Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

My little dragonkin can soar from the get go and I’ve been using it to return to quest hubs and quest areas with great success. Burn path in area of quest retreat by air to quest hub. I never minded killing things to get in, killing the same stuff getting out now that I hated. So far i can live with it. Maybe more… Mind you i haven’t unlocked dragon flight I am just talking about my dragon kin.

Do you people actually know what it means to be tedious? It means to be slow; to be dull, monotonous, or excessively long. Explain to me how dragonriding fits that definition at all, and then explain to me how it’s more applicable of a term for dragonriding than regular flying.

Sometimes I think you guys just like to throw out buzzwords for things you don’t like in a hodgepodge of word vomit because you can’t actually articulate why it is you don’t like that thing.


Not the problem and you know it. The problem is that a chance of failure has now been introduced to a travel method that was impossible to mess up unless you just flew somewhere you shouldn’t. That is a downgrade by every measure.

Do elucidate me. What would YOU call a loss of function to a feature?

Incorrect, they’re going to go with the most stable option, because stability beats stunts 100% of the time for when you want something done by rote.

That’s not true and you damn well know it. Ground mounts have their own plethora of problems; they have to dodge ground spawns, navigate terrain, respect gravity, and risk daze. TBC Flight is the release from all of that worry. It is the reason flight was so highly sought by the playerbase.

Now we have this idiot’s revelry called dragonriding, a pale shadow of the superior form of flight.

Gods forbid I AFK somewhere. Should the program auto-kick after 15 seconds of inactivity?

Mark my very words here and now, and save them onto your hard drive;

Dragonriding will never be as precise as TBC Flight. Ever.

That doesn’t need to be present, thus a downgrade.

I want travel to be efficient and straightforward. I don’t want to play a minigame just to get to a mountain peak that has something to gather. I don’t want to level up a flight system that’s going to be ditched in a couple years. I want to be able to use my preferred mounts, not some stupid dragon that must have banged its head against the wall a half-dozen times because it apparently forgot how to fly the instant I sit on it.

It’s dumb, a downgrade, and I will welcome its demise by the end of the expansion.

Except you have to constantly monitor your surroundings and altitude instead of, y’know, just going where you want to go.

And also unfixable.

Again, should the program just auto-close after 15 seconds of inactivity?

You know this isn’t about FPs.

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I think you’re going to be upset come the end of the expansion and Blizzard has made it an evergreen system that they’ll continue to expand on (or at least have in all expansions moving forward).

I really don’t think you guys have fully grasped just how popular dragonriding is.


Maxed out dragon riding is nice. I looked up where the runes are and just went and got them straight away. You don’t need any power ups to get any of them, but you have to wait a lot longer for energy when low rank. Once it is maximum it feels more powerful than old flying.

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And invalidate every mount prior to Dragonflight? Yeah, right.

This system is dead in the water and staying in the Dragon Isles.

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It’s not invalidating anything. Regular flying is coming at a later point and will be able to use your regular mounts as you see fit, though you’ll still probably have to use dragonriding to get to that point.

You can believe what you want. Go literally anywhere else and see for yourself. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, etc. People are in love with dragonriding. It’s unlikely that Blizzard is going to abandon it.


Thank you for the hints…I have been mostly leveling crafting and exploring so far Ill ad this to my list while doing that. Its been nice to explore an our own world again.

It’s not a “chance”, there’s no RNG. Just practice and you’ll be fine.

Said loss of function is check notes the ability to hover and afk. I could not care less.

You are very wrong.

That’s literally why you’ve been arguing, people wanting the slower and “safer” option.

People DON’T want that, they go with what’s faster. People aren’t going to abandon Dragonriding en masse once old flying comes back.

Insults, cool.

It is superior because it gets you where you’re going faster, which has always been the point of mounts.

You can afk wherever, you don’t have to floating up a mile above to be safe.

If you say so.

YOU’RE PLAYING A VIDEOGAME. If you want something to play for you go do something else. You’re literally whining cause YOU keep crashing your mount rather than learning to fly it.

Dragonriding says hello.

Don’t insult the dragon for your failings.

Or you could attempt to get decent with it?

… you had to do that with Slow Flying. Dragonriding is not this Willy Wonka nightmare boat ride from bullet hell you’re making it out to to be.

This is a blatant lie.

Can your arguments not suck?

Me: the game shouldn’t be built around afking.


Everyone: … why are you like this?

FPS are the solution you are demanding.

“I don’t like it therefore everyone else including the people making the game don’t like it either so nyah!”

