Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea



Dragonriding is the best i don’t know what your complaining about, the only downside is it makes me sad i can’t do it outside of the dragon isles.

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how bad are you at the game?

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It’s the disagreement within the playerbase between players who care about that and players who don’t (i.e., players who enjoy world content, on the one hand, and players who just see it as an obstacle to the ‘real game’). Obviously it’s a passionate disagreement about the relevance of the “world”, and different players really have a very different view about that.

It’s hard to say what the split is, really, and I don’t know how we would ever find out – certainly the forums and other discussion sites are a bad way to go about that because they are mostly populated either by squeaky wheels (the forums) or people who are very engaged players (other venues), both of which aren’t the “average” player.

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It absolutely should not replace normal flying.

You can’t stop moving.
You can’t really see what’s on the ground around you due to you having to pitch up/down and the sheer speed you’re moving at sometimes.
There are moments when you have to sit and wait on the ground for recharging (even after unlocking all the glyphs) when you’re gathering.
Can be very clunky just trying to get up on top of something that’s right next to you but too high to jump on.

The dragon riding is great for traveling long distances quickly and the races. Regular flying is still something I find myself wanting though.


quit saying “nobody wanted it” cause most of the playerbase wanted it and it’s fun, get gud :slight_smile:

how could someone be so wrong about something so overwhelmingly better its hilarious. go get all the glyphs and every single problem is gone. ill get bored and just fly around for a minimum 10m and never touch the floor or run out of vigor. you can circle the whole map without going as slow as max flying speed on the old mounts

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Why are many dragon riding enthusiasts pushing so hard for the removal of traditional flying? Deriving pleasure from taking something away from others simply because you do not like said thing is mean-spirited and not a good look. Dragon riding and traditional flying can and should coexist, as player choice is a good thing for everyone.


Dragonriding is dope, the OP is just brainwashed.

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Please point out where anyone has claimed this.

welcome to 2022. If I don’t like it, you can’t have it, type of mentality.


They are probably the same kind of people that would argue against RSV being a 4th spec, they just hate the idea of choice because they are meta slaves and if something is even slightly better, they feel forced, which is completely on them and this game should not cater to players like that.

The numerous threads that have been posted along the lines of “Please replace old flying with DR because old flying sucks, yada yada yada…” and the numerous response of “I hope they kill old flying completely and replace it with DR” or “I hope they never allow old flying again”, there are dozens of these in this thread alone.


Here you go.

Judging from your post history, this is unlikely to satisfy you, but I’m not about to spend all day scouring the forums and arguing with you. Go in peace :dove:


Dragonriding is a great idea.

Leaving it behind this expansion is a terrible idea.

Not allowing those who can’t either because of a disability or a lack of skill (and let’s face it a lot of players who can’t are likely in the second camp) to normal fly is also a terrible idea.

Both can and should exist. It’s fun but not for everyone.


A logical take indeed. :smiley:


There should be some sort of penalty to people that refuse to use dragon riding. It’s an expansion defining feature and people are being rude

Wow, just wow :nauseated_face:

Karen has entered the chat.


You are in the worlds smallest minority - people who don’t like Dragonriding.

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I agree!
I do not like flying Jets (Dragons) with afterburner on all the time…
I also do not like racing very much.
I like my Druid flight-form and hovering above the landscape.

For the last three expansions normal vanilla flying has been made difficult
to a degree that is (to me) almost intolerable.

Well… we are at the end of the year and next year a host of new games come onto the market.
Can’t wait to give Starfield a try.

Happy new Year to all.