Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

I didn’t want to assume such a thing but it’s very possible that’s the reason people are complaining

I like it. Flying before was just too easy and boring. Plus because it was so easy, they put annoying flying mobs in the air that dismounted you. Glad they finally switched things up.

Already mastered it, karen take is also getting rid of normal flying because you think it’s OP

It is op, developers even said so.

you are wrong in saying other wise. anything else you want me to teach you?

Karen response to a made up problem that doesn’t exist and bringing in the words of one singular developer and their wrong opinion.

Be more condescending, I’m sure that will mellow out the Karen in you.

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Speed 150%<280%<310%<830%. Numbers don’t lie. Faster is clearly and obviously better. But oh no I have to click buttons and can’t auto-swim through the air in a straight line from A to B to all my destinations QQ

Hopefully not.
It is a side-game attraction at best, but they had to shoe-horn it into the regular game play.

Kind of ridiculous to want this to replace regular flying. There are specific terrain features and objects to launch you from high elevations, nothing like that in other zones. And also obnoxious why we can’t at least chose dragons from out mount collections for this.

My hope is that after this first patch we can move somewhere that does not require this. And yes, if you like it soo much you can always come back and just grind rep quests all day.


I already auto-swim with max dragonriding. Only thing that is missing is a hover feature and that is it. I just fly all the way up, point a little downward and let the wind take me at 830% without touching anything other than to flap upwards again to gain more speed.

I auto swim in the air.

Use a glider if you hate regular flying soo much, basically the same mechanics of Dragonriding. Well if you add 4 boosts to a glider it would be the same.

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Teaching players like you is a full time job. Sorry I will try to be nicer in honor of your feelings.

Ya because glider is the same thing right? What a stretch.


Too long, didn’t read.

Someone hasnt searched for the glyphs and it shows. I can go from furthest point, to furthest point in any given zone and not touch the ground.

Its objectively faster than conventional flying, and it hinders bot farmers from ruining economies.

It looks cool. It feels cool.

Dragon riding is awesome.

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You just lack the intelligence to make the connection.

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6 Boosts if you actually bother to get all the glyphs.

Needing a launching perch? What? With a full dragon riding talent tree, you won’t be starved for vigor because, as long as you can go fast, you’ll recharge vigor every 5 seconds. Heck, you probably get about 2 and a half vigor back if you launch yourself straight up rapidly boosting with Skyward Ascent 6 times. You’ll gain great altitude, and once you’ve built up momentum, you’ll get back enough Vigor to never come down unless you want to (or bad at Dragon Riding).

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I wished bot farming was gone. They somehow found a way because there are so many of them in The Azure Span.

Let me know when gliders have a energy system that can keep flying forever, has speeds you need to adjust for let me know kiddo.

So many new wow players, making silly comments.

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Amen. Aaaaaaaamen.

Yup and that is why I included the word “Basically” which it is. And I am probably x2 or x3 your age but nice try.

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Good thing I didnt say “Removed” I said “Hinder”. Bot farms are always gonna exist until a perfect anti bot solution is developed, if one even can be developed.

Now they just have to do it from the ground, while real players can have an opportunity to farm.

Man, It doesn’t even hinder them. They legit found a way to beat dragon riding and it is making the azure span a nightmare to play in.

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