Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

spent an hour getting all the glyphs, unlocked full talents. I can fly from one side of the isles to the other without landing.

I mine and never have to wait for vigor, takes like 5 seconds to restore one lol.

Sounds like a skill issue

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skill issue

I’m sorry you don’t like dragon riding. But the fact that you don’t enjoy it (individual aesthetic preference) doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea (objective poor outcome). Make sure you’ve found all your glyphs and gotten all your upgrades, and give it a chance.

But honestly, however you feel, this system isn’t changing. No chance. So you get to decide what you are going to do with the game you have to play. It’s your choice. You’re not going to convince Blizzard that this was a bad idea.

I think its amazing and welcome the changes made to the game

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Translation - Maybe you would like A if you just did B-Z, you wont know until you do it. No thanks, I pretty sure I’d find it annoying regardless of the upgrades and I know for a fact having to grind for basic customization will piss me off (I actually just found out about that like a day or two ago, you have to grind rep just to unlock anything more than the base color. ****. That.)

I didn’t buy it and my sub runs out tonight. I’m voting with my wallet and hope other do to. Then maybe they will pull a “we are changing the Cov restrictions, but only because you guys didn’t understand how great it is” about-face with regular flying on 10.1

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That one’s name should be Khaeryn :rofl:


except they already said they are adding regular flying at some point so all they have to do is wait to buy DF (which sometimes I regret not doing since my friend has to fly me everywhere due to motion sickness… but I wanted to play with my friend…)

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Download an addon to reveal all dragon glyphs, go collect them all, problem solved

At max glyphs/talents you can maintain ludicrous altitude & speed forever

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Canceled my sub over this. Don’t design zones around flying and then force players to rely on a gimmick version of it that they may or may not enjoy, or in some cases physically can’t enjoy. No, ground travel isn’t an acceptable alternative. These zones are huge and the quests are stupidly designed with that in mind.


Dragonriding is one of the best features the game has seen in years. I am sorry some of you feel it would be better to watch your character ride a ground mount all over the Dragon Isles for several months. You are still free to do that, if you wish…

Close this thread.

Close it?

There is at least 187 people who support the OP in his views…

187 people out of… a very… large… number…

Remember folks, minorities always get listened to!

I wish so dearly that Dragonriding had been the initial form of flight.

So much of the pushback is because people grew lazy using noclip flying. Dragonriding isn’t just a good idea, it’s one of the best forms of moving around an open world I’ve seen and I hope to high heaven that it’ll be in every future expansion from launch. No more grounded play, no more noclip outside of legacy areas. We finally have some actual gameplay to mobility and dogfighting in wpvp on Dragonriding mounts is so damn fun. I’ve sent so many would-be assassins hurtling to their deaths by outflying them. Genuinely some of the most terrific fun I’ve had.

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I wish it works for me. I have all the talents but one (Thaldraszus Apex). Here is my suggestion for a solution that should please those who love dragonriding and those who don’t: Keep dragonriding (plus a few needed improvements) with your specific dragons and later add regular flying through the usual requirements and use your existing flying mounts. I would love that.

Why do you feel the need to bash/criticize other gamers who just see things differently? You are not better because you like a certain feature. Make your point why you like it and leave it at that.


Dunno if this will help, but preach had a decent tip for those who have trouble with dragonriding. Once you have most of the glyphs, instead of trying all the swooping etc. just aim directly up and smash the ascent button constantly. Once you’re out of vigor you’ll be super high in the air AND going at max speed. After that, just treat it like a goblin glider and point where you want to go at a slight downward slope. You’ll regain all your vigor and likely have enough altitude to get to your desired location anyway.

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Once you get all the glyphs and stuff it is better… I can easily go across a map with no issues. With that spiral spin and a couple of ways to build your essence or what ever back up as you are flying. It takes some practice but is actually a lot more convenient IMHO. I love landing like a super hero in middle of a group of bad guys and cause damage on landing and start fighting…I also get that not everyone will like it…this is just my opinion.

I actually enjoy dragonriding for semi-long to long distance runs. It’s kinda’ fun. Or if you’re travelling from a higher place to a lower place.

That being said, I’d like to have both dragon and normal flying in this xpac. I agree with your sentiment when it comes to short distance ‘hops’ though: It’s just a pain… Or when you are trying to land on a specific place, sometimes you have to figure the dragons’ banking.

I will say that getting all the glyphs does make things a lot easier, but doesn’t solve the ‘short hops’ problem.

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So you suck at riding, then just stay below

Ive spent hours mining flying node to node with no issue

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“Are you talking about people with disabilities? I’m not meaning to be insensitive, I just don’t understand. The skills can be hotkeyed to pretty much whatever we want.”

You may not mean to insensitive, but you are insensitive and yes, you “just don’t get it” (your words, not mine). You don’t get it and remind me of people who tell those who have to use wheelchairs to get around to “just stop being lazy and get up and walk” (I get that kind of advice pretty often, my response is the same-I’d love to, but I can’t. I don’t enjoy being in a wheelchair, but it is what it is. Being told to just get up and walk is common and infuriating. It’s like telling a color blind person to just learn what colors are.