Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Finally someone who sees sense!

I just love Dragon riding so much, I actually feel joy while I’m doing it.

It’s very intuitive to me, and I swoop and sour, at one with my blue dragon. It reminds me of a Book I read years ago by Anne McCaffrey; called Dragon Flight! The same ‘oneness’ with your Dragon is the basis of that series.



That’s great but imagine you are forced to read that book every night sure you might like it but the vast majority of people don’t want to.

No no, it’s not about the book, it’s about the experience of riding a Dragon, and if I was offered THAT every night you can be sure I’d do my utmost to perfect it.

I think most people are liking it? In my WoW circles all are, so far.

Because its new I’m already bored I just want to go from point a to point b with as little effort as possible. I don’t care about the speed I just don’t want to focus on every second of travel. They should allow us to choose between dragonriding and normal. You can keep your speed just don’t force me to interact with travel every time.

You don’t want to do what we do every early expac? Just ride ground mounts and take flight paths?

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Doesn’t work as a comparison because I can num lock afk run on a ground mount I’m not forced to click speed up every time. If they added that feature sure I would hate it as well. Here’s one how would you feel if everytime you wanted to walk anywhere you had to individually press w for each step? Boring right? That’s exactly how I feel about dragonriding its just bloat for the sake of bloat.

“I don’t want to actually play the game” is not the compelling argument you think it is.


No the argument is I don’t want to play a glorified travel simulator I actually want to play the parts of the game wow excells at. If I did I would play flight simulator as its superior in every aspect to wow in that department.

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Sounds like this game isn’t for you then. Try a different one. Cause here’s a hint - it isn’t going away anytime soon.

Travel from A to B shouldn’t require a skill check.

Then go do that, Dragonriding has removed none of them.

No its just made it tedious to get anywhere.

You’re playing a game remember that.

You can just wait half-a-year like normal for old flying to come back if you hate it that much.

And afk autorun wasn’t?

Here comes the shills “criticize my game because you don’t like one aspect then don’t play.” 10/10 logic.

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And? What relevance does, ‘it’s a game’ have to do with anything? Should there be a chance of failure with walking, riding a ground mount, swimming? Uh oh, you ascended too fast, hope you can deal with the bends!

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As I said before afk auto run is passively boring I can fill that time doing something enjoyable. Dragonriding is aggresivly boring so it demands your time much worse.

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Delete old flying mounts.

Like hell. Dragonriding doesn’t even make sense for several TBC flight mounts anyway. Like, y’know, GYROCOPTERS.