Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

The game already provides this feature in the form of flight paths.

Your post clearly shows that you have not figured out the mechanic to riding. The complainers will always complain when they actually have to LEARN something, instead of it just being instant. We are in an instant world these days. You might get stuck on the side of a mountain or run out of gas in the beginning, but once you get the hang of it it’s pretty awesome. Super good for getting War Crates and for the bounties on the Hordies.

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We must be in two different Azure Spans then, because the only problems caused for my server in Azure Span is because of Cobalt Assembly and the Soup pot. Two things that are completely on the ground.
I have yet to see any bots using DR for farming raw materials.

So, either you haven’t gotten the glyphs yet or you don’t understand dragon riding…because none of what you said is true. i have an herbalist and have no issues with vigor due to the increased vigor recharge from herbing (unlock from glyphs) as well as maximizing thrill of the skies.


I do both with no issues, at the same time. If you can’t be bothered to level up DR and do a small bit of vigor management you are just lazy.

This would have been the right way to go if WoD flying debacle never happened.

As the flight is a more accurate in some ways I would say they took it closer to the wheel in a manner. Only thing missing is a slow down ability for landing or just to take some speed off while looking for something.

This was true in the first zone when I had only 4 vigor and slow vigor regen. It took my husband and me about one hour to collect all of the glyphs & max it out. We did the racing in the starter zone to get the hang of how it all works, & I can generate vigor while climbing straight up now.

I herb farm without any issues, and I’m getting pretty good at precision landing, too (which was hard for me at first).

This isn’t a problem if you’ll just. level. it. up.

You couldn’t fly in TBC until you hit 68, and the gold required to purchase it was astronomical.

Regular flight will be here like it is for every expansion after the first content patch drops with requirements to unlock it.

Until then, we have a very cool, very fun system of flight that is faster, completely new, & comes with customizable mounts from day one…for free. No gold. No waiting. No rep grinds. Just bam, here’s your dragon; go learn to fly it.

I simply CANNOT understand all the negativity on this forum about dragon riding.


So you’re able to fly on day one and you’re not satisfied.

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Honestly the only way I see them adding 830% speed to normal mounts will be with dragon riding. That said, I’m fine with that. I’d love to zoom around on my phoenix.

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Is anybody else getting disconnected because they are going too fast and the server cannot keep up, or is this something else I can blame on my Satellite Internet?

Post on your main Ion.

We have reached the point where we have hit the nail on the head. Regular flying is better for many people, DR is more cumbersome to use and has limitations that regular flying doesn’t (but its faster!!1!!111! and faster is always better says the 7yo shooting his matchbox cars off the racing track). Yet it is also a “major expansion feature” which means they put a whole bunch of resources into it. So we are given a less convenient form of flight because Ion hates regular flying and told the New Flying is better in every way, only its not.

If you give people the option to go back to regular flying a sizable portion will. Which is why they can’t give us the option. It will make Ion finally have to give up his Burning Crusade against regular flying.


I doubt it, there will be a outcry of the loudest people, but from what I am reading from reddit and twitter. Most players want all the flying mounts to have this system.

It is going to be fun to see what side Blizzard picks to be on, if we can get rid of the old flying, it would be better for the game overall.

Losing players like you will not be a big lost.

Dragon riding is the least sucky thing the game has had introduced in a long time.

Its an upgraded version of the goblin gliders that are super fun to use.

We will see when the expansion is out of the honeymoon phase in another few weeks. I wager the amount of grumbling will increase significantly, I could be wrong, I don’t think I am. Regardless, my sub runs out tomorrow so I’ll check back in a couple months, maybe the first major content patch and see what changes.


This tells me you have not leveled up your dragonriding. It takes like 30 minutes once you get your Dragon to lvl it up completely.

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Agree! cancelled Sub. Don’t being forced into riding Dragons. Both (vanilla flying and dragon riding) should be available from the start and in all Zones. Anything else is substandard (in my opinion).




Thanks for the sentiment. Enough loosing player quitting will be a big loss. Even for you.
Having say that. There is nothing wrong with dragon flying. I like it when wishing to get quickly somewhere. However, when harvesting herbs or minerals it is a pain in the butt. Dragons should be able to hover indefinitely. That would make me happy.

I sort of disagree with this. I would like to see dragonriding mounts with Dragonriding in every zone, but normal flying should be an option too. But normal flying doesn’t get the speed increase.

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Restoring visibility to the post that the “commun—” ahem. That various insecure mobs of psychology (love ya Tseric) were offended by because it went counter to their desires and that the system flagged, in spite of the fact that it did not breach any forum rule.

Now adding on to what they said, I’ll add my thoughts. I tend to agree. Dragonriding really is better than normal flying and I too hope it becomes the norm for all flying in the future.

:shamrock: :rainbow: :shamrock:

Flight paths?