Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Eh. Why though? Getting around without dragonriding is slow and boring already.

That said I do get the frustration. It’s pretty obvious when someone either, hasn’t tried dragonriding, or is just really bad at it, and those voices are the Loudest.

Outside of those with motion sickness or a disability keeping them from doing it, I don’t really feel bad for the people who don’t like it.

Such as?

Thank you. You found ONE.

There wouldn’t be any claims for wanting OF removed if there wasn’t people demanding DR being removed. OF is coming in a later patch this expansion.

We need more people saying this. There are too many players that like Dragonriding to let it die in this expansion. There are too many people that like Old World Flying for it to never be opened up in this or future expansions. But this is Blizz, next XPAC we’ll probably have to strap ourselves to the backside of twist-a-whirl space buffalo and hope we land on the same continent we were aiming for.


And there it is. It’s been all over the forums since last week. I’m not spending all day reposting every single example in some never-ending argument with you. The difference between the camps is those that wish for traditional flying to be implemented for whatever reason are not advocating taking dragon riding away from those that enjoy it. Trying to impose your preference on others is bully mentality.

Good day.

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They absolutely have been.

I haven’t seen a single example, and I’ve maintained a steady presence here since last week’s launch. But I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I reiterate - options are good for everyone, no one should be left out in the cold because others don’t approve of the way they play. You do you, and I’ll do me, and so it goes. How is that not fair?


I’ve proposed meeting in the middle. 150% flight speed is reasonable for people that want traditional flying

I grabbed all the glyphs using Method’s guide the moment i got Dragonriding, and it feels great. I love the movement and speed. I can pretty much judt fly anywhere and do whatever i need to do.

Why are insisting that nerfing real flying is the answer to this debate? Why are you so bent on imposing your will on everyone? Why do you care so much how others play the game? Unreal.


Because adding back flying in its current state ruins the expansion defining feature that is dragonriding. If people need to use a flying mount they can do so slowly at 150% speed.

This is a dragon riding expansion and it’s not right to abandon it

How so? If dragon riding is as wonderful and revolutionary as you and others claim, more people will choose it over flying, right? So where’s the problem?


I’m open to increasing it to 310% towards the tail end of the expansion. People should feel inclined to use dragon riding this expansion. If regular flying comes back at 310% a lot of people will stop using dragonriding altogether because it won’t be as useful

I suspect by the time Blizzard activates old school flying many of the players who want it right now, will have learned how to dragonride and will not really use it old school flight as much as they thought they would.

I really expect that old school flying will be activated around the time it has been done since WoD, half way through an xpac. Around the one year mark.

I was skeptical at first, but after farming all the dragon coins and watching a quick Dalaran Gaming video on dragon flying basics, I prefer this new flying system better. And this is coming from someone who absolutely hates change!

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My problem with it is the stuttering with it. Game has been stuttering since the prepatch and makes it jarring, especially if you’re doing the advanced races where precision is needed.

There’s many threads about it int he tech forums this is the main one though.

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That’s the thing, I’ll never go old flying again if I have the option not to. So I’m not threatened by OG flying.

There are a few bad actors claiming that dragonriding shouldn’t continue next expansion or should be removed- but those are legit people who obviously haven’t bothered to engage with the system and have been saying it’s terrible since before beta.

So, you believe that flying is more useful than dragon riding, thus more people will choose it if implemented. But that triggers you because you think everyone should just do what you think is best.

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This right here is the biggest argument against only having DR imo. That is is entirely contrived by Ion to not give us regular flying at the start. If it could stand on it’s own they wouldn’t have to force the playerbase to accept it. I have said before, people who play MMOs take the path of least friction, always. The path of least friction is regular flying with its afk pathing, instant turning and altitude change, hover, no cooldown, and pinpoint accuracy.

I guarantee if they gave us regular flying in DR zone next week that most people would abandon DR and show that remaking flying was a colossal waste of resources. Which is precisely why they wont do it. Ion has invested too much of his ego in killing regular flying.

EDIT - clarify my point.


It’s clear you have been paying attention :+1:

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Honestly, I don’t understand why everything has to be ‘my way or the highway’.

Just make it so people can Dragonride or Regular Fly at similar speeds. What’s the big deal?