Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Dragon riding is one of the best features Blizzard has added since M+. After TEN YEARS it actually feels good to play the start of an expansion.


Honestly, if I’m wrong (which I don’t think I am) about the reception being crazy positive around dragonriding and Blizzard abandons the feature after Dragonflight because of incessant complaining from the community, I think that will be the moment that I abandon WoW for good, because it will illustrate to me that the game I want from WoW is not the game that will ever be made so long as such a community exists.


Yeh, am in the same boat. I was actually ready to throw in the towel during Shadowlands, but I love playing with my guild so I stayed and waited to see what the next expansion should be. I wanted to see if it was worth hanging around for.

When the Dragonflight announcement hit I was thrilled. A riding system more in line with GW2, new crafting system, new UI, talent trees, a new dragonkin race. It was like they reached into my head and plucked out a lot of what I wanted.

As this point my only complaint this expansion is that I wish I could dragonride as my Dracthyr. Not Soar which is heavily nerfed, but proper dragonriding where you can stay up forever and go and do the courses and the races. Otherwise I am thrilled this expansion so far. :slight_smile:

Heck, even the story and how they present it has taken a complete turn. I love that it actually seems to be progressing, and I love all the little tell me more dialogue choices the npcs have…

But yes, dragonriding. I just fly around for the fun of it with this. Heh, and those races are amazing. :slight_smile:


It did require a lot of gold. And being max level.

Again, this is a skill issue, in a video game.

That was slow and had maaaaany hoops to jump through to obtain.

It is if you actually used it.

That is literally what Flight paths are for.

The cooldowns aren’t that long.

This is a total non-sequitur to people choosing speed in adventuring/gathering.

Skill issue, I have had no problem dive bombing right onto what node pops up on my minimap, and i only have like 6 glyphs.

… what?

The one with the angry dragons flying around, you’d notice that if you actually played, which I’m beginning to doubt if you do.

And then the world goes and makes a better idiot is not a fault of the game.

We could just walk then without mounts and no mechanics.

No you could get attacked on those as well.

Not saying it’s impossible but I would legitimately love to see someone ambush someone whilst dragonriding.

You’re using 2 copper words to make it sound a lot harder than “look where you’re going”.

Flight Path.

The only “point”.

Which you obviously do not know.

More 2 copper words to make “pay attention” sound impossible for anyone to do.

We had a bare minimum and SLOW version of flying.

Mounts get faster, that’s always been there thing, from 60 to 100 to 150 to 300(310?), that’s always been the point of upgrading and originally when mount speed was dependent on the mount itself it’s why people went for those, cause they were faster.

… I’m a Blizz developer???

… how is “dragon fast” equivalent to checks notes a donation box for streamers?

Which is why we’ve always had flight paths.

Which is not-efficient in comparison.

Gnome propaganda.

Don’t ever play a Hunter in this videogame, your mind will shatter.

It’s not borrowed.

Again, you’re overcomplicating it to make it sound impossible when all you have to do is aim and pay attention, you’re not missing any ledges or landings. Also the dragon turns on a dime.

That’s FPs.

“I don’t like Dragonriding!” =/= “There’s no way for people with accessibility issues to use Dragonriding and there never will be! Never!”

Also passenger whelps say aloha.

Your argument hinges on it.

Flight Path.

It’s not, you’re whining constantly about safety and AFKing, that’s what FPs gives you. You want speed and efficiency? Dragonriding.

that’s an adssumption you are having, though ill admit that all future flyers getting it is more likely.

By this logic we should completely get rid of old flying due to “no further advancement” You’re throwing round “borrowed power” as a smear without any semblance of what it means. Dragonriding is not borrowed power.

  1. Dragon Isles is fun
  2. Why wouldn’t they add glyphs in the new zones? That’s more or less how FF14 handles it.

Seeing as how Old flying is half the speed of Dragonriding? You’d be wrong.

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I have to go back to this, cause… I got to know.

  1. How?
  2. Is this the character that you did it on? You’re a PANDA, HOW DO YOU DIE FROM FALL DAMAGE?
  3. Also you’re a Mage (if this is that character), you have Slowfall.
  4. How?

Problem is fixed once you have all the glyphs and get good at dragon riding.

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Flying around collecting herbs is the most fun Ive had doing so in many expansions. Just soaring around the vast expanses of the different zones is something new and refreshing. You can climb so high into the air! I cant be more impressed.
Just practice, you soon will be able to land on the tiniest of ledges.
Are we extra, or are you just basic?


Feel they should be ads dragon riding into a dungeon is making people like me who have issue do not want to play

I have no issue using in instead of flying but terrible idea to out it into a dungeon

Really, we just need a choice, be able to use both, they both have their ups n downs (no pun intended).

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Both of which are attained as a natural process of playing the game. Dragonriding glyphs require progress and engagement with a stupid side-game.

Which did not exist with TBC Flight. There was no penalty for holding a spacebar, or holding W or, gasp going AFK now and again.

