Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

I can confirm that even with all the glyphs Dragonriding is absolutely horrendous when gathering. Especially for those of us that are forced to use Satellite Internet. It’s untelling where we’ll end up when there is a moment of lag between pressing the button and the input actually registering.

This has become frustrating. Gathering has always been therapeutic for me. Not so much, anymore.


But the hive mind says it’s the most enjoyable most coolest thing tk ever happen to this game ever.

I get the point. The point sucks.

Fixed it there for you Kiddo.
Carry on.

Edit: Also…The way you described it sounds like you didn’t get all the Glyphs. Those issues are non-existent for gathering, unless of course you don’t want to put in the effort to get the Glyphs to make Gathering easier but instead want to huff and puff.

I’m an herbalist and this doesn’t happen to me. Do you not have all the glyphs?

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Wrong Dragonriding when done correctly is 800%+ movement speed normal flying is 310. The maps are huge and flying normal will take 2x to 3x the time. Give Dragonriding a chance I know I did and am loving it.

Hive mind? I see plenty of complaining about it (here on GD at least).

The general consensus prior to launch and especially among content creators is that dragonflying was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

That’s because it’s awesome. Flying right at the start of an expansion. I couldn’t ask for more.

Dragonriding is the single best feature they’ve added since transmog and I hope it remains and is extended to the rest of the game and zone design going forward. This is how flying should have been from the START and I dearly hope it’ll be in the next expansion at launch and not tied to something awful like pathfinder.

If you want the old movement systems classic is there for you.

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I would say that is a pretty high probability. Lock people in and no matter how dissatisfied they are you still have their money on the book for the next 4 quarterly earnings reports. And they are still playing on and off even if they are miserable because of the sunk cost fallacy so it inflates your time played metrics. That’s why I have only paid for a sub with actual money 2 times since Legion.
This one runs out in…
checks calendar
2 days.

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Goodness, people will whine about anything.

Sorry you’re not a hummingbird anymore, guy.

The issue here is somewhere between your monitor and chair.


Y’all hate change so much I’m starting to think y’all play from nursing homes.


Old world flying effectively renders the world a flat plane. If you can fly directly over the target, fly straight down, kill it and fly straight up what is the point of an environment?

Just make featureless, flat world expansions with no ‘trash’ mobs. Place a quest mob every 50 feet and voila, expansion done. Everything else is irrelevant.


I’ve not had this problem in the least. When leveling, I went around getting all the glyphs in that zone all at once. Took maybe 15 minutes for each zone. Spent all the points as soon as I got them all from that zone.

Dragonriding isn’t difficult. You just don’t want to give it your best shot.


What’s that about blurring gnomes??


There is a trait that regens vigor faster after mining/herbing.

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My one and only issue with dragonriding is one simple con. I can’t afk in the air no longer with it.

It’s a minor grievance and nothing too terrible but I missed the days I just can afk in the air while I use the bathroom or get some water. Now I have to find a place to land up high so nothing attacks me.

My man. Go download handy notes and handy notes glyph and go collect all the glyphs and then come back and tell me dragon flying isn’t better than regular flying.

Obviously dragon flying can be improved. For one there should be a float option that use very minor amount of vigor for how ever long you’re floating. And you should be able to spend vigor to breathe fire.