Dragonriding should not have been enabled from day 1

Which was entirely predictable. Next thing you know, people will be saying Ion was right all along and a little bit of Pathfinder is a good thing.

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You are free to do that. Why do you choose not to?


Yeah I’ll ride a ground mount to a rare people fly to

if its important to you…and yeah, novel idea…then dont fly? lol


Making traveling more tedious is not going to make a zone more fun. In fact, the only thing exciting about the new zone is seeing the some of the pretty new art and dragonriding itself.

How are the new seeds fun? Quests are just quests, nothing special. No new raid or M+ yet. The superbloom event is following around a raid and lagging out due to all the AoE. I did a superbloom without a large raid and it was alright but nothing to write home about. It’s just not that exciting. The exciting bits come with the new raid and Mythic+.

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it was a horrible thing that ‘fixed’ bad game design.

Either its fun and compelling…or its not.
Forcing me to trudge thru the cheap, lame world trash mechanix AINT gonna fix trash content regardless of flight haters dreams in here.

The expansion has been fine as far as being able to fly day one, except normal flight should have been enabled too.


Wrath let us fly at max. MoP let us fly at max. TBC let us fly at max.

Warlords, BFA, Legion and Shadowlands made us wait and unlock flight through pathfinder.

Why should we copy how flight was handled from arguably the worst expansions?


Which most people aren’t going to do on day 1.

I may disagree with Bajer on their stance about flying, but I don’t see why the devs think static has to wait when dynamic is available at the get go.


then…uh…go play classic?
oddly I dont see the vast majority of this forum filing your same complaints in here. lol.
Just a handful…and usually on low post count alts for some odd reason


So… everyone…


Dragonriding being available right when the expansion dropped was really good. It’s such a fun way to interact with the world to zoom around, climb and dive. If it was not available until a pathfinder achievement, then it would have just been annoying getting around. World quests that involve dragonriding are pretty cool.


you wanna know the best part? the kicker?

ground mounts exist. use them. YOU dont need to fly. why even bother making such a joke of a thread.


dont use it then


Pathfinder isn’t dear to me. Mock it if you wish.

People want a little resistance. Not too much and not too little. They want to overcome some challenge, get their reward (flying). From day one, all of us realized you would be trading the world scenery for ease of access via flying. Noticing it this late is a bit silly, as OP suggests. The world looks different on the ground and we made our choice.

Disability was never an acceptable gate to exclude people.

But difficulty and challenge is.

Your answer to all people seems to be “let people do whatever they want.” That sounds good … but it doesn’t make for good gameplay. What does Blizzard write? What do people want?

Well, frankly, now they want a very fast dragon riding experience, and apparently on day 1.

but but but…everyone else…lol


the ‘resistance’ should be PLAYING THE GAME…NOt getting from point A to point B.
you always had the CHOICE to use a ground mount if world trash ‘resistance’ is your thing, didnt you?
As did the OP.


I would rather hop on a raft and drift into the sea than ever have to work 85 hours a week. I genuinely feel for you. Not in a demeaning way, just no human should have to do that.

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It’s not playing the game? I’ve got a few transmogs and achieves that says dragon riding is playing the game. And the branches I stick myself in the tree with occasionally.

No, I rather like a little resistance on my travel. Otherwise I’d get on a griffin.

again…you can CHOOSE to ride a ground mount. MY game doesnt have to suffer because you want ‘resistance’ to some irrelevant world trash.