Dragonriding should not have been enabled from day 1

It’s funny that people believe things don’t change over time. WoW did everything right for a particular generation of players when they were starting out. Almost, what (I don’t know how old the game is) 15 years have passed since then? Maybe more, maybe less.

It’s time for them to introduce things to appeal to the new generation of players. The players that have more time to do things because they’re at school, in college, working light jobs. Players that aren’t adults in careers, full time mom and dads, etc.

They are still, technically, catering to the same group they were in the very beginning. Just now, the younger generation likes things a little faster. And that’s fine. But it’s the young and people who have time they really want.


Opinion not fact.

If that’s the case it’s a large mistake considering subs are a fraction of what they once were. What I think of as the go go go crowd the ones obsessed with speed whether it’s running dungeons, flight or want ever are the ones who don’t stay continuously subbed in most cases.


You can also regular flying on day 1. You just need to hit max level.

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Other than ineptness, what exactly is preventing you from simply not using dragonriding and going through the zone at whatever pace you want?

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Couldn’t disagree more.

The Dragon Isles dwarf a lot of the older content. So the fast mounts don’t affect the environment as they did in the older content.

The problem with standard flight is that bots love it. They come here pretending to be disabled players and they are pretty persistent and obnoxious about it. Same way they were with getting multiboxing software banned.

But for whatever reason Blizzard is oblivious to this trick. It goes on and on. They move entire game development by spinning up one post accounts to make it look like a majority opinion when it isn’t.

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Again: The game will modernize with or without us.

Its their game. They want people to play a certain way. It is mean if you think about it, but are devs really wrong for wanting to exclude a group of people who are already failing to keep up with the game?

When you get into the new expansion, they want you to dragonride. That, to them, is the proper way to experience the content.


That’s a you problem. I spent half the time on the ground while I leveled through DF because I wanted that experience.

Best part is: I had the option to fly and to stay on the ground.

That’s the way it should be.



The zones in Dragonflight are larger to compensate for the flying. Try using conventional flying to get across the zones and you’ll feel the diffetence. Blizzard can spread the content out further on the map to preserve what they think of as a good amount of travel time.

I did… I was surprised just how much of a difference it is.

I also prefer the pathfinder way Blizz did until DF. But it’s clear it’s probably never coming back, as they have already announced that The War Within Will have “ Dynamic flight” On launch

Watch the xpac feature trailer and youll understand.

They had a massive highlight on dragonriding in the prexpac deepdive. It was one of the big selling points and marketing points. Which is why its so heavily pushed.
Tbh if you somewhat played the xpac, you can essentially zone into the new zone and fly around for a minute and get old flying.

I prefer when pathfinder NEVER existed. :person_gesturing_no:


I was faster in flight form then that owl but landing was easy .

The OP is 100% right and this is why everyone plays classic. Players want to feel immersed in a world. Not a 5 zone theme park they teleport through

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I look forward to Cata Classic but you couldn’t pay me to play the ones before that.


Retail has significantly more players than classic.


The “flight ruins world PvP” argument is predicated on flight having no counter.

They added counters in the past to dismount flying players. They just need to have more logical air counters like they had in TBC and some other zones.

Flying enemies would make sense but then you’d need to be able to fight on a mount too which should work.

Entire airborne battles is a cool addition and makes the upper territory of the world just as relevant as the ground. I mean FFS mounted combat is a thing in Terraria.


It’s actually kind of worrying how delusional some of these players are to think classic has more players than retail lol


This is fair, Dragon riding does somewhat ruin exploration and pacing. To be fair to Blizzard, it wouldn’t make sense that we wouldn’t have dragon riding, and the community would cry nonstop if we didn’t have it day one, and probably rightfully so.

The thing that should worry everyone is that the next expansion (and presumably all expansions going forward) will have Dragon Riding on day one (I’m almost positive they said this)… anyways, if you don’t get that explorer feel from DF, you will never get it again, because expansions going forward are going to use the DF model.

Devs seem to be pushing for greater NPC dialogue and interactivity, but in some cases their dialogue just feels out of place, emotionally inappropriate for their current situations, or poorly acted.

If Blizzard thinks they’ve solved anything by introducing Dragon Riding, they have… but, you can’t introduce a system which inherently radically shifts the mode or theme or pacing of the game without there being substantial issues in other areas, and that’s exactly what Dragon Riding does. But, this is every system, there are no perfect solutions to issues in game.

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I see we are coming full circle in the flying complaints.

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