Dragonriding should not have been enabled from day 1

Sorry to break it to you but leveling is part of the game and a lot of people actually enjoy it. But at that point when your done leveling, why not just ask for BiS gear and call it a day instead of wasting time running the same content over and over because that is a waste of time.

Now having both would be ok, and since I got pathfinder, I find myself loading up my old-world mounts and flying around Dragon Flight zones. Is it slower yes, will I maybe miss out on stuff, maybe but I can always swap mounts super-fast if an event pops up and I need to move ASAP.

As far as game play goes, I think the newer generation of gamer has a short attention span, so they are trying to streamline game play for that generation. Hence a lot of mobile games being made or features in games that speed up slower process like leveling and traveling to name a few.


Is someone complaining about dragonriding again? If so…wake me up if a new hilarious thread pop up. :zzz:

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I like to take my own sweet time and savor the experience. For me, the real endgame is the journey we took along the way.


Oh excuse us, everyone will stop flying so you have time to explore. Don’t worry, we will all wait for you

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Actually because all i do is pvp in this game, they should give out the best gear quickly so everyone is on an even footing as fast as possible. no more matches where half of your team in a bg is in questing blues and i am sitting in full conquest trying to carry them. I don’t care about grinding the gear.


Lol…so youre the one who signs this in everyones yearbook :joy:

My point in saying this is two fold.

  1. that it is a factually incorrect statement to say you cannot get regular flying day 1.
  2. And more importantly, that the time it will take you to learn regular flying is negligable especially compared to how it was DF, SL and BFA. At worse you will learn it in about a week if you are a slow leveler.

Nobody is forcing you to fly. Just stay on the ground and stop asking to share your misery.


a mode of TRAVEL is HARDLY comparable to end game Mythic raiding gear, lol.
Its a mode of TRAVEL…nothing more. Nothing less.

Im pushing 60. lol.
I prefer having flight day one.
I have about 100 alts in this game currently.
there goes that ‘age’ and ‘patience’ thing both right out the window lol


The zones are made around dragon riding. They’re way too big for ground mounts.

if you want to slog through the zones on foot, you go ahead. They’re made for DR mounts.

Go play a single player RPG or walk around ifyou want. Stop living in 2013

Sure cause blizzard has never gated it to be released later. Nice unnecessary sarcasm tho.

Obviously a case of Waldeinsamkeit regret. You have been ‘pac man’d’ by eating up the path of pellets ahead of you, you have neglected to notice the ghosts and maze layout. waa waa womp beyooieyooie.

That’s fair but for me personally I just can’t recapture the feeling I had back in 2007-2010. Plus the end game is just full of GDKP runs. I’m good with leaving my good memories in the past.

I was specifically commenting on the persons dislike of leveling and how the game doesn’t start until max level. In a reply from that person, they comment that they like to do PvP activity’s the most and actually would prefer people have gear handed to them, to put everyone on the same playing field. Not sure what game I played but they use to do that by giving people a basic PvP set.

I also personally don’t care if people want one or the other methods to fly as I use both and find myself using both depending on what I am doing atm. Personally I like the slower mounts which ironically you can harvest while mounted as well which is a Dragon Flight feature added when you spec the right way when gathering.

Note I said the newer generation. I understand by not including older gamers I would take some flak for what I typed. As an older gamer myself there are times, I don’t mind going faster but in general I take my time.

Only reason I have so many alternate characters myself is out of boredom when I hit max level and also because I can’t be everything on one character like some games. For me it’s mostly I want all my crafting and gathering on one character.

Actually, I would want to say Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom are perfectly made for Dragon Riding. I’ve flown both as part of Flight Master and on my slow mount and it’s an AFK go do something else while it’s happening. In the islands, if you’re traveling long distance, it’s like fly up as high as you can and just point your mount slightly down and coast until you’re in general area.

Most games today seem to make smaller maps / zones. So, flying in them is kind of pointless other than having flight points that move your character around. No more are the days of running across East and West Common lands into Kitichor Forest to get to the Karana’s.

Which has caused nothing but problems and issues. Ion even got booed at Blizzcon one year for announcing “pathfinder will be returning”. It’s a vastly unpopular decision to gate flying.

Don’t like flying? Just use a ground mount.

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I don’t use dragonriding anymore but I am loving having normal flying in this zone. It’s so much more enjoyable than launch and ZC for me.


I do think it would’ve made more sense in the Emerald Dream if they made people travel on foot, at least at first. The zone is supposedly under attack.

I recall doing the Sha’tari Skyguard quests in Skettis back in TBC, and flying was actually challenging there, because it was slow and there were tons of aerial NPCs, giant owls and whatnot, that would dismount, daze, and/or kill you pretty quickly.

“Skettis, home of the most annoying birds in Outland.”

It really felt dangerous, especially flying (because flying was much slower back then and the flying mobs would keep up quite easily if aggro’d), and Emerald Dream has no such danger. They also had fel cannons shooting at you in the Blade’s Edge locations.

They should’ve made you travel on foot, and Fyrakk blasts you out of the sky if you try flying or something like that, at least until a certain point when it’s ‘safe’ to fly again. Maybe when he finally dies in the raid or something, and the last LFR tier comes out.

It can’t be done now obviously, but I think it would’ve made the zone feel bigger.

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Then. Use. A. Ground. Mount.



Are you talking to yourself, here? Because we all get the point.

its truly awful, the pay is great but its not really worth missing out on seeing my family and my physical and mental health are no longer priority at this point lol. But this is the times we live in thanks to the economy.