Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Ummm… hate to bring you the news, but subs remained the same from SL, DF only retained it’s audience, not increase it.

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Must have been that gosh darn Dragonriding holding it back! :wink:

Alright, which one of you necro’d this thread? take out a bat


True but every other expansion after WotLK: MoP, Legion, etc. failed to retain subs so, dragonflight is doing SOMETHING right.

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DF is pretty alt friendly. Ill give it that, once i got pathfinder, i got all my alts to 70 pretty easily, even the ones i just did herbing/mining.

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Yeah the chromie time changes made leveling super easy and actually a breeze.

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Why was this necro’d? I’m sure OP already knows how wrong he was.

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Dragonriding is the best thing to happen to WoW in years.

What a bunch of absolute crybabies in this thread.

The game can’t stay the same forever, the developers need to innovate where they can, even if that innovation comes in the form of taking a pre-existing idea and improving upon it. Flight has remained the same since BC and guess what, it was boring as hell, functional but boring.

How dare Blizzard make flying in the game actually feel like you’re flying and not swimming in the air. All you people whinging about having to press a few extra buttons, and running out of vigor during your braindead herb farming, I have zero sympathy for you, adapt or die.

Ion has said in an interview that Dragonriding is the future for flight in WoW and they aren’t going back, he wouldn’t have this firm stance on the system if it was received so negatively from the vast majority of players.

It’s amazing and it’s here to stay, sorry :tipping_hand_man:t3:


Standard flying is out and active

Standard flying will be earned in TWW early on.

Just explore all zones and play all the stories minus emerald dream


my guy…learn to argue your case better.
AGAIN…old flight…ZERO motor skills
Dragonriding…basic flight sim…motor skills required

we clear?
i said there ARE players who do.
READ next time BEFORE you post or I’ll block you for wasting my time

right. a small minority
And we know blizzard takes it seriously to the degree they can because they literally added features to help with the problems SOME players are having.

Those who keep insulting them with this ‘muh skillz’ crap should be removed from these discussions…they have NOTHING of value to offer it.


personally I think the same work should be required for BOTH types of flight to be fair.
We have speed with DRing, they have stability and lack of need of motor skills.
Neither group should have to do more work than the other for flight


It ain’t DR for sure.

It’s the return of the talent tree’s and lack of borrowed powers.

Well this titled aged like putrid cheese.

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more like fine wine, as the likes on the posts proves this is actually a divisive topic.

Nothing at all wrong with Dragon Riding, the issue is not releasing both at the same time and locking one behind a time gate while the other has no such restriction.


There is plenty wrong with it, just those that refuses to listen to others with their critiques and start going “it’s popularz” or “meh skills” refuses to accept there is issues with it.

Strange to me people wants DR to be well liked in a game that should focus on MMO aspects, and not flight simulator aspects ;/

There is no carrot with the current development team. Just a stick.

I don’t see anything wrong with it, at first YES, the stamina is limited but after a few minutes that is no longer an issue, you only need a few glyphs to remove that issue. If people are complaining that, they have trouble with controlling it, that is 100% a skill issue.

I have almost all of the glyphs and still see glaring issues with it.

  1. it feels horrible to use if your not using a mouse for movement (controller & keyboard users will struggle)

  2. even with high vigor you still are limited on travel, especially with height travel.

  3. It uses glide mechanics normally seen in flight simulator games that predominated with it’s mechanics, if they had time to design a seperate game into the game, then they could had used that time for actual content such as pvp or a new pve mode that competed with M+, or fix the issues with raiding. You know, things that actually matters in mmo’s, group content.

  4. We already had a flight system in the game, we are actively choosing a downgraded version of it just to fly slightly faster.

  5. some of the dragons is obscenely big for no reason, people using the excuse “it adds immersion” but have dragons bigger then argus is certainly not doing it for immersion, I can only imagine the clipping issues with those mounts, if not having a harder time flying around.

  6. When you are out of vigor (most likely trying to climb height) You have to wait for it to fill back up, which takes time, time I could had gotten to the location I’m trying to reach with normal flight easier. Even with 5+ bars of vigor, it’s oftenly not enough.

  7. Cannot use old mounts with DR, which some of us have issue with. I prefer to use mounts that I beleive suits the class I’m currently playing as, and I cannot do that with DR.

  8. The innaccuracy of using DR, the slow turning, prevents accurate landing, oftenly making me miss the small edge where objectives/gathering nodes is setting on, or even treasure to collect.

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