Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

I’m trying to do this. I use ground mounts and flight points most of the time. Thankfully Goblin Gliders still work.


Please explain to the class why players of this game would be “afraid” that other players like the old noclip flying?

I’m really desperate to hear the logic behind this one.

I have to admit now that I am getting the hang of dragon riding it is kind of fun and I am liking it more but on the other hand I am one who has sympathy for those who for whatever reason are unable to even play because I want everyone to enjoy the game.

Even when regular flying is released, I may stay with dragon riding who knows but I will not push it like these cultist fanatics are doing.

My only issue is when it comes to farming mats. It can become an issue with vigor even with it fully upgraded. And the choice set for gatherer. At times it seems like vigor won’t regenerate for whatever reason. This is after I got the 40 points in mining so I can mine while mounted. So it can be a little bothersome. And the fact we can’t hover anymore kinda stinks. If I wanna go afk in an area that’s got pats but I just killed them I now have to leave the area before going afk rather than jumping on a mount hovering a little and going afk. Small inconveniences but there are a few. overall I like it though.

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THe #1 issue with old-flying that is solved with Dragonriding, is now the sky has dynamics and gravity. The same attributes that exist for ground mount (gravity) but doesn’t affect old flying.

Old-Flying is a fake cheat to allow you to position yourself infinitely in the sky at no cost.

Dragonriding is the new modern flying and makes the world feel that much more real.


But it’s not.

Um, no.

It is already happening as we see on these very forums!

The hour of twilight grows near and normal flying will rise like a Phoenix!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Chiming in to say that I love dragonriding, and I hope that eventually all flying is replaced with it. It’s so much more fun. I’d like to be able to use this style of movement with ANY mount, not just dragonriding mounts (I prefer smaller mounts that don’t cover up NPCs when I stand near them). Sure, you could leave in a toggle switch that lets people use old-style flying, if that’s what they prefer. I’d disable it and just use dragonriding forever.

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I think it’s a misunderstanding. The players aren’t, like other have said anyone who likes DR can do it, they aren’t taking it away. The devs are afraid of unlocking regular flying, specifically Ion. Because if he convinced the $5k suits upstairs that they should spend a crap-ton of resources reinventing flying for no reason and half the people switch to old flying if given the opportunity, then he may be forced to give up his Burning Crusade against regular flying


I love it, OP. Vastly superior to running on ground mounts for the first half of the expansion- only to get flying once that area is obsolete. Or, you know, the maw.

Ya’ll’s list posts are too long. Be more succinct.

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I love dragonriding.

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You’re a terrible idea but you don’t see me making posts on it.

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Hey at least those who aren’t dragon riding don’t have to deal with the disconnecting from hitting a twig. I am trying to get all glyphs 15 to go yet seems everytime I run into a mountain or step on a twig I disconnect.

If you’re waiting for vigor you’re doing it wrong. You can get all of the dragon medallions as soon as you unlock dragon riding. Spend an afternoon getting them all.

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I’m kind of on the unpopular opinion side and I have dragonriding maxed out.

The fact is that we’ve given up aerial precision and control for speed and momentum. It’s a fun system, but to acknowledge that it doesn’t have flaws when compared to how flying has been since TBC is wilfully ignorant IMO. It has advantages and disadvantages for sure - faster than regular flying is a big plus, but being objectively worse at going up/vertical is a negative.

Personally I think there should be a middle ground - some sort of NPC you can speak to or do a quest to have normal flight as an option. I get that it’s only a couple of days in, but not everyone wants flying to be some massively engaging system.

Some people just want to get from point A to point B.


Agreed! I wish they would have at least built the expansion with everything accessible with ground mounts for people who cannot cope with the dragon flight stuff. Sure, add in “dragon flight” as a feature but don’t map the whole expansion around it!


Stop being pretentious and trying to speak for everyone. No…YOU have to land because you have not bothered to figure out a new system. There is nothing wrong with dragon riding. I can easily fly across the entire Dragonflight map and never land unless I want to. It is also much faster than normal mounts.

The truth is, the silent minority is going to spend more time crying and sobbing on Reddit and the forums than spend time in the game figuring out how to avoid gravity on their drakes.

Yeah, this part. Can’t hover either in the air. :safety_pin:

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Dragonriding is the best thing to happen in this game in a loooooong time. They made the most boring part of the game one of the most exciting. Whenever I see that my next quest objective is like 2000 yards away I rejoice now.

Honestly, I’ll advocate for dragonflying to become the norm and regular flying be ditched entirely.