Uh, you just lined out what it took above; gold and max level. Yes, Pathfinder added some unnecessary obstacles in addition, but that’s not TBC Flying’s fault.

I’ll type slow so you get it:

I. Do. Not. Care. About. Speed. All I care about is getting to my point with as minimal fuss as possible. With TBC Flight, it’s ‘summon mount’, point in desired direction, toggle autorun or hold W.

2.5 buttons. Each one time for the duration of the flight.

I cannot make a Flight Path drop me off at a field, or a town I haven’t visited yet, or to a mountaintop. TBC Flying allows me to do that with, again, minimal fuss.

Vigor takes a while to regenerate once you spend it all, and you WILL spend it all trying to perform certain maneuvers or correct your flight, which means longer downtime and more frustration.

TBC Flight has none of that.

The point is that people are already reporting difficulty whizzing by or performing gathering at high speeds, when you could instead simply hover up to the intended item, grab it, and hover away with 0% chance of missing it, while not having to worry about whether your Vigor has regenerated or not.

… what?
… Or you can’t rise. You’re arguing in good faith, right?

So they added speed bumps to an already clunky minigame, oh what fun. This would STILL be easier to maneuver around with TBC Flight because, again, you have perfect 3D maneuvering.

I shouldn’t have to ‘prove myself’ or undertake a challenge to get from point A to B. It’s travel, no different from ground-pounding and walking. Get this through your head.

I mean, sure, we can totally negate flight in its entirety? I won’t shed a tear if every flying mount gets popped from the game, but I will mind if my perfectly working Gyrocopter suddenly develops a case of the zoomies for no reason other than to satisfy players that can’t stand not spending a GCD on something, even as mundane as traversal.

Good gods you’re semantic. Fine. TBC Flight guarantees arrival without further input from the player provided there are no enemies or hazards to complicate the journey.

Yet, my words are not untrue.

We keep going over this, and this is not the ‘owning argument’ you think it is, because it does not apply to 95% of why you’d want TBC Flight, or flying in general.

Oh boy, guess I’ll have to copy-past the list again, but this response is already long enough.

You think you sound smarter than you are with that retort, but you’re not doing a thing to disprove those two copper words.

Perfect maneuverability, hover ability, total 3D control, with no downtime or stamina management. Which was also, until dragonriding, the fastest in the game.

Speed is dragonriding’s only advantage over TBC Flight.

Yes, when all other things are equal, there’s no reason NOT to go for the fastest mount.

Ground mounts worked exactly like walking but were faster, so why would you walk anywhere you could ground mount? Flying mounts worked exactly like ground mounts, except they were faster and could move in 3D space, so why would you ground mount anywhere you could use a flying mount?

With TBC Flight and dragonriding, there are keen differences, and dragonriding comes up short by the end of the day because it will require too much input from an audience that really, really wants to just rote-memory as many processes as possible.

Oh shove off, you know what I meant.

Travel to new places should also not require a skill check.

Speed, by itself, is not efficiency.

Whatever you say.

I’m just judging it against other dragons that, gasp, somehow know how to fly WITHOUT killing themselves! Yowza!

Oh, you sweet summer child. Neither were Artifact Weapons, until they were. Neither were Covenants, until they were. Neither was Azerite Armor, until it was.

That’s the point. You have to micromanage your travel when before it was something that just happened.

Again, I don’t think you actually know how FPs work in this game.

I dunno, doesn’t seem those options are working for a decent amount of affected players. Maybe Blizzard should not force this system, just maybe?

Ah yes, because people love playing sidekick.

In what world? Hovering is just part of the package, not the sole selling point that TBC Flight has over dragonriding.

Your entire argument hinges on speed trumping everything else, when it absolutely doesn’t.

There’re those words you don’t understand again.

Dragonriding only offers speed. TBC Flight offers safety, efficiency, and flexibility.

Again, can a FP place me in the middle of a field and pick me up from that same field? Without having to talk to an NPC?

This system is getting left behind in Dragon Isles, just like Artifacts, Azerite, and Covenants.

Yes, it is. We are literally borrowing drakes from the Isles to stunt around on. This system does not survive the Isles. TBC Flight endures because its expansion is through mount selection, as well as its ease in both use and implementation. Plus, again, TBC Flight has modes of travel that dragonriding cannot perform, such as hovering, or strafing.

Citation extremely needed.

Because, what, your dragon forgets how to dive and climb in a new zone? We’re really gonna try to do Aether Currents? You have to redo the entire talent tree with every area? Plus, that doesn’t work in a fully-rendered, zoneless world. If you’re tooling around with dragonriding and wander into ‘restricted’ airspace, well, sure hope you brought a glider!

It works in the Isles because it’s small enough, but try to do this nonsense over the entirety of Kalimdor/EK and people just won’t bother, especially since TBC Flight exists in those areas already!

I can’t wait for Pathfinder to show you just how wrong you are.


So as a miner / herbalist, I don’t have this issue. I can fly around a lot more conveniently than with normal flying, and it also cuts down on the bots that are taking up most of the gathering market.

