Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

No. Gyrocopters don’t move like that.

Do not nerf current mounts with this garbage mechanic.

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Dull and monotonous exactly describes dragonriding. Having to focus on every aspect of flying while going from point a to point b for the 10000000000th time is tedious. Pressing num lock and auto flying there and doing literally anything else enjoyable is not tedious.

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Take 5 seconds to understand the mechanic its trying to teach you and theres no waiting.

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Maybe it’s because WOTLK is happening right now, but so far DF is kind of really lame and DR just seems like one giant gate, behind which the entire xpac is hiding behind. Not a fan at all.


That’s what it feels like. It feels like the expansion is being gated behind dragonriding, and if you don’t like it… tough luck.


And before that having to spend a LOT of gold PER CHARACTER.

So yes, there was indeed hoops to jump through.

Or, orrrrrrr, they held off to encourage everyone to try out DR to collect more data and experience and see if people like it.

Blizz throws the players a bone and gives us flying that’s even faster and people STILL COMPLAIN! It’s literally twice to three times as fast as those boring flying mounts.

At this point i just think if you can’t grasp simple physics in a game then i suggest you go play a different game. Any hint of pushback that requires the player to learn, they immediately shut down and whine.

I hope they keep dragon riding from now on if you want my honest opinion.


The issue isn’t the Dragon Riding is a feature, it’s because the devs in their usual wrong-headed and heavy-handed way put together an expansion where all the new zones were designed around what is nothing more than a mini-game. If you don’t get that, then why do you think they have racing in on Day One? There’s your end game.
I also see the hypocrisy in wailing for years that flying allows you to skip content that they worked so hard to create for you, then they go all in on a system that allows you to skip said content even faster! There is Hazzikostas’s bias stripped bare. He has a bias against flying and Dragon Flying is just another attempt to replace and remove it. Seriously, Ion needs to move on and be replaced by a developer who doesn’t hate certain features of the game, cares about more than Raids, and wasn’t a member of Elitist Jerks or some equally sociopathic guild.
Whatever your imaginary complaint about BC flying, the fact still remains that what other players do with it doesn’t affect you in the slightest and it’s none of your damned business since you don’t pay their sub!


Three days since the op…and damn is this post already aging terribly!

Not one person I know has complained about it. Wonder how many alts you tried to spread this message on? :joy:


What do you imagine the motive was behind the 12-month sub deal they came up with just before launch? You can hide a lot of customer dissatisfaction behind pre-paid subscriptions purchased by the Faithful who couldn’t live without a giant murloc mount, at least for a while anyway. I’m curious to see what the situation is a year from now.

I disagree. I thought dragon flying was pure brilliance, and adds a sense of realness by factoring in energy levels.


Not at all actually. Herbing/mining require you to land regularly. Killing mobs a few clicks away require you to land frequently.

Yes if you are trying to clear the map, it is super easy to do with DR.

If you have to keep landing every 2 seconds, blowing all of your vigor on lift charges, it won’t last very long.

So ymmv wildly based on what you are doing.

  • Flying between quests - DR is better
  • Flying between mining/herbing nodes - regular flying is better
  • Clearing the map - DR is better
  • Flying to that mob that is 100 ft away - regular flying is better
  • Trying to precision land (think treasure on a stump) - regular flying is better

So again it really depends on what you are trying to do. The issue here is that we aren’t being give a choice. It is DR or bust.


This is actually a great idea. If you’re a noob they should let you ride your 310% flying while the rest of us enjoy 800% speeds

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Sorry but no.


How so?

Kinda the point.
Youre supposed to be learning to ride with your mount. It wasnt mean to be like normal, boring flight.

Maybe. Depending on your personal reflexes.
Im able to mount, pop up off the ground just a bit, then “Surge Forward” and clear that 100ft FAR faster than a normal mount.
once you get past the fear of missing the mark and become one with the mechanic, you’ll find that even node farming isnt that hard to do.
I suggest Farmhud, however. The Hud can make hitting nodes a lot easier.



The issue isn’t missing the target, though it is harder to do.

Again if you frequently need to land/fly as you do while farming, then you will quickly blow all of your vigor charges on “skyward ascent”. Let alone if you use any other abilities like “surge forward”.

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Probably the biggest reason it will never replace legacy flying and stay a temporary expansion-specific gimmick is the total lack of a “hover in-place” functionality… in addition to the dragon “running out of gas” and slowing down as it moves (…compared to “constant” speed on a standard flying mount)

The middle of the air (aka hovering in-place) is one of, if not THE single safest outdoors place to park your character while remaining logged in, it’s obvious by how many players do it as a “default” afk behavior out in the open (non-Dragonflight) world

There’s nothing more convenient than simply “hovering in the air” when you need to take a quick bathroom break, step away from the desk for a bit, answer the door, answer that phone call, etc… and the peace of mind that comes from knowing your character won’t be dead when you get back

Afking on the ground offers no where near the same level of safety as “hovering” up high in mid-air: hostile mobs might randomly “pat into” you on the ground, an elite mob might respawn near you and aggro, other players might see you and kill you (in a WarMode shard), etc etc


I have to agree with Grotzik, dragon flying is a bad combo of the Pandara and darkmoon faire racing options. It trades jump into the air and hover or fly as wanted to multi keystroke semi controlled falling.

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