Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Then hopefully Dragonriding gets dumped in the Dragon Isles like the rest of these borrowed power systems do and proper TBC flight is restored, because unless you’re making a stunt video no one will Dragonride when proper flight returns to play.

Again, travel should not require a skill check. Flight going from perfectly safe and 100% pinpoint to… this… Is a travesty and an outright nerf.


Keep drinking the cool aid. Blizzard should fix it by simply giving people the choice. If you want to dragonride you go ahead and do it. I want to num lock afk I’ll be slower but I should have the choice. I guarantee after 6 months more people would be doing it the old way rather than dragonriding.

I like it. Hopefully they add normal flying later for whoever wants it.
Perhaps by Rep like the ye ol days too.

It’s been stated multiple times you’re getting old flying back/unlockable in a later patch, and it still works everywhere else.

You are lying to yourself if you honestly believe that, Dragonriding is twice as fast as old flying, of course most everyone will stick with Dragonriding.

We still have that, it’s called flight paths. TBC flying wasn’t “safe”, we had flying enemies, ranged enemies, and the net guns. If you want safe, take a FP, that’s their whole point.

They literally are and you refuse to acknowledge the multiple posts stating so, old flying is coming in a later patch.

And I’m gonna flat out say you’re wrong. This is just like claiming more people will use ground mounts rather than flying mounts.

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They are indeed adding it back in a later patch, so it’ll more or less coincide with how/when it unlocked in previous expansions.

You’re legit just finding crap to complain about. You must be happy.


It’s just not true is it. They should have both available at launch not just one. Its terrible in both implementation and engagement. I would honestly rather bash my head against a wall than do any more dragonriding but I literally have 0 choice. Bad system is bad and there’s no escaping it. Again travel is not content and shouldn’t be made a chore.

There’s a massive difference between ‘huh I’d better not fly over there or hover around here because enemies might wander by and net me or dismount me’ and ‘if I run out of Vigor I either crash and possibly die or am forced into landing in a spot I really don’t want to’. One is far safer than the other.

I don’t even get dismounted if I AFK-fly into a mountainside. With this travesty of a system…

Nah I just don’t agree that traveling is content. Traveling is a chore to get to the content and it should be as seamless as possible.


It is pretty seamless. There is plenty of story, the quests were upgraded, traveling is easier, so you don’t have to walk up mountains like in Shadowlands, or run at much slower speeds and get bogged down with mobs. You also get plenty of gear in queues. They even implemented dragonriding races. All of which are pretty engaging tbh.

Plus, its great transmog, plenty of BOE’s drop in dungeons outside bosses, and off mobs. The geography looks beautiful. I’m finding it pretty difficult to find something to be upset about. The dungeons are even interactive and well designed.

Eh, Could care less but I doubt Blizz would have added old flying day one. They haven’t in the past 4 expansions.

keep telling yourself that.

Says the person wanting to AFK autorun so they can go do other things.

One is also a lot faster than the other.

That sounds like a bug… or you flew into an area that doesn’t allow mounting.

Heres an example the witcher 3 has horse stamina so you can only gallop for a certain amount of time befo having to slowly trot to regain stamina and it can be increased with saddles. That’s a passive system do I like having to slow down? No but its only off roads and it doesn’t kill my progress by making me come to a complete stop and I don’t die if the stamina reaches zero.

Dragonriding forces you to interact as you travel with its systems and it actively punishes you for making mistakes. You now have to focus on traveling a lot more. Can you see the difference between the two systems.

You can change flying without forcing people to download addons or focus like they are playing chess all the time on the banality of traveling.

I’ll take perfect control over super speed any day of the week. And I suspect once the novelty of the system wears off, many, many gatherers and profession players will do the same. TBC flight is the gold standard. This is a stunt-laden sideshow trying to pose as a main event.

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Take a FP then.

You do realize you unlock the ability to gather while mounted right?

It’s the bare minimum.

Witcher 3 is an RPG. It isn’t an MMO, also, what you’re comparing that to is literally what is implemented into Dragonriding but its flight with a higher probability to increase speeds beyond regular mount speed. so…?

That sounds like you don’t know how to dragon ride tbh. You have ways of using the soar ability to your advantage. Just saying. Plus you can upgrade the flying as you go along until you can stay in the air longer. But if you want a handout, that definitely isn’t happening, but it isn’t difficult to upgrade either.

You don’t need addons for dragon riding, lol its the least complex thing in the game to tbh with you.

Mmol or not the point stands sure maybe wow needed and upgrade on its flight system but what wasn’t needed is the current implementation of dragonriding speed is never the issue I don’t want to be forced to play a boring minigame everytime I want to go from point a to b. There are other ways of doing it without being so intrusive to the core gameplay loop.


Why should I have to when for years I could just you know fly without playing whack a mole? What was so evil and bad with pressing w to move forward?

Ah, so sorry. You must have forgotten that FPs are fixed-destination, whereas TBC flight can get to any point with perfect precision and zero need for any additional mechanic other than mounting up and using WASD. You don’t even need a mouse to achieve excellent results with TBC flight.

And? With TBC flight you approach at a CONTROLLED speed, can hover right next to what you want, get it, and off you go with perfect acceleration and control. (At least once Blizzard comes to their senses and allows on-mount harvesting like how Druids have it)

If it’s the bare minimum, Dragonriding is a failure. Sure, I can go faster, but unless I’m in a race, who cares? Precision and control are premium, and nothing beats perfect 3D maneuverability.

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Then walk.