Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

There’s a key difference between a rotation in combat and literally travelling. Name me one triple a rpg game that requires you to focus on traveling and actually punishes you for it if you mess up? I’ll give you the answer NONE. But sure let’s go through the list red dead 2 nope I didn’t need to a rotation to travel to my destination. Elden ring? Nope the witcher 3 that’s a nope as well. Do you know what all of these great games have in common? Travel is simple. If the over complicating of travel was such a good idea wouldn’t someone somewhere have implemented it into games much better than wow? And don’t cop out with but its flying because any form of travel is the same.

There is literally 0 reason to force the player to focus so much on getting from point a to b it adds nothing to the core gameplay loop and just punishes you for God forbid not focusing on the 1000 th time you have gone to do that daily.

some of the things im reading about dragonriding is like borderline unbelievable like i just can’t take any of it seriously

It’s an abysmal system that doesn’t respect the players time and forces you to sit and focus on travelling everytime you want to go and do some menial task. It is honestly woeful.

Its not a punishment though? Its not exactly difficult to use either. Just about any game that requires focus. If you AFK run with a mount, and fall of a cliff, is that “punishment” because you didn’t pay attention? Lol. Quit blaming the game for your own ineptness.

Why would I compare an MMO to an RPG game?

They’re two different things entirely.

Red dead isn’t great though anyway.

You mean, its not an MMO and you can AFK with no repercussions, nice. Go play an RPG and quit playing WoW.

If you’re struggling that bad, just uninstall WoW, you can’t PvP/PvE, rotations are too hard. Make sure you can’t move and dps at the same time… lol.

Again drama, flick the pickles off the burger boyo.

hey man u dont gotta convince me of anything, i’m having a blast

blah blah blah respect players time it’s fun who cares

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It’s just bad design in every aspect me afking or messing with Spotify while I fly shouldn’t immediately end with me plummeting out the sky. As I said before its not hard but it forces you to focus on the worst aspect of any game the traveling. Something that should never be a thing. Sure if I get ghanked or run into mobs and die that’s my fault but forcing me to sit and play whack a mole every time I want to go to a daily is terrible.

There’s a simple fix hit a button which limits your speed and removes the requirement for dragonriding that way you can either interact with it or choose not to and go slower.

So you lack good time management skills, what else is new.

Its not an issue. All the issues you mentioned, have to deal with you, and you’re projecting your in ability to perform on the game.

Its literally a free glider, and you’re trying to fly with it? okay buddy.

How would you feel about a 4 th button which removes the need to interact with dragonriding but limits your speed? Genuinely curious.

I think you need to get over it.

Nah I think its awful and agree wholeheartedly that it makes the game objectively worse but that’s just me.

well you haven’t said anything objective, so go figure.

i have so much fun. it’s like, sometimes i press 1… and sometimes i press space, sometimes 2, and i go at like 900% speed.

I actually have and have provided examples of better games that do travel better than this abomination. If its such a good idea better games would be doing it. It’s just a poor imitation of the da vinci flying machine mission in ac2 which was universally hated.

False equivalences aren’t good comparisons.

You realize GW2 has it right?

Yep and its bad there too. And how wow has fallen to be ripping of gw2 for ideas.

Dragonriding is the best change they’ve made to this game in more than a decade.

Try to keep up.


Looks like you’ll be stuck playing classic wow forever, who would’ve guessed.

Classic wow the one with slower yet somehow better traveling you know with ability to hit num lock and all.

You mean for people who have bad time management, can’t focus on hitting 3 buttons, and probably can’t do a rotation and move at the same time… yeah. real “difficult.”

Nah for respecting its players and not forcing them to focus on every second of every 5 minute journey.