I don’t see how this is an issue for anyone.


Dragonriding is not flying. Stop resisting change and try it, one you upgrade your mount a few times it become possible to traverse massive distances very very quickly.

We need a poll. Put it in game. Give it a month. Every account gets one vote. The losing side gets to suck it and shut up for the rest of the expansion. If you bring up the subject in any forum or chat room, you get a two-year ban from the game.

So… you get them outside the game?

There absolutely was XD You are not as safe as you think on an old flying mount.

I love how you went nu-uh but then immediately agreed with me.

Why are you under the impression we would not have had pathfinder?

And Dragonriding does, just faster.

Okay so thank you for admitting you actually haven’t used Dragonriding and don’t know what you’re talking about (they cost Vigor, they’re not one use only)

FPs are safe, you want safe.

Dragonriding let’s you do all that in a fraction of the time.

You don’t need full Vigor to launch, and unupgraded it takes what like 30 seconds for each bulb?

Each thing costs only 1 vigor and it recharges while you’re flying fast.

Which does not happen as much as you’d like to believe.

Haven’t had that issue.

Slow is frustrating when there’s a faster option, or do you refuse to buy the 310 mount speed upgrade?

And again, skill issue, I’ve had zero issues divebombing right to a node.

Vigor does not work like you think it does.

You hit the ground and started running? Again a skill issue, and similar things happened on old flying, you hit the ground you took on land speed not flight speed. You’re making it sound like it’s impossible to steer, when in reality it more or less turns on a dime.

Oh but you would be perfectly safe from them in old flying? XD

Angry dragons say no.

You’re playing a VIDEO GAME.

Really FAST travel.

You don’t move at 800% speed on ground so this is a lie.

Okay, you are a very sad panda.

Please point out where they said they’re removing old flying. I’ll wait.

You’re dealing in absolutes in a argument. Why do you think you wouldn’t be called out on being wrong?

Thasa bunch of ifs. And also slow.

They are. “pay attention” is not some hidden arduous training that few can master, it’s literally just look where you’re going.

If all you want is safety then it absolutely applies.

If you want to be wrong some more, sure.

blink maybe for you apparently.

Me: just pay attention.


Me: …

Thank you for mentioning the key part at the end there. It’s under half the speed of Dragonriding.

The only “advantage” old flying had is AFKIng. Dragonriding has speed and all the maneuverability and control. You’d know that if you actually tried it for once.

And everyone has Dragonriding, there’s no exclusion or hoops to jump through. And all the progress and mounts are account bound.

And why use those when you can use the fastest mount available to you.

No, that’s what YOU want, you don’t speak for everyone. Look around, lot’s of people love Dragonriding. Because it’s FASTER.

No I really don’t, wtf is “Twitch gameplay”?

They absolutely do and always have. You had to travel and survive through areas before unlocking the FPs, before unlocking flying. This is the first expansion where we got Flying at the beginning.

When the sole question is “Point A to Point B” it is.

That was a joke for levity.

You have complete control over all mounts, it’s gameplay and story segregation. For a mount you can’t control look at FPs. So all crashing and claims of dying are solely on you no matter what mount you’re using.

There was speculation but it was the first.

PFFFFFFFFFT you seriously thought we were gonna keep those? LMAO. Those were always advertised as borrowed power.

Ascending, descending, and look where you’re going are not micromanaging.

You had ascending/descending and had to look where you’re going on old flying, you di not however have a speed boost.

Click, Flightmaster, Click FP, pay gold, afk till you get there.

And that’s where Blizzard needs to step in and work on those options, against your claims that it’s never going to happen.

As much as you love to afk while playing.

It’s what you’re clinging to.

It kinda does… since, that’s pretty much the argument, Dragonriding is faster, old flying you can afk.

What kinda comeback is this? You’re projecting a lot.

Dragonriding has speed, safety (can outfly threats), efficiency (cause you get there faster), and flexibility (it has the same maneuverability as the other mounts)

It’s safe and AFKable, which is what you want.

That’s a weird hangup, do you not talk to your mounts or interact them in anyway?

Keep claiming that.

It’s not Borrowed Power any moreso than Old Flying is, so if Dragonriding is “borrowed power” so is Old Flying.

A claim with nothing ot back it up, given everyone’s reaction to Dragonriding.

You do know we can customize the dragons and get more than one, right?

It’s pretty easy to pick up Dragonriding.

It’s only advantage, one that only conducts itself for Afking.

You don’t really need to with the speed and turning of the dragon. So no advantage there.

points to the threads, Reddit, Youtube, and in-game


Why not?

Have you already forgotten Pathfinder was a thing?

You mean like what happens already if you go into no-fly zones in-game?

Well more confirmation that you’re lying and haven’t even played the expansion, the Isles are some of the biggest areas we’ve ever had.

They absolutely would, exploring is fun.

Also you do know that Dracthyr can Soar (aka Dragonriding) outside of the Isles right?

Sure, people are going to be perfectly content with a 310 speed as opposed to 800+ speed.

Keep holding on to that dream.

