Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

I agree… They could patch it as you can freely flap and fly normally and use vigor as intended for speed boosts only.

Because lets be honest this is just a similar system to how griffons flew in GW2… Giant fat chickens that cant stay in the air easily unless you use MLG pro flight skills to use wind drafting to climb…

These are dragons… They aren’t chickens. Let use free fly with them.

Two friends of mine have unsubbed, asking me to let them know when the Dragon Isles Pathfinder Achievement is added - they won’t come back until they can fly their massive reportoire of flying mounts, and possibly at 830% movement speed too…

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Im back after a long break. Tbh Im really enjoying this new flying thing. But what do I know im just a casual scrub

I love that! It took me probably a day to get used to the dragon spawning and running up behind me and I said that out loud a few times. Now I love that animation. It feels more real.

Between that animation and dragonriding as a whole it feels so bad going back to the old way of flying in old content.

Omg this! Can you imagine dive boning a group of mobs at full speed and letting loose a massive fire breath attack? Or swooping over and doing it before landing! We need this Blizz!

Your opinion is garbage. Dragonriding is amazing.


Dragon Riding is awesome. I love it and thanks to those involved in creating the system.


Dragon riding is an overwhelming success and people need to step crying about it. Air swimming was old and dated. Change is good.

Adapt or go play Pokemon.


No one cares if someone wants to gimp themselves by using a regular flying mount. The issue is adding regular flying with no limitations this early would have an impact on the open world.

It’s not that one is better or worse but seeing packs of players hovering over spawn points is something I’m glad is gone for now or letting druids fly and gather like hummingbirds while the economy is just getting going which would effect AH prices.

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Honestly… I love it. I would like all flying mounts to be converted to the dragon riding system. I’m not even joking. I genuinely like dragon riding


Yup, I don’t understand why people don’t just want both. I swear, the culture of Americans and western people in general now is that you must take something away if others enjoy them. It is bogus.


you are wrong and obviously to lazy to work on it. I am a herber and fly all over the place with no issues.

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That will be the next whinge point, when they get flying they will want it fast like the dragons.

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cool idea executed poorly

Talk about being rude, you want to penalize players who don’t like or can’t use dragon flying? Talk about rudeness.


If you want normal flying and all its broken hover system. You need to get gold in every advance race. You must be a master Dragon Rider, before you can get old flying.

That is fair, since swimming in the air is op.

lol now that is a Karen take


Not a karen take. Swimming in the air is op when it comes to control. If you want to be Op in the air, you need to master dragon riding.

Fair trade.


The crying about Dragon Riding confirms that there is such a thing as an objectively bad opinion, lol. Dragon Riding is one of the few aspects of this expansion that just about every single person agrees works. In fact, so many people love it that I basically assume that anyone who says it is bad is either a troll or mad that their herbalism botting script doesn’t work with dragon riding.

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/me creates alt
/me looks at alt at lvl 1
/me grumbles that a lvl 1 alt dies against a lvl 70 raid boss

“You’ll need to level up that alt!”


Complaining about upgrading something in a RPG is not the smartest take you think it is, especially since you have to go around leveling your character to make it better.