Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

This. I’m really enjoying it myself

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If I could give this post a million likes I would.

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:rofl: :rofl: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Pathfinder was and always will be absolute garbage.

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I’ve always been for this. If asked my preference I’d choose dragon riding all day but it wouldn’t bother nor affect me in any way if someone chose regular flying while I choose dragon riding.


This calls for a kekw.

Dragon Riding is an amazing feature. I’m so glad blizzard added this feature. once you have fully levelled it you basically have flying.


I absolutely love it. At first it sucked but it really makes a huge difference once you get all the glyphs. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time


Ok, I have been reading a bunch of these DR threads and this has to be the dumbest take I have seen so far. I just leveled a new character on a new server with nothing to start with. I didn’t even send them guild tabards to trade in for money. I started with zero gold in Exile’s Reach. By level 53 I had enough gold for 310% flying, no tradeskills, no farming old expansion gathering mats, just doing quests and selling junk items.

If you are referencing the pathfinder req for old zones you know those are artificial barriers right? They exist solely because Ion hates flying. Prior to WoD you would just buy your flight license with gold at max level and no one gave it a second though.

And another thing. Clearly Blizz does not think that people would accept DR over regular flying or they would have enabled both from the start. They designed the zones around flying this time. They know that if they make regular flight available everyone would bail on DR and they would have to explain why they flushed a ton of resources just because Ion hates regular flying and wants to kill it.


“nobody wanted it”

You don’t speak for me sire.

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I like dragonriding, wasn’t the other option just gonna be pathfinder and a 8+ month wait for flying? They haven’t given us day 1 flying for the 4 previous expansions.

Pathfinder was the biggest barrier flying has ever seen. You did have to jump through a ridiculous amount of hoops for it and it was the longest time gated feature ever implemented. I can’t say enough bad things about pathfinder. I’m not sure what you’re trying to argue here.

That’s not true. I wouldn’t.


Sorry you don’t like it, it’s my favorite part of the expansion.


Use your ground mount then just like you would for the first 2 patches for every other expansion.


That is precisely my point! There is zero reason for pathfinder to exist. The only reason that it was introduced post-WoD launch was because Ion has been wailing like a diaper-filled toddler to anyone who will listen how much he hates regular flying since taking over. Prior to WoD you got flying at max level for gold immediately. Pathfinder has no reason to exist at all, in any form beyond Ion sticking it to the player-base because he hates that people want regular flying.


Nah, this is awesome! I’d like to see it applied to the entire game, every mount. Also they need to copy the rest of GW2’s mount system and give mount families special abilities. GW2 hands down has the BEST mount system of any game, WoW just copied their flying system so they may as well copy the rest.

Username checks out.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

If they were giving us DR, which a lot of people are arguing is superior in almost every way, there’s really no reason they couldn’t have also let us use the inferior old flying at the same time.


Dragonriding awesome.


You give me the roller-beetle in old zones and copy the flying characteristics of the Griffin in DF and I would buy it, heh.

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Now that I have all the glyphs it’s fine… just fine, but I do wish there was a hover button. But there’s no point in crying over it now, it’s in the game and it isn’t going away