For the sake of my sanity and the character length, I’m pruning some of these responses.

You have to hunt areas for them or your drake’s performance is crippled. With TBC Flight, it’s literally done the instant you finalize your vendor purchase and/or complete Pathfinder. Pay the gold, hit 70, and you’re good-to-go.

What? Listen, if you AFK among enemy units, or into an enemy-infested area, then you’re going to die a very deserved death. Name the difference between this and dragonriding again? The primary strengths of TBC Flight is the ability to move fully vertically with instant acceleration and deceleration (owing to perfect 3D control), hover capabilities, and lack of mechanics that might provide failure. And no, ‘encountering a hostile presence or hazard’ is not a mechanical failure of TBC Flight.

TBC Flight existed before Pathfinder got shackled to it, so no, I do not consider Pathfinder part of TBC Flight’s package.

Unless you don’t have enough height. Or a bad angle.

Uh… Thank you for showing you have no reading comprehension. I was talking about the input required for TBC Fight, not dragonriding. You mount up. Get airborne, point toward a location, activate autofly/hold W. No further input necessary unless you’re attacked.

Are you just not getting this? If I want to get to an uninhabited mountaintop, a Flight Path cannot get me there. TBC Flying can, and does so with less potential hassle and micromanagement than dragonriding.

As opposed to requiring zero recharge time on anything for TBC Flight.

Additional inputs are always going to invite errors, it’s why you want as few as possible.

The 310 mount is a clear upgrade with no downsides. Again, ground mounts are an upgrade to walking, and TBC Flight is an upgrade to ground mounds. Dragonriding, meanwhile, has many downsides, which I have exhaustively covered across several threads. It is not a straight upgrade from TBC Flight.

With proper maneuvering. And unlike dragonriding, I can hover-in-place and observe their movements before committing to movement.

Then you just don’t fly in hostile airspace? A net or a daze won’t care if you’re on a TBC Flight mount or a dragon.

And many of those video games have AUTORUN. Because travel is TEDIOUS. Or they just punt you to the map and you straight-up teleport to where you want to go.


With poor control and micromanagement requirements.

What the hell is this? What does speed have to do with anything? Flight is travel, just like ground-mounting or walking. Speed is irrelevant to this discussion, because it’s all the same function.

What part of ‘I don’t care about speed if it’s precise and safe’ did you not catch the first dozen times?

Which is more input than zero in a mechanical sense.

And precision. Y’know what, I’m gonna quiz you real quick, because I’m not entirely convinced you actually understand what I’m asking:

Question 1: When you use a Flight Path, what do you travel to?

  • A free point somewhere you designate in the world.
  • A linked Flight Master.
  • Straight into Magister’s Terrance to hear that it was just a setback.

With one method, you have average speed, but your pitch control, angle of attack, and altitude maintenance are automatically managed. You are also capable of hovering if you need to pause for some reason or to watch a mob in-game or assess a situation.

With the OTHER method, you have extremely high speed, but you must manually manage pitch, angle, altitude, and must commit to constant forward movement or forcibly land, which will require the expenditure of more resources to re-launch and maneuver.

Are you kidding me here? One is clearly simpler and easier than the other.

Speed. Isn’t. Everything.

No, it does not. I cannot fly backward on a dragonriding mount. I cannot hover in place on a dragonriding mount. I must constantly commit to forward movement or I lose height. I cannot back out of a bad situation if I see a threat pop in, or pause movement and assess the field in front of me.

I ALSO cannot AFK-travel to destinations not on the Flight Path network on a dragonriding mount, because I have to constantly use mechanics to keep aloft or lose speed, altitude, or both.

TBC Flight has none of these issues.

Dragonriding =/= TBC Flight. Again, and I have reiterated this countless times in this very response, every step prior to dragonriding has been a clear upgrade.

Walking → Ground Mounts → Basic TBC Flight → Advanced TBC Flight.

Dragonriding is not a clear upgrade to TBC Flight, because it has downsides compared to it and lost functionality.

Speed isn’t everything, and there are massive downsides to dragonriding mounts that aren’t present in TBC Flight.

You’re in the honeymoon phase. You haven’t done it enough to get sick of it yet. Don’t worry, you’ll get there.

How the hell… Twitch-based gameplay is essentially fast-paced gameplay, akin to first-person-shooters. Where you essentially watch for ‘twitches’ and immediately react to the situation rather than taking time to assess it in full.

Well at least you recognize that they’re separate activities. You’re traveling to a spot to do battle or do quests (because ‘survival’ is not a factor in this game outside of the Hunter spec). Battle is where the mechanics are. Travel is merely a tool to get you to that point, it doesn’t need mechanics in itself.

Again, this is like having to hit QTEs to keep your balance while you walk toward a mob.

And can it be done via dragonriding with no player input? That’s part of ‘efficiency’, is player effort.

So then why can’t these dragons execute simple commands like the prior dragons can? Again, we’re getting some rattled eggs here that I wouldn’t even bother touching if I could just get my Gyrocopter back.

