Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Nah it’s way better now.

The At home aloft skill is all important, I don’t know if you didn’t pick it and need that last glyph or what but it changes everything

Now that we got Blizzard to change mind on daily world quest. Next is getting them to change mind about adding legacy flying.

Some people whine about the most silly crap sometimes. Dragon riding is not only a ton of fun but it’s probably the single most helpful addition to the game since reforging


I absolutely love it. I think its one of the most fun things they’ve ever added to the game. You got a lot of upvotes but I’d wager those we’re people that were reacting to the system without skilling into it and without much time to practice and get used to the system.

Also, the next post below yours tells the story a little better given it praises Dragonriding and it’s got about twice as many upvotes.

People need to stop responding so viscerally and skill into the tree more and practice managing the Thrill of the Skies buff. Give it a chance, there’s a lot of fun to be had when you get the hang of it. :dracthyr_shrug:

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I couldn’t agree more! I played the first couple days, got my main to level 70 and stopped because I hate dragonriding so much. This is just my opinion and people can have a different opinion. I went back tonight to give it another chance and it’s just not for me. I will just continue enjoying the other areas until Blizzard puts regular flying mounts into the Dragon isles.


You mean, Pathfinder…

The only actual change id make is to add an option to hover in place for a moment, not just afk hovering but like 30 seconds or something to scout an area, sometimes i miss a cave or something because i made too wide of an arc

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Haven’t you noticed though, that all expansions after WotlK have been just a string of failed attempts at reinventing some kind of wheel?

It’s seriously getting old, and extremely bad.

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No, it’s not. You can’t even fly up. You’ll just fail, have to walk to a “Ferry” and ask them to fly upwards for you because your mount can only flap once every x seconds for some stupid reason.


Don’t forget that you also need to tack on the following to your rants:

Add a Flying Mount speed rank of 830%

Otherwise your Pathfinder will have you moving at a crawl at 310% or God forbid, 280%…

most of us who want old flying WANT the slow speed because the faster speed is part of why we have motion sickness with dragon riding…

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Ahhh… another post about someone who cant fly properly or utilize momentum flying. I can start with 1 vigor bubble and easily hit full. You should watch some videos or experiment before you go down the “its bad because im bad oh god REMOVE IT” generic response :joy:

I expect this to be the norm in the next expansion, if its not they are gonna lose hella subs.


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I too hate systems I know nothing about and don’t play… oh wait no I don’t I actually try them out and learn.

(For those wondering, yes you can fly up with DR)

Nah they should do the opposite. Remove the old flying because the new one is better.

100%. My issue is I mine and pick flowers and half the damn time I either cant land where I need to or I’m trying to see where the node is and Im zipping past it moving to fast and I cant see it. And at the end of it all I have to sit on the ground waiting for the glyphs to come back all to do it again and wait, it sucks. At least give us a slow hover ffs…

Leave the dragon riding as it is for those who like it, but please just let us ride our normal mounts.

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I absolutely love dragon riding.

That being said, I would highly recommend people to not only max out their glyphs, but seek out videos on YouTube to learn how to maximize their airtime.

I believe pitch in particular is the trickiest part of dragon riding and likely the primary bottleneck at play here. Once you master pitch, you can fly at max speed indefinitely, all the while constantly generating vigor.

Don’t give up! There are some great tutorials and resources out there.

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1)point your camera up
2) mash two
3) fly a straight line pretty much anywhere


I don’t like it. I got frustrated with it and just stopped playing. Two minutes isn’t much but it’s too much for something that you didn’t have cooldown on at all before. I didn’t sub to an MMORPG to do flight sim or whatever this stuff is. This would be a cool optional addition and quality of life thing for people who enjoy it but I don’t and at this point in the xpac it feels like it’s essential for travelling around. Total bummer.


I’d be ok with that IF it slowly drained vigor while doing so. That’s a reasonable trade off.