Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

eh, suit yourself, more HTTYD-esque flying fun for the rest of us.

where no one goes intensifies


This is the best analogy that I have seen so far. Some people just want to get from Point A to Point B quickly and with no BS.


There’s a simple fix give us normal flying from day 1 instead of this abomination gg ez.


Oh no, help me Blizzard I can travel at 800%+ speed now!

Cap us back to Classic flight speeds where we are safe!


Not at all. Afk flying is pretty boring. Also participated in the Beta. Still not bored.

I am inclined to agree.

Keep it simple principle at work here.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Great, you can walk everywhere. Simplest as it gets, no alt tabbing required.

Dragon Riding being turned into a mini game isn’t what people had in mind. I give three months tops and people are going to sour on it.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Spyro was impossible to play for me because of motion sickness. :confused: This is what I was afraid of.


I agree in spirit, but the downtime kind of sucks.

The down time is minimized with the upgrades tbh, it becomes almost non existent.

Show me exactly when/where everyone elected YOU to speak for them.


Grotzik has my nomination and my daggers/swords.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

No that is too complicated, you have to hit the mount button and then hit the numlock, 2 buttons is too much!

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If you go just about anywhere else on the internet, you will see a vastly different response to dragon riding.

The forums just want to exist in their miserable bubble. Nothing will ever appease them.

Wait until these people discover what rotations are.


I already gave him both my rotations as a resto druid, not counting shape shifting, and movement. LOL.

I assume you prefer to play characters with no talent points or gear then? Because they must be super awesome while naked!

except that is a false equivalence because they’re not used for combat, just transportation lmao.

I love it personally. It’s a ton of fun and I truly hope they find a way to enable it everywhere in Azeroth. I’d likely never use the old flying again.

I haven’t had any problems with running out of vigor while questing or gathering herbs. Once you unlock the entire tree you have to actively try to use up all your vigor. The regen on it is much faster. I went on a “world tour” of the dragon isles and didn’t have to land once. It was fantastic.

The more I use it the more I love it.


… so… a skill issue.

You don’t know what that term means.

This is false, people are going to go with the fastest less hassle version, that’s Dragonriding fully upgraded.

And the people wanting to get from A to B, if ground mounts were faster than flying mounts people would use them a lot more.

I honestly don’t care that you can’t do it with Dragonriding, since it was for afking.

Skill issue.

Skill issue.

You are a sad panda.

And Dragonriding makes it less of a hassle.

That’s a valid concern and criticism, separate from the the rest of your whine and cheese.

The game shouldn’t cater your need to not-play while playing it, you want something you can walk away from and do whatever, that’s FPs.

Sooooo, FPs.

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