And this doesn’t scream ‘temporary mechanic’ to you? The Dragon Isles was constructed to let Red Bull stunt performers whizz around, and this is where the mechanic is going to stay.

When compared to being able to fire-and-forget, yes, it is.

You didn’t have to maintain your altitude, watch your angle, and maintain your speed either.

Then why do you think they can fly you to areas not in the Flight Master network?

Or, and here’s the more likely option, they learn that ‘our players can’t really handle this mechanic’ and promptly ditch it in the Isles for whatever the next expansion brings.

Notice how any AFKing I’m doing is during unimportant activity. Like chilling in the capital, or traveling.

It’s part of the whole ‘superior maneuverability’ package, for one. For second, it’s also far easier to do.

TBC Flying can also:

  • Fly backwards.
  • Fly sideways.
  • Autopilot.
  • Move vertically in either direction.
  • Stop forward movement.
  • Don’t require a dragon mount.
    Wow, looks like speed’s not the only thing that matters!

Only because you keep claiming Flight Paths do something they don’t.

flies backward on a gyrocopter, then sideways, then straight up without changing angle, then stays perfectly in place

Oh, what, your dragon can’t do this?

What? No? They’re travel functions.

Time and precedence are on my side, friend-o.

There’s a clear difference between the two: TBC Flight has survived every expansion since the one it’d been introduced in (though WoD certainly did its best to kill it). Dragonriding does not have that kind of legacy or durability, and especially since Blizzard’s MO is to take expansion features and sunset them means Dragonriding will likely only survive in the Isles once the game moves on from Dragonflight.


And? That doesn’t improve mount functionality in the least, and also isn’t something that would be exclusive to dragonriding as a function.

Yet it’s easier to pick up TBC Flight. So the point stands.

You’re right. No one ever hovers to look at something, take screenshots or video, evaluate enemy presence, await an event. It’s solely AFK, that’s it.

Are you really saying that strafing isn’t advantageous?! I can’t take you seriously if you really believe that.

points right back to the threads, reddit, and youtubes of folks complaining

Boy that was productive.

I strong doubt glyph-hunting would be half as involved once you get TBC Flight to go straight to the area.

With extremely heavy restrictions. Honestly, I’d be perfectly happy unburdening them of the extra speed, removing the cooldown, and just granting them 310 flight, like a TBC mount.

A 310 you have full access to right now, or an 800 you have to go on a fetch quest across possibly the entirety of Azeroth to get?

I respect your optimism, but I have history and precedence on my side. Eventually, everyone bows to the lowest common denominator of effort.

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The simplest solution is to allow for both flying and dragonriding to exist. It literally shouldn’t matter what other plays choose to use. If I want to fly just let me, I am not bothering you by flying even if it’s slower. If you want to dragon ride then go for it.

Just let them both exist. It’s actually that simple.

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I dont know what this person is talking about, I hunted all the glyphs and can now traverse the entire map, using cliffs and canyons and rivers, the speed is thrilling! I can land wherever I want!
Sure sometimes I lose height, but for me I just hop off and use my racial to gain height or progress forward. Its all worth it, its new! and really cool. Im 58 years old and sure those ring tests are crazy fast, Im going to be bronze level for a long time, haha, but I don’t care, this is amazing and I love it.
Its new, why are you complaining at all? We’re riding dragons across an enormous map and any height we chose!
I don’t understand complainers unless you’re physically handicapped, I think you’re just being a downer. Just try to play along for goodness sake. seriously!


Annnnnd how do you get gold and get to 70?

My point was is that you’re not invincible on a Old Flying mount.

So you’re playing a fundamentally different game than everyone else on a private server or soemthing. Cause we absolutely would have had Pathfinder this expansion (we might still, don’t know yet how OF is going to get unlocked).

With DR you can get around those by using the tools provided, you would know this if you actually did DR.

The fact that it looked like your were talking about the other thing and complaining about the buttons and not being able to afk speaks to this argument as a whole I’d say.

DR can.

There’s not hassle and micromanagement in DR.

You don’t have speed boosts on OF.

There’s the same between DR and OF, it’s DR not DDR.

And DR does not have a downside other than not being able to AFK on it.

And got your panda butt laughed at every time.

DR has the same maneuvering as OF.

With DR you can just… fly past them.

So you avoid a lot of the game?

I have yet to be dazed on DR. Will need to test it and see if you actually can’t, regardless, less/lack of Daze is a big win for DR.

And which have super fast autofly that isn’t on rails?

This new one is, get over it.

And you’re lying.

The entire conversation?


The part where you lie and also refuse to use a FP.

You are very sad. Why are you even playing this game.

Wherever you have unlocked, THAT’S 100% SAFE, which is all you care about.

No? You have to manually change those as you fly, you’re not on rails.

And a LOT slower.

We’re talking about mount upgrades. Speed is integral to the conversation, get over it.

… yay?

You absolutely can.

I’m not losing sleep over that. Mainly cause you don’t have to AFK because of the travel is so much faster.

