Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

I think it is one of the most fun thing Blizzard has added in awhile.

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Dragon riding is this expansions time wasting activity. I just bought the game yesterday and after a couple minutes of dragon riding, I thought that this would be fun at the carnival or maybe for a recurring quest theme.
Hopefully they’ll introduce a Pathfinder type of system where we can fly our own mounts at increased speeds


I can see that and it makes perfect sense, but unfortunately it was never going to happen.

And complainers of complainers are gonna complain about complainers complaining.

Dragonriding is one of the greatest things to ever happen to farming herbs/ore – it makes it so much easier.

we need regular flying , im tired of waiting for vigor !!!


I like dragon riding… I think its better then having to do a bunch of boring stuff to unlock regular flying like past expansions. I do not find it very hard to use either. So what if I have to land for 30 seconds. It’s really not bothersome to me.

I guess the one thing that would be nice is if older mounts could do the same.

I asked for it and I want it. Dragonriding is fun AF. And a very welcome change.


I just want to know what would be the problem to just unlock regular flying and give us both? This problem for people can be fixed so easy and Blizzard get’s a huge win.


Dragon flying is a great idea! One of the best in the 14 yrs i’ve been playing this game. Right up there with M+ and pet battles for me.


This is entirely a you problem lol.

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There really is no problem just the dragon rider’s are scared because once Blizzard releases regular flying they think everyone is going to use that instead of their precious new flying when in fact those who really like dragon riding are still going to use it no matter what.


Why would people who like dragonriding be … scared … that all the whiners will (checks notes) be able to stop whining about dragonriding? Do y’all even hear yourselves when you cook up these wild fantasies, or do you just spit it out and move on before you’ve had a chance to process?

Like, you realize that releasing “regular” flying is not up to us, right?


Then what is the problem with both forms of flight co existing side by side for many dragon rider’s it is this way or find another game when we know Blizzard is releasing regular flying. Why must dragon rider’s keep trying to push their way onto others and keep wanting to remove regular flight.

And what about those who have disabilities or motion sickness I do not so can use dragon riding but it seems to me dragon rider’s don’t want anyone like that playing their game.


Then go get all the glyphs. Once you fully upgrade the tree it’s not an issue.


This! and I don’t want to have to keep a barf bucket next to me just to play the game.


Why would players care about that? Nobody is scared lol.


Waiting for vigor is the new time played metric.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


The devs said during beta interviews that they planned to release regular flying “eventually” so IDK what to tell you buddy, take it up with the devs. Most of us here are just trying to encourage people on how to make the best of what they’ve got.

Because there is a fear that normal flying is still loved.

Spoiler alert: Normal flying is beloved by many, many, many, many people.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: