Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

I hated it until I decided to stop questing and gather 3 zones worth of glyphs. Made it fun at that point. The dragon races are a fun little mini game too. As everyone else suggested, get some unlocks and reassess it.

I agree I gave it a fair shot but I say don’t remove it for ones who love it just have both easy solution.



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they are later on https://www.wowhead.com/news/full-fledged-flying-planned-for-a-later-patch-in-dragonflight-326874


That is dumb.

as someone who suffers from motion sickness with dragon riding, I don’t think it’s dumb


Don’t get motion sickness.

edit: Just drink alcohol and it will go away, that is what has always worked for me with FPS games.

It’s so bad, give us regular flying back… Blizzard you tried and you failed! No thanks!


I came here to post exactly this. I have been stranded multiple times where I have just logged out and come back later so I can even take off.


I thought it wasn’t gonna be very good, but it’s actually a lot of fun

No thanks, evolve and have a better system. They need to make all mounts like this.


I love it and my friends love it. It is additive for engagement, immersion, fantasy, and fun while questing.

I love diving with the dragon. It reminds of playing Spider Man on Ps2 back in the day when i would dive off a skyscraper and shoot a web to start swinging at the last second.

Dragon riding is actually really good for questing. Just pop up real quick and zoom to turn in quest. Very cool. However, leveling is only a very small part of the game. Looking for herbs, a regular flying mount would be preferable. Lots of dismounting, so will have to wait for charges to keep going. That will get old fast.

Unless you level DF out of having to wait for charges or something.

Besides that, it’s pretty cool!

That was the huge problem with flight to start with.


Yeah they should really make every mount like the sky golem. No need to dismount to grab an herb or mine.

Just stop. There were no problems with flight. You’re a sycophant that thinks kissing a.ss makes you look good.


Actually there was. People had an advantage. Do you not recall the flight form rage in BC and expacs after it?

edit: Just admit you are wrong. Flying in WoW has always been a bane and should have just stayed in BC or expacs where it made sense.

I’ve got the whole thing unlocked (well except the renown skills that are time gated as far as I know) and even got pretty good at it to be honest and I still think it sucks because like I keep saying: it’s just flight with extra steps.

Yeah it’s way better than walking for like 2/3s of the expansion while we wait for Pathfinder (which wasn’t bad, the time gating on it was bad, pathfinder was great), no arguing about that, but it’s still the inferior way of flying though, at least when exploring.

It’s definitely faster if you want to use it to fly long distances without stopping between point A and B, but anything other than that regular flight is much better, much more freedom.

I sure hope they release regular flight later in the expansion so both sides get to fly the way they prefer.


Only to idiots.

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Disagreed, OP. Dragonriding is awesome. I’ve been zipping all over the place, gathering ores, doing quests, et cetera.

It’s a lot faster than normal flying and it’s fun to boot!

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