It lost AFKing, which I don’t care about, It continues in speed and maneuverability, which is all that matters in mounts. And aesthetics.

It is when we’re discussing mount upgrades.

You really wanna afk and not play the game, we get it.

I didn’t get sick of OF, I got bored with it, it’ll take a lot longer for that to happen with DR. Regardless, i’m not gonna demand we go back to OF.

Okay, I thought you were talking about Twitch the streaming service. Yes you have to pay attention in DR but it’s not so dangerous and impossible like you’re building it to be.

Right, everyone outside that spec has infinite health, gotcha.

We disagree.

Watch them put in a QTE involving a sneaking mission or something now.

That is not efficiency means.

What prior dragons or other mounts had speed boosts, point them out.

It does not.

Dracthyr says HI!

The bare minimum is not micromanaging, it’s just being lazy at this point.

You had to adjust your altitude as you flew, and again, it was a lot slower.

There’s a price for absolute safety.

Not everyone is terrible at this as you are.

Demanding something useful and fun be removed is pathetic.

and with DR the traveling is FASTER so you have no reason to afk.

It’s all you have, something to abid afking.

Again, yay? What is this useful for in any way?

Not necessary due to speed and maneuverability

FP, DR is quick due to its speed so there’s no need to AFK.

DR can do this.

You can hover, the only advantage.

Fair, second advantage.

It still is more or less, not being able to use other mounts carries more weight than hovering.

They get you where you want SAFELY, the thing you care so much about.

Seriously, not the cool win you think it is.

What, can’t hear you cause I’m already where I need to be, while you putter along and afk for 5 minutes… then spend more time actually getting over here cause you flew into the side of a mountain or a tree.

… you are a very sad, sad panda.

OF left Outland, so no it’s not.

“OF got carried forward cause it got carried forward” is a nonsense statement.

We’ve had it for one expansion, you’re not a time traveler.

What does this even mean? People like it over OF cause it goes faster, that’s plenty of staying power right there.

points at Dracthyr

You specifically mentioned expansion and mount selection.

They’re both easy to pick up, this isn’t a gotcha on either.

Funny how you only start sounding reasonable days later, why didn’t you lead with those instead of defending your precious AFking?

At this point in time, no.

Are we seeing the same things, you’re kinda outnumbered.

You love ignoring that DR is over twice as fast as OF.

not really?

YOU’D be happy, everyone else would not be (which is a different argument from letting them use OF flying in addition to Soar). Again, you’re demanding fun, cool, and useful things be taken away from people, that doesn’t make you look good.

For all the upgrades, you can do the high speed right now as Dracthyr in old zones so the same would apply to the dragons as well, and, surprise, people like exploring in this game.

No you don’t, you have a bunch of lies you’re telling yourself.

Again, sad panda.

Not by playing idiotic minigames, that’s for sure. How do you advance in dragonriding? Hint, not by LEVELING.

When did I claim I was? The only thing you’re absolutely safe from while on a TBC Flight mount is user error. Dragonriding cannot boast this, as you still need mechanical inputs to keep yourself aloft.

Oh for gods… You know Pathfinder wasn’t initially part of the experience, right? That until WoD TBC Flight was ‘max level, pay money, done’. TBC Flight was so effective and useful that they gated it behind Pathfinder because people were just getting things done so fast. None of TBC Flight’s mechanics are because of Pathfinder, Pathfinder is because of TBC Flight.

And provided I have enough Vigor or the right glyphs, problems that I don’t have to worry about with TBC Flight.

Or, y’know, not have to play a minigame just to fly to a dungeon or a point of interest. Gods forbid.

And… So can TBC Flight? And more easily as well since there’s nothing to manage. You’re fixated on Flight Paths because you think it somehow counteracts TBC Flight.

So… Uh… The vigor system, glyphs, and talent trees are, what, figments of my imagination?


Weird, what inputs do I use to maintain altitude with TBC Flight?

Forced upkeep of altitude, inability to fly backwards, sideways, or purely vertically, stamina system, slow growth.

All downsides that do not exist in TBC Flight.

flies backward
ascends vertically

Oh yeah, totally same maneuverability.

Sure, if you want to risk daze, be my guest. I’ll be over here watching.

… I mean, I guess I have a habit of not getting into combat when I don’t need to?

[quote=“Sokyra-wyrmrest-accord, post:485, topic:1420273, full:true”]

I have yet to be dazed on DR. Will need to test it and see if you actually can’t, regardless, less/lack of Daze is a big win for DR.
You’re a Warrior. Tanks don’t get dazed.

Are you okay?

Hahahaaahahahahahah dragonriding is autofly hahahahahaehaa

You missed your calling as a comedian.

Then it’s objectively worse, sorry.

Really? You can AFK dragonride? You can hover-in-place? You can just hit W and no other buttons? You automatically maintain height? You don’t have to worry about momentum or physics?

Huh, weird. 'Cause everyone that hates dragonriding keeps citing those as reasons. I wonder why.

OK. I’m gonna do this very, very slowly.

