Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

I see 5 skill issues, 2 opinions and 1 thing that’s going to be changed in TWW. No glaring issues to be found


In Order

  1. People have reported and claimed they LOVE using it with controller as if it were made FOR controller. On the “Keyboard” i wouldn’t know i play with Keyboard and Mouse.
  2. Most people i know with max Vigor never have ANY issue with “limited vigor” Even plenty of forum users report the same.
  3. this seems more of a person bias, and again i see no issue with the “glide mechanic” it is not even hard to just glide for a few minutes.
  4. There is NOTHING wrong with having Options.
  5. Yeah some are too BIG, there are also Mounts that are TOO big. that were in the game WITH flight before Dragon riding.
  6. This is again a Skill issue if you got that much vigor then you can reach any point in the game. You just simply are doing it wrong.
  7. The System for OLD mounts is getting added after much feedback so this one does not even count.
  8. Again this is a skill issue, of course it is going to be harder to land on a tiny ledge going almost 3 times faster then “static flight”

to Sum it up, there is ZERO reason way anyone should say it is a terrible idea, because it is far from. A terrible idea would to NOT have more then just Static flying.


sprays Demitros with bleach

Bad necro troll! Bad!

Saw this thread for the first time.

I’m actually surprised there were people who hate Dragonriding.
Its the best “new feature” Blizzard has added to a new expansion in a while imo.

Oh well, what ever.
I like it, GJ Blizz lol


:smiley: can you list the numbers so i can compare it to my list.

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No need, you nailed it one for one.

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AH perfect. i tried to be fair as possible. both from my own opinion and the opinion i have read from others.

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Troll spotted

I have not seen one that said that.

And as a controller user myself, it definitely not made for that, as you need to use both joysticks to move slowly with DR otherwise it starts to do “odd” things.

Keyboard users would see similar results, as you would need 2 modes to control movement and turn the camera.

Trolls report that. It’s not reflected on actual play.

Oh yes, because people asked for a glide simulator in this game, what other mode was shoehorned in game that wasn’t well loved we see in recent history as well hmmm? I’ll give you one guess.

DR is not an option. You are forced to use it until you unlock flight.

Flying/regualar mounts did not get bigger then an actual titan.

Not reflected in game, just hyperbole on the forum to try to force a point that don’t happen.

They are an unlock, DR is not. Thus DR is forced until you unlock the old flight, and if DR is “superior” as you say, it should be the other way around.

Again, this is BS, turn speed is extremely poor. skill has no factor if your already above your target land spot, have to travel 20 more yards to reorient yourself to it and then land. If you miss, you need to relaunch yourself, spend another 5 minutes traveling 20-40 yards to reorient yourself and hopefully land on the spot you want. This is not a skill issue. And this is definately not fun. And btw you better hope you have the vigor to actually do it, not like it’s not spent getting there or keeping height.

Yeah, no he didn’t mr. troll

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Ok, well I hope you figure how how to fly one day. It’s a lot of fun and probably one of the best features they’ve ever added into the game.

I already did.

But thanks for being one of the people not actually giving good faith feed-back in the thread I already mentioned above.


The necromancer has arrived.

Sorry I didn’t agree with you and stroke your ego like you wanted.


This is actually an ok thread to necro, since this issue is still an ongoing issue being discussed

Sorry I don’t recognize you as a good poster with actual feed-back that you didn’t give.

Is it? That’s rhetorical by the way, it isn’t.


it is.

It’s a topic been going on and off every few weeks.

It’s literally been going on in a few people’s brains. Blizzard made their statements, the rest of us are just waiting for TWW to launch.

That’s ok, I don’t recognize you as someone that will do anything other than call people trolls when they disagree with you. Have fun getting around very very slowly

Just going to agree with this comment

Because i am afraid alot of the issues is a you issue. Maybe you will one day learn to use it, maybe not. Also no one is “forcing you” to use Dragon riding.

it’s not being discussed because dragonriding is great and if you insist on playing the old way it’s available to you.

seriously. I am extremely critical of basically everything blizzard does but people complaining about dragonriding really is proof people will complain about everything and anything. one of the few great things they’ve added to the game since… forever.

They are upset because it is too hard for them to control >.> YES i hated it at first but after getting a few glyphs and upping my Vigor that issue was gone. You can kill a few mobs and be back to full vigor, or you can give your eyes a break and time to blink once every few hours >.> taking a few seconds to breath or get a drink of water is not going to kill someone.