Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

You literally admitted you don’t play XD

What kind of take is “there shouldn’t be mechanics in a game”?

you sound really dumb when we all remember you’re comparing this to high speed FLYING.

A Swimming mode for this would be neat, not a lot of call for swimming zones though.

Yeah you don’t play the game, your argument is becoming more and more invalid.

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Nitro, done.

I never once said I don’t play… You can’t comprehend the fact that dragonriding sucks and the longer you do it for the worse it gets. Travel should never be interactive for the simple fact that its already dull enough adding more chores to a chore already is stupid. Dragonriding 0/10 gone by next expansion guaranteed.

Maybe save the mechanics for actual important things, like raids, dungeons, encounters, etc? Getting hit with a repair bill for daring to travel using my mount is, uh, not a selling point of the mount.

Flight used to be perfectly safe and 100% pinpoint accurate, perfect for travel. They have now gutted the primary functionality of flight all so that we can pretend to be Red Bull stunt performers. Imagine if they took a critical tool you used every time you played and decided to tack on a ‘careful, might kill you!’ chance. Rad, huh?

Now I know you’re crazy if you want actual depth pressure and biological failing being reflected in this game. Next Ironforge will be literally uninhabitable due to convection roasting everyone alive.

He’s just a blizzard shill. Blizzard could add in interactive walking and he would eat it up.

Gyrocopters hover. That is literally their primary function. Why should my character be compelled to constantly feed nitrous into a system they don’t want overcharged?

You just admitted to AFK Autorunning so you could do other stuff, that is quite literally not playing.

Screw that, i love having mounts, I don’t want to just have FPs.

… you think Dragonriding ate all of their resources?

It is cause that’s funny.

Flight has been the same for 15 years, it’s long since boring, this si something new and it’s FASTER. Also you’ll get old flying later on.

Probably if it was fun, do you not expect to die in combat?

We had that in BFA.

Nah we had that in the BRD dungeon where you go after the emperor.


battery need recharging, gnomes are weird.

Travel is not a gameplay feature it is just a means to get from one piece of content to another and it should be as seamless and easy as possible.

Heres a real world example. If you caught a bus and the bus driver asked you to call out each stop everytime just to give him a hand it might be fun for the first time. After 20 journeys of yelling stop 1 stop 2 you just want to sit in your seat with your headphones in and get to where your going without the hassle. That’s exactly what dragonflying is its taking travel adding a pointless chore to it to for no reason. It’s unfun and gets old extremely fast.

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Keep telling yourself that.

Your example is stupid and you fail at analogies.

It’s exactly what it is a menial task for pressing 3 buttons that’s all. Nothing interesting just a chore.

It wasn’t worth making travel frustrating and nigh-impossible for some players. TBC flight worked just fine, this garbage does not. It makes no sense that a craft designed to hover in place would no longer be able to do so.

So you have no actual response. Good to know.

They nerfed something that worked perfectly well for no reason. That’s enough provocation to be angry at the existence of what’s being presented as its replacement.

Walking’s been the same for nearly 20 years, you wanna pull a Sakurai and add a % chance to trip and sprain your ankle every X steps? Maybe when you jump and your character does a flip a random chance to instant-die from a broken neck?

Not if I do my rotations correctly and handle the mechanics of the battle. Are you actually psychotic enough to want a completely RNG raid?

Rest assured, we did not. We didn’t have to do controlled surfaces. We didn’t have a max dive depth. We didn’t have to pressurize and depressurize. There’s a LOT of underwater mobility that simply doesn’t translate well to a game.

Why would lava form allegiances? If it cooked BRD, it cooks Ironforge.

Weird, worked completely fine before, and I built it myself.

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“I think it’s fun so you’re wrong” could be met with “I think it’s not fun so YOU’RE wrong” - which is why arguing about it here it pointless. I’m not out to change anyone’s mind and I’m not trying to convince anyone to change it (edit: “it” referring to dragonriding). Apparently me being able to “regular fly” takes away the fun from your dragonflying - at least for now.

What can I say? If I’m not forced to use the system it obviously will be so much less fun for not only you, but many others.

Let’s make it even realer and admit none of the mounts would actually fly in reality and have 0 flying. Let’s have our characters get hungry and thirsty, talking pandas are gone, undead? They don’t exist. Your only choice of character is humans and guns are the single best weapon in the game and you can beat any raid with a single headshot. Cause you know realism.

This comment is helpful, though not the only one with this info. Maybe I’ll go back and give it a shot. This is the first expac I didn’t level until cap… I think I stopped around 63 when trying to get back up to the quest giver and having to wait on vigor.

Honestly still not really feeling it though. I’m close to 450 mounts now and I get a feeling most “mounts” in this expac are going to be skins for the terrible drake. I’m aware you can change the appearance of the drake after time but as a Tauren I almost always use flight form. My alts would be the ones more affected by this.

Also, seems the feature is getting pretty popular and if they’re going to go back and add it in old areas and put it in all the new areas I really want nothing to do with it. Thank you for your kindness, though - its often in short supply with unpopular opinions.

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You don’t like moving around in a video game I don’t know what to tell you., it’s fun because it keeps you engaged and goes faster.

People with accessibility issues their concerns are valid, people complaining cause they’re just bad or want to afk fly everywhere are not.

It actually does, according to me and thousands elsewhere here, on reddit, and in game.

My responses was to laugh cause you figured out how to die on the mount somehow.

I don’t think you know what that word means.

Without dragonriding you wouldn’t have any flying right now, just like in SL, BFA, LEgion, and WoD.

You’re not being clever by comparing walking to flying, it just makes you look more and more silly.

We have plenty of RNG in raids?

Pretty sure we did? We as Horde had to go get Derek’s corpse from the depths.


A hA! that’s the issue then! Kidding kidding. More legit answer, going from slow flying to Dragonriding equivalents wears it out.

Flop and flail dood, flop and flail. We’re talking about flying dragons in our fantasy game.

Yeah we are and I can’t hover afk in the air because its unrealistic and immersion breaking so if we are going that way I want you to step off a cliff on your dragon and plummet head first into the abyss because it breaks my immersion seeing what would be the equivalent of a semi truck soaring in the air.

Then why the hell does my Gyrocopter suddenly get nerfed to uselessness?

Perfectly working before Dragonflight - Dragonflight happens - ‘Welp guess I just have to break the throttle control on this thing.’

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You can stay mad about not being able to not-play the game when you’re playing it , ima go play the game when I get home ^w^

It’s not been nerfed to anything, it works exactly the same as it always have.

Dragonrding doesn’t work on it and Blizzard has made no mentions of it completely replacing old flying, we have both atm.

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But it doesn’t work as it did because the moment he stops he plummets to the ground and dies. See that’s a nerf right there. Or did you forget about that.

I didn’t forget cause that’s not how it works. At all, y’all are making stuff up now.