Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Seriously?. We’re given flight…maybe not hovering indefinitely, but FLIGHT my dudes and dudettes.

After years of being stuck on the ground till a later patch and pathfinder

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


You can always take a flight path, or do it after wards. its not hard. You’re blaming the game for your own inability to perform.

Wrong we have been given a cheap version of flight simulator.

Nope I’m blaming the game for taking a perfectly fine system making it convoluted and worse in most aspects and packaging it as a feature.

Probably another game you couldn’t play either, but that’s coming from a guy who wants to afk for 5mins.

But now no one can complain epically about having to pound dirt to get to their dungeons.

Also, this is still early in the game. It might be opened up later to all mounts

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Don’t give him hope, I’m enjoying this.

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Heres the key difference flight simulators main gameplay loop is guess what flying so I play it for that. Guess what Wows is not so I don’t.

Then why do you fly at all?

But what is really considered flying though? What if you’re not flying in any game? What if we weren’t flying in wow before dragonflight? What if we’re flying now for real though?

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Stupid question is stupid to travel between points like any sane person. Sorry I don’t get hard by pressing 3 buttons to fly through the sky continually in a game designed for pve and pvp content. When I could you know use that time doing something much more interesting while I automatically travel.

How is that a good thing??

Now we’re forced to use dragon riding mounts only. I have 600+ other mounts I’d like to use.

. . . not to rain on your parade here buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut . . . I wound up exploring the whole of the Waking Shore AND the Ohn’ahran plains without even really trying to . . . the former BEFORE I collected more then three glyphs . . . ya just gotta practice mate and you’ll get the swing of it.

It’s not a skill issue its the point they made travel intentionally tedious dragonriding is fun the first time after that it becomes a chore nothing more.

Mixed feelings (and I haven’t gotten to do it on live yet - first day I can play is tonight).

Conceptually and on Beta, Dragonriding is great. Interactive flying and games. On top of that, Dragonriding means flying at the beginning of expansion, not another year in.

But I won’t lie, sometimes I just want to swim through the air.

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Well, if the arguments weren’t near brain dead I might take you seriously.

  1. False equivalency, comparing ground mounts in an RPG to an MMO with flying.
  2. Your own inability to manage your time well—> not the games fault.
  3. Three buttons isn’t difficult, but that is the sum of your rotation outside procs, but dragon riding is “hard.”
  4. Sanity has nothing to do with this, you’re being dramatic and childish.
  5. More interesting? Glad you find WoW boring, go back to Afk walking into walls, you’ll have a blast.

Basically the sum of your complaints is that you’re bored of WoW period.

Honestly? I’ve kinda hit the opposite end . . . REGULAR flight is . . . well . . . not TEDIOUS but nowhere near as fun to do. I honestly hope that they open dragonriding up more in the future and to other flying mounts, but thats just my opinion.

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Maybe true now but when you have done it 1000 times and you just want to get from point a to b you will see how tedious it is.

Regular flight sucks, dragon riding is awesome and I hope it spreads to the rest of Azeroth. It’s just change and people who hate it don’t like change and always complain every time something changes. But, we just have to ignore those people, dragon riding is a clear upgrade.

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You spoke to nearly 30 people and the majority maybe don’t like it?

Very scientific research bud.

You’d rather have to be stuck to ground mounts for 2 or more patches?

People are whiny babies. DR is awesome. I give blizzard very little credit ever and this hurts me to say…but gj blizz.

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