Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Unpopular opinion but dragonriding is just a s**t version of the assassins creed 2 Leonardo da vinchi flying machine mission except for permanent… Yawn seen it all before in 2009 yet people act like it’s the next coming of gaming.


Lol they complain about it to this day, this is the WoW forums where idiots gather to complain about things that do not matter and a vast majority are enjoying.

Nah its almost on par with GW2 Griffon riding or skyscale riding.

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Well, yeah… the flying mechanics aren’t exactly new to gaming as a whole but they’re new to WoW and an improvement over the old ones.

… what is wrong with you?


Sure it might be more intuitive than what we had before but it’s still not great. A horse and cart is slightly better than walking it doesn’t make it appropriate or good by 2022 standards and pretending its great is just a lie.


It’s great relative to what came before in the game.

Comparing it to some other games? Yeah, it’s still pretty bad.

Still, I’m having fun with it.

There we have it you should compare with games and technology available right now not from what we had which was a relic from 2007.

I know a good gameplay addition and a select few people on the forums do not. I am the last person to defend Blizzard but they have done very well so far with this expac. Later patches and story will tell though.

I mean… yes and no.

You can compare in the isolated envrionment (WoW) and/or you can compare with gaming as a whole.

If you want to do the latter then all flight systems in games are trash outside of flight simulators. :laughing:

They could just make us walk everywhere.

Oh god why did you had to remember me that part of the game exists? XD
AC is like my favorite franchise but OMG THAT MISSION lol
Somehow even Dragonriding is better than that. Hell, walking in RP walk and never flying again would be better than that too.

I would rather hold blizzard to a higher standard than ripping off a ubisoft game from 2009.

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I dunno, I like it. I never liked AFKing while auto-flying on normal flying mounts. I never like it when games make the best way to play them being to not engage with the game at all, so dragon flying fixes that by making me pay attention to what I’m doing.

Plus regular flying hasn’t come into the game until I’m totally done playing the content it can be used in for years now, so this is a nice change.


Heck, I wouldn’t. Blizzard does better when they’re ripping others off.

Their original systems/mechanics ideas are usually terrible.

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if the uber nerds want to flex and show dragon prowess…coo you do you, for the rest of us give us the option of regular flying along side it.


This right here. Old flying was just go up, open map, turn to correct direction, auto run/fly, and tab out. Bad gameplay


it’s a game does it have to always be tricky, give us the option of reg flying


Dragonriding is just that except permanent with a few minor tweaks added on. People will soon get sick of it.

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I don’t think it’s flexing to be able to figure out how the mechanics of dragonriding work. They’re pretty dang simple.

You go down to go zoom–keep yourself angled slightly down to maintain speed over long distances. Use charges when needed. Zoom fast enough to turn blue. Regain charges. Zoom more.

It isn’t tricky or complicated at all. It just isn’t auto-run compatible. lol

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