Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Thanks for understanding. :dracthyr_nod:


Very welcome.
Unlike these self righteous sorts, I try to pretend I have an atoms worth of empathy for my fellow human being / gamers in here who have problems I may not personally have.
That blizzard made a single feature to help with things like motion sickness means they fully comprehend that this ISNT just a skill issue, but is about lesser abled players not being able to handle basic flight sims.

What DISGUSTS me in here daily is this self absorbed, self centered, narcissistic total lack of concern for other human beings on this forum.
I have to wonder how some behave out in the real world when they see real handicapped persons. Probably taking the handicapped parking spots and telling that guy with a missing leg to hoof it faster and its a ‘skill’ issue if he falls.

Evidently theyve been robbed of their ability to attack other people over stuff like race, that isnt a choice, but they can still get away with attacking and insulting people over handicaps that isnt a choice.
And for some reason society still allows that garbage


I never said Dragon Riding was a Skill issue, i simply pointed out their complaints were of a skill issue, Motion sickness is one thing but a skill issue with out the motion sickness another. Also they should have added Motion sickness for the Cloud Serpents back in MoP i don’t even have motion sickness ( that i know of ) but those things ALWAYS made me woozy and made my head feel light for a bit after using them.

This comment aged quite nicely :smile:

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I just got a chuckle at how poorly the original post has aged especially now that we have the best of both worlds: super zoom across the zone on dragon then slow mount fly to tight landing spaces like tree branches.

with some it absolutely is skill related.
They seem to be the most offended when youre trying to help them for some reason.
i tried numerous times to explain to them how to use vigor more efficiently…CHARGE IN THE AIR, iTS QUICKER…even if they have to circle a time or two before landing.
I posted 3 videos I did of my using TWO vigor to get anywhere…as high as I wanted, as far as I wanted…proving that using vigor and the mechanix correctly, you dont really even need 6 to get anywhere.
Instead of being happy someone went out of their way to help educate, theyve gotten pretty nasty about it, so I just stopped trying to help when its a skill issue and theyre acting like that. Not worth it.

My concern is those who do have real issues that make it so they cant handle flight sims. My ex wifes brother has motion sickness so bad even riding in the car if you turn to quick…well, hes puked all down the side of my car door before, lol.
Telling lesser abled players to ‘git gud’ is sadistic and self righteous and overly digusting behavior. something this forum sees a bit too much of.
Some ‘MMO’…lmao. No wonder so many of us just play the game solo.

Should be removed from the game imo.

Give us a stamina bar for running instead! And when it runs out we have to RP walk! So much more immersive!!


Oh yeah i totally get you, i just wanted to make it clear, that i am all for making it easier for people who have motion sickness, agree that static flight and dragon riding should always be released at the same time, and only pointing out skill issues where skill issues are worded. If someone adds in “Because i have motion sickness” it is a different story.


Lol what? I’m not gonna say I never have vigor issues, but when I do, it’s normally because I’m herb farming and not being picky with my nodes, or grabbing disturbed dirt/expedition scout packs so I’m not getting enough speed to speed up the vigor recharging before landing. But when going long distances I find it easy to keep vigor up.

Personally, even though I forget most of the time that I can use static flying, by no means do I think it should be removed. It should either be available off rip with dynamic flying, or both forms of flying should be gated behind the same requirements.

Counter Argument

i disagree

Someone plays Genshin Impact.

I like it but it shouldn’t have been a thing. I also know Blizz and they’ll boil the frog, phasing out old flying, then making it slower and slower until the top 1% of skill players are going faster and everyone else is going slower.

If they really just wanted people to be engaged and not wander off in the meaningless trip from A to B, I’m genuinely sorry.

You can enable pitch controls with your movement keys in the options for fine control and not needing to move your mouse, which is actually very useful like how the occasional keyboard turn + horizontal auto-camera lets you relax your mouse hand from time to time. You have options to make it easier on yourself, use them.

If you have all upgrades, that means any vigor issue is quite literally a skill problem that you have to figure out somehow. If you can’t, that’s fine, but it’s not the system’s fault at that point. You have double-vigor-regeneration near the ground, extremely fast in the air if you don’t point straight up (and just flap your wings), you have 3 back-up vigors you can activate as well.

I don’t know of a single location in WoW where you if you time your wing-flaps you can’t make it up in 9 vigor, probably more vigor if you timed your stuff correctly as you regen it after going so fast.

The only thing I can say that you have an actual objective criticism of this system are the mount sizes. You have to use the skinny boys to see more of what’s going on around you, otherwise the chonky dragons block a lot of the screen. In TWW those mounts are usable in either form.

And the comments about them using time with Dragonflight for other things is nonsense. It’s like saying Plunderstorm or MoP Remix are wasted dev time - which just shows ignorance on how much a couple devs can do with free time or things they work on behind-the-scenes. You really don’t understand how few people are needed to make new systems.

You’d probably get angry knowing how much dev time is wasted testing things out that never get released - or how unoptimized game companies can be despite having hundreds of employees working on a product.

So I noticed some random player flying around on a clearly non-dragonriding mount the other day. Was that someone hacking this restriction?

I’m still trying to learn how to land gracefully and not overshoot the spot but that’s on me. Aerial Stop kinda works (tho not graceful).

We just need another talent to slow down and/or target the landing spot.

They might’ve had a newer dragonriding enabled mount that looks more like a normal one? Only thing I can think of, idk.

You can also go straight up then back down to halt all momentum and dive-bomb into the spot you want to be at, sometimes helps when it’s a finnicky spot.

I looked at all the mounts that can currently fly in the Dragon Isles and don’t see anything that looks like the one I saw. Besides, the guy was hovering.

I do that but I’m talking about when you fly past something and have to turn around and land. Learning to change my camera angle to ‘behind me’ and go forward but that’s another skill. I only navigate with my mouse so it may be easier with keyboard turning.

I’ll get it eventually. lol

FWIW you have a keybind that reverses your camera 180 degree. A and D still move relative to your character though - but it’s a feature worth mentioning that might help.

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Dragon riding is so much better. This reads as a “back in my day!” And “every change, no matter how good, is bad” type of a post. Adapt or move on.

Not a me issue.

Btw, I did not list all the reason why DR stinks.

You not accepting criticism on your favorite system is indeed a you issue.

Yes you did lol.

Vigor recharge only works if you have distance and not have to climb heights’, as you need to aim downward for it to refill. Once you go too low, you have to use the vigor you just charged to get back up the height you just lost.

No one here asked for it to be removed. Simply it should not be forced upon the masses, saying it’s unanimous success when it clearly is not.

I know the pitch controls and commands. thank you though.

No it’s not lol. This is assuming you are traveling far, not upwards. To recharge in the air, you need to descend slowly, which is counter-intuitive to what the objective is, going higher. And it only works on long distances.

They are! Especially plunderstorm.

Big companies always has cut content. Difference here it is normally content with the objective to add to the game’s genre. Plunderstorm and DF is not a thing in MMO’s, with DR gimmicks only being in one other MMO game, and reviled on it. The dev time would had been better served making a small raid, adding BG’s, another quest hub, or other MMO genre defining content.

Oh how wrong you turned out to be. Dragonriding is vastly superior and how flying should have always been from the start.

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