You’re not the main character you think you are.

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It’s not about mob rule though. You’re just wrong.


This is the same skill check as tying your shoes. This argument is as empty as is possible to make an argument.


There’s a 22 minute video of someone getting all 48 glyphs in one single flight.

It doesn’t look like they are doing anything that requires major skill either


You get a new dragon in each zone - one for each flight - and they all have a zillion customization options and there will be more forms available as the expac moves along. Like the Razagath looking one you can unlock in the raid I think.

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Man I know I’ve been slacking, but one go? Sheesh. Kudos to them! I think I’ll do that when I get back on. I’ve been taking my time, but got all the glyphs in the initial area :joy:

Drag Mog :joy:

Thus the problem; TBC Flight did not require practice. It was literally impossible to fail. You can fail to Dragonride, look at how many people are complaining about Vigor, about the wait time, about having to literally stop playing the game when they botch a landing or underestimate their lift.

They took a mechanic that worked without any chance of failure, added clunk and and the possibility of failure, and said ‘yes this is an improvement’ when clearly it isn’t. I do not value speed, I value precision, if I want to fly to a point, I do not care about anything but a safe arrival.

So let’s improve it by adding checks notes multi-minute cooldowns for misjudging height, thus causing people to AFK anyway before they get to try again. Wow! You’re right, this is so much better, the light is blinding in its brilliance!

Uh huh. Is this why raids constantly throw whatever at the walls, why M+ just accepts whatever and says ‘we’ll deal’, or do they hold to an established standard? That’s what TBC Flight is, an established gold standard that answers any issue put before it. Cranking the speed to 11 doesn’t do anything when you whiz by whatever you were trying to arrive at, or if in the pursuit of that speed you dipped too low and and, welp, guess what friend?

In what world is steady air travel in unpopulated skies less safe than ground travel in areas infested with enemies aside from Dragonflight where they decided flight needs to be clunky and failure-prone? Nevermind the fact that TBC Flight doesn’t need to deal with gaps, fauna or terrain on top of avoiding enemy clusters.

Ground-pounding and TBC flight are absolutely not comparable in the least because there is a superior option, and it’s NOT because of the speed. It’s because it’s perfect 3D control that is idiot-proof.

Incorrect, the point of the mount is to get you were you’re going period. TBC Flight guarantees arrival, no matter what (unless you’re ambushed by someone, but guess what DR has that exact same issue). Dragonriding requires constant and vigilant attention as well as evaluating physics just to get to the same point. I’ve never discounted dragonriding’s speed. I just do not value speed, I value reliability.

Yet TBC Flight allows that option, where Dragonriding does not. Another point in TBC Flight’s favor.

It’s simple math. The less variables you have to contend with, the more precise a given action will be. No one cares how many loops or sick drifts you do if you never arrive at your destination.

WE HAD A PERFECT VERSION OF FLIGHT ALREADY. People like you just couldn’t handle not being stimulated for another second or two so you decided to add twitch gameplay to a function that did not need it.

Say it with me: Travel should not require a skill check. Getting from point A to point B in this game should not be like the Oregon Trail.

Compared to TBC Flight? Funny joke.

My gyrocopter flies as-designed and with perfect accuracy. This idiot drake doesn’t even know to flap its wings if I don’t specifically tell it to.

Why get comfortable with borrowed power and subpar systems?

Running out of vigor, misjudging a height and not adjusting pitch in time, or not compensating for speed when turning are not issues with TBC Flight. And all of this on top of making sure to keep the path to your destination in mind. With TBC Flight, it’s point, fire, and forget. Hardly requires even a tenth of the mental focus.

Keep telling yourself that as more and more people start getting literally sick of the dragons.

Ah yes, because the existence of AFK Flight means the game is built entirely around it, instead of recognizing that travel doesn’t need to be a skill check.

If FPs could get me to ANY desired area on the map both-ways, then maybe you’d have a counter here. They can’t, and you know this is a nonsense argument.

Blizzard’s not going to backport HTTYD to all existing mounts because not every mount makes sense to work this way, and there’s no further advancement in the borrowed power, and no one is going to want to have to do Dragon Isles just to make their dragon not complete garbage, especially compared to TBC Flight mounts.


And yet, there is a possibility of failure, while with TBC Flight it is literally perfect from minute zero.


I agree.

Some people can’t face the facts.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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We can hope. If I have to go back to only normal flying after this much freedom in the air, I am gonna be so sad. :frowning:


Agreed. Dragonriding sucks.