Hard pass from me on this one. I personally think that ALL forms of flying should have been available incrementally and should be going foward also. With DF the devs have shown that there really IS NO valid reason flight can’t be immediately implemented. Even though I hate it and won’t hardly ever use it once I get my pally to the new zone, bastardized flight (DR) being available was the only reason I bought and stayed subbed for DF. I am 1000% the opposite of you, for me immersion begins WHEN I can fly.
The is nothing stopping you from ground pounding to the next quest. Even though there is flight for those who enjoy it every storyline quest I’ve found has a ground trail to get to the quest and quest
giver so far.
THANKFULLY we already kinda know the direction flight is going now so the complaining about it by a few flight haters aint gonna change squat when clearly the bulk of the base isnt in agreement
Then you obviously care more about efficiency than immersion, and therefore your argument loses all validity. You are just the kind of selfish that expects everyone else to sacrifice for your fun without consequences to you.
Not having to worry about pathfinder this expansion is a godsend. Dragonriding has been much more enjoyable than air swimming and having it from the get go is awesome. Renown is not fun.
Ive been playing video games literally since the first Pong console hit the market, so I doubt these young folk can give me any pointers about attention span, patience or what I like in a game. lol.
I didnt play WoW until mid 2017 for a reason. I looked at it the very month it was released. Read a lot of reviews and could easily tell it wasnt my cup of tea.
Thats how it works. Dont like how a game is, easy…dont play it.
IF the BASE wanted flight gone, Ion would have gotten his wish in WoD.
IF the BASE WANTED pathfinder and didnt like flight early on, why did Ion give it to us at all? lol.
Clearly the OP here and a couple other low post count alts are having trouble coping with the direction the game is headed in.
Maybe that should be their cue to find other games that they would enjoy more.
ESO doesnt have flight…it uses a portal/hearth system instead.
They should go play that…or classic…so they can be happy finally. lol
This reminds me of back when they added the run button. All the rp walkers completely lost it and said the devs were giving in to the “gogogo” mentality.
It’s hilarious that people can’t see that there is literally nothing stopping you from running on the ground and enjoying the zones as much as they like.
You can run on the ground. You can stop and smell the flowers. You could also fly around and get the stuff done. It’s all available.
The only flight argument that makes sense is that static flight wasn’t available with dragon riding. It should have simply been available just like dragon riding. And I get it, the team is trying a new thing and want players to experience flying a new way, but it doesn’t work for every one.
Wait, what’s the run button? Haven’t we always moved at the same speed on the ground sans mount? I know we have a run/walk toggle but I only started playing in TBC.
Early DF I did just that. Flew over big stuff and ground hoofed it a lot of the other time just to check out the scenery.
IF the ambience IS what theyre upset about then they can CHOOSE to stay on the ground.
My guess is they want the competitive crap too, so instead of just using a ground mount want to drag everyone else down with them.
But if I had my guess…low post alts again…Id bet this is 100% about losing their gank fodder again. its pretty much always about ganking targets being able to fly away.