Ground mounts are an upgrade to walking because a ground mount is capable of everything the PC on-foot can do, as far as movement. So you would logically use the ground-mount because it is faster and everything else is equal.

TBC Flight mounts are an upgrade to ground mounts because a TBC Flight mount is capable of everything a ground-mounted PC can do, as far as movement. So you would logically use the TBC Flight mount because it is faster, can fly, and everything else is equal.

Dragonriding is not an upgrade to TBC Flight because dragonriding mounts cannot do everything a TBC Flight mount is capable of doing, and also require resource management (yes, Vigor is a resource and no, you cannot convince me otherwise), and are incapable of managing themselves, requiring player input. Dragonriding and TBC Flight are not equal in any way aside from being airborne.


For god’s sake it’s like talking to a wall. Flight Paths do not allow free travel. TBC Flight does. If you cannot see that difference, then we cannot communicate.

To relax.

At least you have that level of competence. Now, what’s the difference between a Flight Path and TBC Flight?

I don’t have to press any buttons to maintain anything, nor do I have a time limit or imposed momentum. Thus I have far more control over my approach and flight.

Whatever. You obviously value speed about everything else, and I value control. We will never agree.

… Really? You don’t see the purpose in the ability to reverse movement? You don’t drive, do you?

No, I have to fly TOWARD the threat, then angle, and hope the turn is sharp enough and my speed is low enough that I don’t aggro.

Of course not. I won’t lose any sleep when this system rusts away after Dragonflight either.

How the hell can you say that with a straight face? IT HAS FOUR OPTIONS. ALL OF WHICH ARE DRAGONS.

And mogging is the dumbest sell because A: It is unrelated to mount performance and B: IT CAN COME TO TBC FLIGHT MOUNTS AS WELL.

Dragonriding is not an upgrade. It’s a minigame.

What is this, driving school? I gotta have 10-2 at all times on the keyboard?

Then enjoy your sidegame, but don’t sit here and try to preach that dragonriding is somehow superior to TBC Flight.

At 900% speed, yes it is going to demand twitch reflexes and absurd risk. There is such a thing as ‘too fast’ when it comes to velocity.

Repositioning? Backing from a threat? Getting a wider POV? Do you just not have the ‘S’ key bound or something?

Oh man, you heard it here folks. Strafing: Not necessary!

By spending resources and committing to momentum. TBC Flight can literally stop on a dime and not lose any altitude or capacity.

And a massive one. I’d argue it’s better than the speed boosts.

And, y’know, the other movements TBC Flight offers.

You hang on that word and twist my meaning. You know damn well I mean ‘safe from player error’.

I dunno, it’s pretty dope to not need to completely reset my approach.

You have to worry about trees? I just fly over them without needing to worry about any mechanics, and I get to relax a bit instead of being a twitchy little squirrel.

What the hell even is this response? You know they’re pixels, right?

TBC Flight was the natural progression of mounting and isn’t linked intimately with the theme of an expansion. Plus, you seem to be forgetting Artifacts, Azerite, and Covenants.

I mean, it just followed the path that ground-mounts set out.

Maybe not, but I can see the writing on the wall.

And plenty more don’t because it overcomplicates what should be a simple matter.

With crippled wings, those things barely have anything resembling dragonriding, and the cooldown makes sure of that.

They’re all still dragons. Plus, mogging can easily find its way to TBC mounts as well. That’s not an indictment of TBC Flight.

One is easier. Zero is better than one in this case.

Because you’re as thick as molasses and would probably still interpret the above as ‘oh but AFKing so precious to you’.

Then… I have no words.

Pretty sure we are. Same forum and all.

You love ignoring that TBC Flight works at full strength out of the box and is actually better at exploring because you can cover nooks and crannies more thoroughly instead of buzzing by.

Cooldowns, and as far as I understand they won’t have access to dragonriding talents for their Soar. I have no plans to make one though, I hate the singular class they have access to.

I don’t give a damn how I look? What, are you trying to argue that I should empathize with dragonriders?

With crippled functionality until you get all of the glyphs? No thanks, I let the aether currents rot in FFXIV, I’ll let it rot here.

They said it with Artifact Weapons…

There’s a reason we as a community whittle tasks, raids, dungeons, and events down to the least necessary effort. It will happen here too. It’s inevitable.

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Flying is not an idiotic minigame.

You kinda do, since discovering new areas gives you exp and what you do while exploring while resource gathering.

You’re repeated and repeated and repeated utterances that it is “Safe”

But it had “staying power” XD We’ve had get max level and buy flying for 4 expansions and we had pathfinder for… 4 expansions.

Also this trying to eat your cake and have too/rule for thee but not for me is wearing thing. Your arguments are getting more and more shallow.

Kinda irrelevant on the chicken or the egg, they weren’t gonna budge on Pathfinder. If we didn’t have DR we absolutely would have had to wait and do Pathfinder to unlock OF this expansion, you’re delusional to think otherwise.

Yes you have to upgrade the thing you get at the BEGINNING of the expansion, as opposed to OF where you got near the END.

