Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

10/10 solution how about they just let me fly like they did for the last x amount of years? Explain to me what was wrong with the tbcflight and the benefits of this system?

I don’t recall that ever being in Shadowlands or prior expansions where flying was allowed in new areas right out the gate. At this point you’re complaining for the sake of it.

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No I’m complaining that they changed flight into a boring minigame that requires my attention rather than what it should be a boring 2 minute afkafone which gets me to my destination with the minimum amount of effort.

As I started earlier travel is not content and it should be made as easy as possible. I wouldn’t even care if they said no flying from the start as long as I don’t have to interact with this dull minigame I’m fine.

I would take walking over this as long as I can press num lock and forget about it and eventually get to my destination I am fine.

“OH no I have to hit buttons.”

Then don’t. No one is forcing you, you are more than welcome to walk.

Then do that. So much drama over something trivial. Jesus. Legit reminds me of a kid complaining that his burger has pickles on it. Flick em off, move along.

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Except they do because you have to fly to reach certain places. You still haven’t explained in what way was the old system of mount and fly so bad?

You want to fix the afking in the sky issue add a fatigue factor which after a set amount of time drops you to the ground easy fixes that issue and doesn’t ruin travel.

Then don’t do that content.

It doesn’t have to be “bad” to be improved. But no one wants to “AFK” fly into a wall for 2 hours and not play the game. Better off not logging in at that point.

Clearly you haven’t leveled up your dragon riding, so I’m taking your words with a pound of salt.

A lot of evil to you apparently since you just want to afk auto run Again.

And you wanted perfect control and safety. That’s what they’re for.

Only if you’re a Druid or using that obnoxious goblin mech.

This is sounding more and more like a skill issue, the controls aren’t unwieldy and I barely have any of the glyphs yet.

In a couple of months you can. Or take a FP.

“I demand it be boring for everyone!” Is not gonna get people to agree with you.

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It’s simply a fact pressing 3 buttons does not make something fun or interesting. In fact it makes it tedious.

These points are completely destroyed because the alternative would be to go on foot and deal with pathfinder again . We got Blizz to the pathfinder when they said no flying and now we got them here to actually give us flying from the start

The fact is you fly waay faster and actually have to pay attention while flying

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You do realize that is about the sum of buttons your paladin has… right?

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Interesting I seem to have a lot more than that who knew! :joy:

Well, all the other ones are CD’s or proc based… or gated behind Holy power… so… yeah.

But not seeing the issue. I press a lot more buttons. It sounds like you just need another game that lets you sit back and chill on your phone.

TBC flight is perfect control and safety. Dragonriding is its drunk and unseemly cousin that likes crashing into things.

Again, before this dragonriding debacle, flight was no more dangerous than walking or being on a ground mount during travel. Now we have to do mechanics just to get from A to B. Should we get the QWOP devs in here so we have can have walking mechanics? Ooh, maybe a fatigue system that forces you to RP walk after running for X yards!

That’s functionality that needs to be expanded, not this dragonriding garbage!

It’s not a skill issue in the least; it’s an issue with the quality of a feature being watered down to appeal to thrill-seekers for no better reason than ‘eh why not toss some changes here’.

Gods forbid I want travel to a spot not covered by a FP to be simple.


Dragon riding is fine, but I just don’t see why they couldn’t give players an option to make them fly normally. E.g. Hit button 4 it’s a normal mount and you lose out on the dragon riding speed. Seems like a really simple way to please everyone.


Because people just want crap handed to them a specific way, and they don’t like new things that they consider “tedious.” Such as hitting “3” buttons.

Imo its pretty good the way it is, and I would rather have it than using a ground mount and doing a repeat of every expansion. I don’t foresee blizzard ever giving actual flying right out the gate in any expansion. In other words, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

That’s is false, you could get attacked and dismounted by multiple things.

And Dragonriding is ironically safer than those means since you fly past most threats.

Again, comparing walking to super fast flying in 3 dimensions just makes you look silly.

… they literally are, you level up your professions and you can gather while mounted.

“Watered down” “nerfed” “appeal to thrill seekers”
One of these is not like the others.

Correct. If you want perfectly safe and boring you have FO, if you want the inbetween that is old flying wait for it to unlock like you have in the previous expansions.

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No I want to enjoy wow for what its good for pve and pvp content it is not and has never been a good movement/flight game and the quicker it learns that and stops forcing these dumb ideas onto the players the better.

Simple fact making something tedious and repetitive is not better than making something simple and effective despite all the dressing up they do.

Fine, I’ll rephrase. I’m in no danger from user error. Because it’s impossible to fail using TBC Flight.

If I fly somewhere and get attacked because I shouldn’t be there, that’s me taking risk, not a failing of TBC Flight.

Or you simply maintain distance and don’t have to worry about aggro at all, which is trivial to do on flying machines with perfect maneuverability and doesn’t require split-second decision-making.

And taking a system that functioned 100% well, downgrading it, then spewing speed lines everywhere is just as silly. Might as well ruin walking too.

Then Dragonriding becomes further irrelevant and TBC Flight becomes further superior.

Lemme help you out: the ‘going real fast’ part is the bit that appeals to the thrill seekers. The ‘watering down’ and the ‘nerfing’ is the removal of hover, lack of 100% precision, and risk of crashes which do not exist on TBC-style mounts.

Yes. I want travel to be boring. Boring is good. Boring is reliable. Boring gets the job done.

Say it with me, again. Travel should never require a skill check.


They don’t understand poor things that literally moving between point a and point b should not be a hassle it also should not give people motion sickness.

PvP is literally a mini game in wow, and basically dead. Most players only do M+ or basic stuff. So I’m not sure you’re going to find much fulfillment in that area. Raiders are pretty dedicated to 2-3 days a week at best.

I actually enjoy it, and its movement is actually better than other games I’ve played. But clearly this is coming from an opinion more than anything sustainable, and one that is extremely biased at that.

Your opinion isn’t fact. Simply because you find something tedious does not mean it is tedious. I play a resto druid, I cat weave. That means I’m doing a full damage rotation and healing rotation plus watching HOTS on players. Never mind all my utility that I use to keep players alive.

Damage rotation:
Rake/Thrash/shred (5combo), Rip main target. (convoke)
Human form—> Moon fire, sunfire.

Healing rotation.
Life bloom two targets, Effloresce, cenarion ward tank, Pop nature’s vigil for more damage from ST heals, convoke (unless I used in damage rotation), Adaptive swarm, ensuring it stays up, wild regrowth, rejuvenate on players that need swift mend, Hitting nature’s swiftness for an instant regrowth.

“Tedious” LOL. Three buttons, “Tedious.” Never mind game mechanics, shape shifting, and interrupts/stuns/roots etc. But you’re complaining about 3 buttons… sweet summer child… smh.