Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

That, indeed, for most of the changes implemented.

The only way dragon rising isn’t functional is if you havent spent the barest effort skilling it up or you are simply clueless on how to do it. If you skilled it up and have even the tiniest amount of skill pressing 3 whole buttons its vastly superior to sky swimming in every way except hovering.

Yeah a nerf totally isn’t crashing into the ground and dying when you choose to afk /a

As I say I would rather have a passive s**t system than an aggressive one.

Here’s an example you could understand would you rather have a poo on your doorstep where you pass it once a day but don’t interact with it or would you rather have to eat a poo every day? both are bad but ones passively bad.

That is entirely a you problem.

You are disturbed and have entirely too much fascination with fecal matter, don’t share your kinks with people unprompted like that.


Not being able to dragon ride once skilled up is actually worse than failing proving grounds bronze back in the day lol just fyi

That’s 3 whole buttons too many. The flight system sucks and the longer it stays the worse it will get. It might be fun for you now but I guarantee in 7 months you will be begging for sky swimming.

If your going to make something interactive you have to ensure its enjoyable at the least and it just isn’t.

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Yep ignore the point because you are currently hard for blizzard. If I wanted to play an interactive flight game I would play flight simulator. I just want to go from a to b without being forced to play a worse version of spyro. It’s bad and doesn’t belong in a game from 2022 end of discussion.

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Oh no lol. 3 buttons. How will you survive the agony lmao.

  1. boost forward
  2. boost up
  3. boostest forward

I’m trying to ignore your unhealthy obsessions and desire to eat fecal matter.

I wouldn’t say it’s BETTER , but it’s definitely incredibly fun.

Yep for every flight for the foreseeable future I love being forced into interacting with something so pointless and menial as flying. There’s a reason naughty children get forced to write the same line over and over. It’s boring its the same principle with this.

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So you don’t want to get the things that make dragonriding awesome, and you’re fully committed to hating it, so your discontent is a self-fulfulling prophecy. Have fun on the ground, I guess. But this beats the pants off of not being able to fly at all until later like some other expansions.

And also dragonriding is really fun. It’s no one else’s fault that you’re committed to hating it.

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Mechanics shouldn’t be attributed to nessacities such as travel. For example elden ring or witcher 3 two of the most critically acclaimed games do not have you having to click buttons over and over every time you want to run or sail somewhere to maintain speed because its unnecessary bloat. I should be able to travel from point a to b without having to worry about mechanics the mechanics should come with the actual content and travel is not content.

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Everyone who hates dragonriding seems to just suck at it hmmm…


Not true its just pointless bloat that makes a convenient system inconvenient. It’s an unfun chore which gets more boring the more you do it.

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Cope maybe?

Nah just straight facts

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How is it complicated at all? It isn’t completely non-interactive like typical flying in wow, but nothing about dragon riding is complicated.

It isn’t complicated but they took a system for travel that worked fine and added a bit more complexity to it to turn it into a chore. For example the first time I ran from crows perch to the bog it was fun but they added fast traveling because they realised doing it 30 times is unfun. Same story with dragonriding its fun the first 10 times but then you just want to get from a to b without being forced to focus on traveling.


I agree, requiring travel to have a skill check is absurd. What’s next, realistic ground mounts/walking? Exciting news adventurers, now every jump can be a try for a flip, but be careful you don’t break or sprain your ankle!

Such a waste of time.