Dragonriding should not have been enabled from day 1

After finishing the new zone in a few hours, I started to wonder why everything felt so small and insignificant. And I think one of the main issues is that we already have flying.

Instead of exploring a new and unfamiliar land, we are just skipping over everything, basically teleporting from one objective to the next. Gone are the days of getting to know the landscape, taking in the atmosphere and getting to feel at home. Nothing on the ground matters anymore. We just take off, most likely flying above the trees, so we’re not even seeing the zone, and rush to the next quest marker.

I really miss when zones felt big and we were exploring them like real adventurers. Now traversing them feels just like rushing dungeons. Dragonriding is basically a “gogogo” mechanic for modern audiences who have the attention span of a toddler.

Some of you will probably tell me that I could explore them on my ground mounts if I wanted to. But you’re missing the actual point. These zones are designed with verticality and flying in mind. There are large distances between most quests, because they are not made to be traversed on foot. You’d basically be handicapping yourself for no reason, while everyone else is 100x faster than you. Part of what made older zones so immersive is exploring them on foot and knowing that everyone else has to do the same.

So yeah, I would’ve liked flying to be unlocked later. I probably would’ve made the complete main story available right away and made flying the reward for exploring the entire zone and finishing the campaign. And I think the rest of DF and future expansions should be like this as well. Once you’re done with a zone, you can fly in that zone. It’s a simple solution that brings back immersion and doesn’t gatekeep flying for more than a few hours.


I think you missed the point. Doing quests and exploring can be two seperate things. Doing the quests zoom around wanna explore use a ground mount. Its honestly worth it as allot of cool little easter eggs do exist.


And that is the way it is going to be for the next three expansions. Dragonriders get flying on day one, static flight must be earned by completing main quest chain(s).

It is the reason I and my husband have unsubscribed. I can’t deal with dragonriding and I am not willing to walk for the majority of all future expansions. I have not heard a reasonable argument why dargonriders get to fly from day one on all future expansions and everyone that can’t / won’t use dragonriding has to earn static flight.

Done and won’t be back to buy any of the newly announced mini-expansions if this decision is not reservsed.


okay, so knowing that everyone else has to be miserable like yourself, is what you enjoy. Got it.

i work 85 hours a week, have 0 days off unless it rains, have 2 toddlers. Maybe 6 hours a week at most to play a game if im lucky these days. But that means i have attention span of a toddler? Crazy new information.

They provided the solution. Its here now, you have the option to explore. On ground, or in the air, play the game your way. If you cant enjoy the game because you’re worried about how others are playing, that’s a you problem. People finally have the option to do both, not everyone can no life a game. You get to spend a lot time on the game enjoying it (i assume). I spend hundreds of real dollars on it just to get barely any playtime out of it. We are not the same.


I do explore zones, I walk around a lot when questing. And when I don’t feel like it, I fly. Exploring should be done on our own terms, not forced upon. It’s perfect as it is.


This argument is so old and tired


Devs are trying to filter out people like you guys. Sounds crazy/mean/conspiratorial but it’s the only accurate read of their actions.

They have an idea for how the game should be played and want people to play it that way. They obviously believe old flying to be outdated and look to dragonriding as the future of the mount system.

Imo a good move


Hard agree. Flying through the zone and flying through the content is designed for the new gen gamers that have 20 second attention spans. I also miss the days of exploration.


who is stopping you from exploring though? Are you being forced to not explore?


Yet your still crying on the forms? Come on lol


Yeah filtering out paying customers is always a good move. :person_facepalming:


You misunderstood my point. The game WILL be modernized with or without us.

The amount of people who are filtered by dragonriding pales in comparison to the amount of people who’d rejoice at a mechanical improvement for the game. My opinions, or yours, are irrelevant to the matter because they’re going through with it no matter what


Nah i want dragonriding right away so i can get the boring leveling garbo out of they way faster so i can get to the actual game. Leveling is a waste of time.


What’s stopping you from just running or ground mounting everywhere, OP?

I’m not playing with you, so why does it matter how I ‘explore’ the game?


This is a load of horse pucky. If a player wants to explore, they will go explore, period. Nothing is stopping people from leveling without a flying mount.

Quite yer bs, OP.


A good move would be to have both available from the start so people can choose.


And I’m totally okay with this too. In fact, it doesn’t make much sense at this point it’s not that way. Like for me? I can never return back to old flying on sheer will power alone. I love my dragon flying too much and hope it gets implemented in older zones eventually.

But there are so, so many people who just want to leisurely fly around (and land on tree branches on the first go instead of 40 attempts later. Looking at you, owl thing in Emerald Dream) that I don’t see why it’s not an option. Clearly it can be flipped off and on like a switch. Just let players really enjoy themselves how they want.

Flying from day one isn’t game breaking.

Edit to add:

Plus you’re telling me our regular flying mounts all of a sudden don’t know how to fly in the next expansion? They’re in the air ffs. They don’t need to navigate through anything.


I totally agree however I can understand why they would want to guide players into dragonriding, its faster and newer and generally just better than old flying.

Again I know its kinda mean to acknowledge it but the reality is that, again : the game will modernize. Its as though they’re pruning people who can’t keep up with it slowly but surely.

I mean look at how many people can’t keep up with modern raid mechanics. Devs aren’t going back to the old raid mechanics and we’ll be seeing swirlies for years to come.


Its the curse of flying. Things get done faster and the world gets smaller no matter how big they make it

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I use both static for shorter distances and more precision (such as collecting Banners on Alts) and dynamic for longer flights and getting to rares fast.