Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

And this is why I rather them not to add it back until the last half of the xpac. To force the lazy player to learn to play the xpac the way it is designed to be played in the 1st place. Because once the 1st half data is collect the choices are already made for the next xpac pretty much in what will be carried forward in the future.

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Everyone has their own small circles, but this argument is wild to me. dragonriding is faster and easier. It’s a common sentiment in my guild chat that they would rather dragon ride and wish it would come to old zones.

Most people will NOT suddenly stop using the faster way to get around. Just like most people didn’t suddenly start loving dragon riding and saying that normal flying should go.

It’s an almost even split. Actually going by forum like to dislike ratio- it looks to be about a 2/3 split with dragonriding being the more popular option.

both is fine.

Me neither. I keep asking people why they’re so concerned with controlling how others enjoy the game, but they never give an answer; they merely ignore the question and repeat their talking points ad nauseam.

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Both is better than fine, both is ideal. I am telling you why they wont do it. They had regular flying for 15y, only a small minority of wPvPers and Millenials with there need for a dopamine hit every 15 seconds complained. So then they invested a huge amount of resources in making Nu Flying because Ion hates regular flying. So if they were to give us regular flying and a large portion of people stopped using DR then Ion would have to explain to the C-suites why he wasted a huge amount of resources fixing something that wasn’t broken. His ego will no allow it.


Exactly what I have been saying. Adding back regular flying would kill an expansion defining feature.

Not sure if you’re confused or trolling, but I again beg some questions: If dragon riding is so superior to original flying, why are you and others of your mindset so threatened by the eventual implementation of the latter? Why are you obsessed with controlling how others play the game? How does someone else’s game experience impact you in any way? Why are you so vehemently against player choice?


TBC had flight at launch (level 70). Pandaland didn’t until max level. So players had to level up again without flight.

The world itself needs to be made with flight in mind. It can’t be an ad hoc thing done afterward. This is why it was so oddball the past four-six years. They even stated in the past some zones wouldn’t work with flying at all because they were made to be much smaller than usual. So it was gated temporarily or permanently on a case by case basis.

I think it’s a clear victory for pro-flight players that Dragonflight is amping up to be a good expansion in the vein of TBC. Little coincidence there. Flight is obviously very popular and makes for better designed expansions.

Read what I said

I did, I even replied to it:

How so? If dragon riding is as wonderful and revolutionary as you and others claim, more people will choose it over flying, right? So where’s the problem?

And here is the follow-up:

You have admitted the reason you want flying nerfed so badly is because you believe more players will choose to fly than dragon ride, and that bothers you for a reason you refuse to explain. Done going around in circles with you, you’re a brick wall.


It really doesn’t once you get the hang of it and work on it

I love it. 1500 yards feels like a few seconds

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I just want a way to use any of my other mounts for dragonriding (even another dragon) and not have one that swoops in behind me. Also, for the love of god… to use one of my other mounts that isn’t roaring and screeching non stop :frowning:

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Exactly this. I was just saying to my housemate once your really get the hang of it and really get going can get some sweet speed and distances.

It’s fine, learn2play.

And that’s the reason why Blizzard won’t add it until later in the expac. Blizzard doesn’t like players using those aspects of old flying with new content, which is why they have held it back until a mid-cycle patch for several expacs now. It won’t be different here. They’re happy to give us DR because it doesn’t have the aspects you described well there.

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My only complaint is the camera. Add a way to save a second camera setting when you mount and it would be perfect to me.

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i would prefer to fly around in birdy form tbh, collecting herbs in hilly areas gets annoying real fast. also, this is a straight up rip off of GW2 skyscale which i have been using for years so dragon flying isn’t anything new to me: it plays exactly the same. in fact, i believe the GW2 flying mechanics are done way better. but each their own opinion on that.


That’s fine, I’m happy to not buy the xpack. Like I said before, the stuff they added doesn’t really appeal to me this time around and I have kicked myself buying both previous xpacks at launch and being bored/annoyed at max level in < 3 weeks. I’ll wait until 10.1 when there is more to do and maybe they will add regular flying as a bonus. Until my sub runs out I’ll voice my disinterest and displeasure.


I said I wasn’t going to purchase this expansion after feeling the same way about the two previous expansions. I left both of them shortly after hitting max level and would only return during the pre-patch to the next expansion. I’m probably going to do the same with this. I’m just not having any fun.


Yup, I wasn’t getting fooled a third time. Unless you like the M+ treadmill there simply hasn’t been enough to do at max level before the X.1 patch since Legion. Nothing I have read about DF suggests it is any different in that regard. I’ll just wait until they unlock whatever the Korthia/ZM analog is and hope they unlock regular flying at the same time. Because the geckos and DR sure as heck aren’t doin’ anything for me.