“I hit speed boost” Isn’t much of a minigame.

many many minutes later.

Because you’re obsessed with “safe” to the expense of everything else.

Yeah, You have speed boosts, you have shiny glyphs to find while exploring, and a tree that goes straight down. You being overwhelmed by that is a you failing.

Your argument hinges on outright ignoring anything good/better that DR does over OF and overpraising Hover and outright useless abilities (like backwards flying). You don’t get to do that.

Dr has massive speed over OF. You don’t get to ignore that.

Button clicks and mouse aiming, same with DR. DR also has speed boosts.

Covered by flying itself.

Why are you touting this like it’s so great?

Not really necessary.

You can go vertical, especially when fully upgraded.

Which you use for speed boosts, which OF does not have.

The unupgraded DR is faster than OF.

This is not useful or cool no matter how many times you repeat yourself.

I will risk it, as I said below, i haven’t been dazed once while flying so I’ll go test it some more by intentionally antagonizing enemies. Until then DR stands as a vast improvement by having little or no daze chances.

There’s plenty of places where enemies will come after you even if you don’t want to fight them. Like up in the air.

… you forgot Warriors have two other specs that DPS. I’m Arms. DPS specs can get dazed.

Go reread what I wrote.
“And which have super fast autofly that ISN’T on rails?”

No you’re just lazy and adverse to interacting with the game at all.

“Aw this sucks, i have to actually play the game, I can’t just AFK all the time!”
Boo. Hoo.

No one cares about them. Y’all have no sympathy there.

Take your own advice, DR is faster than OF, that’s an advantage, you don’t get to ignore that.

somewhere safe, which is all you care about.

Feel free to quit breaking your knuckles at any time, you’re not changing my mind.

Then I’d avoid the forums then, they’re kinda the opposite of relaxing.

We have FPs in DF :3

You do if you move, you’re not on rails, the paths and entranceways aren’t going to align for you.


While flying when it’s faster to just turn due to the movement axis you’re on? No.

Cars do not move in unrestricted 3 dimensions. Remember we’re talking about FLYING.

In shorter words “keep going or divert and bypass the threat”.

That you can customize. Sucks if you don’t like dragons I agree.

BEGONE FOUL EVIL! throws salt

Yeah I would love for it to expand to older mounts as well.

It goes a lot faster than OF? Yes? I can use it at any time I could have used OF in this expansion? Yes? Then it’s an upgrade.

I don’t know about you but if I’m in the game… I’m playing it. If I need to go do something else I just log out.

And yet it is.

Not really?

Which is why they reduced the speed in beta.

Yeah I don’t know what tangent you’re going on here, you have to deal with combat on the ground and risk death, part of playing a game.


The one that gets the job done at the same effectiveness in 30 seconds as opposed to 3 minutes.

You don’t get to arbitrary bring in story/gameplay segregation when it suits you. Or would you be excited to start collecting fuel for your gyrocopter?

Still DR. Also upgrades apply in the Isles.

When we have 900% speed for walking, sure. Gnome jetboots or something.

Which you almost always were.

Again, it wasn’t fullproof safe like you claim, and again, also slower.

Do indeed look at the forum.

It’s a travel system you don’t like. You’ll have OF in the next patch.

Why would you when the flight is so short.

You mean a FP?

You watching your boost meter, like in pretty much any movement/racing game.

Yeah, paying attention is hard.

… that’s a you issue.

You’re FLYING! Fly away, turn, lift off! Why would you back away in a slower movement speed if you’re trying to get AWAY from a threat?

Until we get guns on our dragons, yep.

Vigor is not as starved nor as punishing as you make it out to be.

It also wasn’t going as fast to begin with.

Big disagree.

No one cares that you can reverse while flying.


You don’t with either DR or OF.

Aannnd then you have to spend more time flying back cause you overshot by not watching the map.

Why even play RPGs if you don’t get attached to characters?

Which led us to DR.

I didn’t, those are player power things, not mount/movement things. Notice you had to rebuy flying every expansion, later do Pathfinder every expansion in order to relearn flying?

And now we’re at DR.

No you can’t.

You’re delusional if you’re thinking lots more people prefer OF over DR.

Still DR.

Which would be cool.

Easy and Very Easy are both still easy.

More insults kay.
The taking photos complaint is a valid one that I agree with you on.

Not if you think more people prefer OF over DR.

Not it doesn’t you had to:
Get max level and buy it for each expansion.
Do Pathfinder

If I want to thoroughly explore something I use a ground mount.

At this point in time.

Same honestly, not the biggest fan of casters. Wish we had melee or tank spec.

Uh, yeah? It’s a QoL improvement (outside of your hovering) and people are having fun, you’re getting OF in the upcoming patch. Why do you want DR taken away when you can have both and use the one you want?

That says a lot.

Artifacts replaced our weapons and were borrowed POWER literally, I’m glad they’re gone, the point of an rpg is finding new equipment.

You might have some standing if DR was actually hard. It’s nice. What it is is QoL being able to cross the map faster.