Dragonriding should not have been enabled from day 1

No, Brewa. You’re missing the point. The point is they have no self control and need Blizzard to impose their values on the rest of us because of it.


Ah, the kind that needs to cry rivers, build bridges and get over them before someone gives them a foot powered lift via a boot to the hind quarters.

I dont think anyone asked though? - anyway i hear cookie clicker is a fun easy game give that a try

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Thankfully, Ion has learned at least one lesson. The base at large wants flight.
A handful of complainers who cant just used ground mounts if they love them so much arent likely to have any impact on the direction of the game whatsoever.


I dont know what he’s rambling on about, lol.
I explored the crap out of the entire landmass this time.
When Im ground mounting it all, its point A to point B because of the narrow landscape passages and the time investment.
Flight lets me go faster and get places I cant on the ground so I DO explore far more.

Its almost like the OP is…telling big fibs or something, lol


Feels like this topic is ramping up again for whatever reason :yawning_face:

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I wish I could cast you back into Shadowlands and straight into the Maw where you’re forced to run around without a mount.

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Do you really need to be forced to explore in order to explore?

The problem is, those who didn’t want to spend endless hours walking didn’t have a choice before…

Now, they get to skip the suffering, and hear me out, you get the choice of not using your flying mount.

So just embrace the availability of options and stop forcing your preferred play style on others.


It’s the kind of bait GD can’t lay off.

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You unsubbed now over how things might happen in a year or two? I think it’s either not true, or you were going to unsub anyway.


might? they already said this.

DR is day 1… while reg flying is unlocked after the campaign/explore zones.

A lot of things are said a year out from an expansion. Still makes no sense to quit now over it, unless you weren’t having fun anyway.

We really need a dislike button again. jfc

can’t hurt the feelings now. it’s a shame

yeah ok sure… put dragon riding behind a 12 month pathfinder achieve, im cool with that.

no reason to put normal flying behind pathfinder, though.

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:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:
Clearly the case.

Starting to think its more about keeping it ‘hard’ to get those little bags of goodies out in tree branches, lol. Its a little challenge with DRing to nail the limb and get them. Not so much with old flight.
ive swapped over to Cindermane charger a few times today to get something thats harder to land and grab with a DRing mount.
Betting thats one of the reasons theyre gating old flight. Not that Im good with it. They COULD just come up with other things to do that are ‘hard’ in some other way…rock climbing for example. Flight doesnt really do squat to make that easier.

The problem is, people like that don’t want to use the tools available to them. They literally want everyone else to play their way. They cannot be happy unless everybody is forced to play their way. Like a child.


And a hefty time gate, don’t forget that part.

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I see you’re still posting on the forums. That requires a subscription.

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So because YOU play a certain way, it means the whole game is bad and evil.

This is LITERALLY the exact same argument that people made to validate taking away flight and hiding it behind things like the old Pathfinder cheevos.
WAAAGHGHGH I missed one ore out of a hundred in northrend because I don’t have flight yet, waaagghghgh blizzard is ruining my immersion because other people are having fun waaghghghg

I mean you literally have a dragonriding talent to let you be able to fly on the ground at the same speeed as up above.
That’s not blizzard, that’s you big dawg! Nobody told you to fly like that.
Me? I get on my slitherdrake and fly low to the ground having a blast.


I agree with you here, that is dumb and fully misses the point lol.

yeah. and as I just said you even have a special ability to get extra energy while flying low to the ground. You have choices, and keep making the wrong one. Again, that’s on you bro.

which is it? is the game big or small?
And if you mean specifically the new Emerald Dream area…of course it’s small, its just one zone! JUST ONE ZONE! Zaralek Cavern was just one place too, but you don’t mention that one…

your choice. Fly differently. You don’t HAVE to fly all the way in the clouds. You aren’t Toothless the Nightstalker…you don’t attack at the speed of sound and take out your prey with a single swoop, never even seen!..you are some chud playing a character in a video game, and guess what? YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER YOUR MOUSE AND KEYBOARD. Blizzard didnt reach through your monitor and aim you at the sky every time you take off. YOU DID!

As far as dungeons are concerned, I agree. The weird new RUSH RUSH RUSH meta is just bad for the game.

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