding this xpac right?

Try this out. Actually ride your ground mount in emerald dream for a few minutes. If you can’t appreciate the detail of the zone and its ambiance then you should go back to surfing TikTok cause you have the attention span of a toddler.

Zones were designed to require flight from day 1.

K, bye…

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You do realize how ridiculous that is right? Time gating a version of flying that is 520% slower.

You can appreciate a zone’s ambiance and art much better with a flying mount. Specifically old flying. If you don’t like flying go play classic era and stay there like the other relics of the past.


lmao…NO ONE SAID the landscape wasnt cool.
What they DID say is take your flight hate over to classic…or…CHOOSE to get on that ground mount if being on the ground is so important to you.

I get it…theyre hard to make sometimes.
Just do it.

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The reason for flight hate is and always has been ‘Ion’.
Had the man not been put in charge of the decision process flight would never have become a ‘problem’.


The new area is indeed a little small. Since there are a lot of treasures in the branches, regular flight does help with that a bit, but that’s the only real advantage.

As far as the rest, they did away with the bulk of pathfinder. Get over it at this point.

This is why I go into hibernation for the first part of an expansion.

Ion can cram his timegated flying along with a lot of other unpopular decisions he makes right up his you-know-where. He belongs in a lawyer’s office, not a game dev studio.


Hahahaha suuuuure you can. So much detail when you’re zooming at 200mph around.

Go to an art exhibit or museum and run through the building at full sprint. Tell me how much “detail” you catch. I’m done with these trolls.

I can. If you can’t that sounds like a you problem. Stick to your ground mount. Better yet, go to classic.

How ironic…


It is a his problem, because he ignored the idea that you can enjoy things with normal/slow flying.

He also ignores the idea that most flying mounts can be used as ground mounts, and unless the mount is listed as ground only, once old flight is unlocked they can fly around.

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So are you gonna sprint through the next museum you go to? Or the next art exhibit??

You’re so talented you can do that and grab all the details right?

How ironic that you’re thattttt talented and the rest of the world isn’t. 2/10 troll.

Nope, Dragonriding available from Day 1 was great.

And the fact that it’s going to be available right away in all future expansions is also great.

If you want to explore zones on your ground mount, then do so. That’s your choice, but don’t try to punish other players because of your choice.


I am. I’ve done it in every single expansion that has flying, wait that’s all of them.

Who says they aren’t that talented? You? :rofl: :rofl:

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I agree it was honestly a stupid move. It’s not fair that static flying had to be put in pathfinder when no one that’s wanted static flying has wanted pathfinding at all. What we wanted is the ability to choose between both. People that like dynamic flying can pick that. People that like static flying can pick that. Everyone gets to play how they want and gets to have fun. That’s it. That’s all.

Having an option doesn’t take away from dynamic flying. You can still choose dynamic flying. I will be happy with static flying.


Dodging the analogy for the 3rd time. :skull_and_crossbones:

I’ve already addressed it. You ignored it. Yes I can take in the scenery and artwork on my flying mount. I prefer it.

You trolling or is your reading comprehension that bad. Have you ever been to a museum? I’m talking irl…. Not in game lol. Maybe you’re a gen z that needs to google what that is.

If so, did you run through the building and full speed?

I’ll answer for you. The answer is a no. You can run through an art exhibit or a museum and a full sprint and get any sort of value out of it at all. Besides oh I definitely say some dinosaur bones, it was cool !!

You “can” fly through the dragon isles and obtain a “jist” of what’s happening on the ground below but you’re missing so much detail it’s insane. Those expansions that forced you to ground ride before flying were some of the best wpvp, best questing, best overall experiences in wow.

I’m genuinely sad for you if you never experienced that. Maybe you’re a new player or something. It strips the spirit of the game away when you are just flying to dots on the map.

Maybe that’s what you want out of the game tho. I’m not important enough to tell you how to game. But the actual substance of the game is in the art team and the quest design team (until shadowlands that is) the story had been really bad as of late.

But the point remains you should check out wow from a new perspective. Next time you clear a dungeon like jade temple zoom into first person and walk around (also press alt-z) to get rid of the ui. You will grow to appreciate all the detail that existed as far back as mop. But when your max zoom distance for the sake of mechanics you will NEVER see the level of detail I’m talking about.

We did a dungeon in first person as a literal joke one night in disc it was both obnoxiously inefficient but arguably one of the most funny events we have had in wow. We also as a byproduct of our stupidity we found a level of detail with the dungeon we never knew existed cause we were so zoomed out.

Point is do what you want but you’re missing out on details you think you see but you really don’t. I wouldn’t personally ride my ground mount when everyone else isn’t but if we all were on ground mounts the world would feel like a world not an airport :100:

Use a slower mount. You don’t have to DR