Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

I actually fell to my death thing that a dragon mount was my dragonriding mount. And the get kicked out of general chat for literally mentioning it at all. God forbid I try to start a conversation in a completely dead channel.

I like dragon-riding, it’s more realistic flight than before. However I would like to not fall to my death accidentally and do like the other version of flying too.

It means for a 2022 triple a title its a poor outdated system and shouldn’t be praised. I expect better than a spyro rip off from blizzard sorry not sorry.

Fun gameplay gets praised, it doesn’t have to be new and never before seen… are you one of those people who complain about a band’s new album sounding like their older one because they didn’t replace their lead singer and completely reinvent their style?

No I just expect quality from one of the best game developers. Blizzard used to guarantee that now they just fork out half baked ideas which are done better in other games instead of doing what they are actually good at.

News flash wows physics and movement are trash tier and always have been but it didn’t matter because people didn’t play the game for that and it didn’t get in the way of the core gameplay loop. Now they have made one of the biggest expansion features based on that system and guess what it sucks. It’s not intuative, its not hard and its not impressive. It’s a hollow chore masquerading behind its glyph system to give it the impression of “complexity” to impress the clapping seals who can’t see it for what it is actually for to take away the convenience of the original flying.

Its a nerf they dressed up to fool people into thinking its a feature and everyones blinded by the fact irs new.


People are crying about how complex it is without the glyphs and completely refusing to ride at all.

The glyph system isnt to have “complexity”. It’s simply leveling up your dragon riding. That’s like crying about having to level from 1 to 70 and calling talents added complexity.


And you accuse everyone else of being shills?

It doesn’t, and we don’t have to wait half a year for it.

You can do it in an hour and it’s account band.

The new flight system? That’s faster than the old one?

Sorry you can’t afk in the air anymore, so sad.

it goes FASTER and we get it immediately.

People will be stupid. The only reason they made dragonriding a feature is to stop people from floating in the air or taking off vertically. They hated the original flying and wanted to scrap it for ages but the outcry would have been too great so they settled for gimping flying but making it look cool and complex to appeal to enough dumb dumbs to limit the outcry.

Speed was never the issue it was the convinence of the original flying which they hated.


Yeah the actual act of dragonriding is a chore id rather bang my head on a wall than be forced to control every single flight I do in game for a year. Sorry it got boring after the 5th time of doing it.


Thought they complaining about skipping over content. Having the ability to just fly over enemies. You could afk just about anywhere and never have to worry about getting killed, but not all classes can just skip past mobs with no combat.

Dood, take a FP.

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Yeah, I don’t enjoy it either. It’s so difficult to enjoy the view when you have to constantly be checking that you have enough speed to keep going and to make sure you don’t crash into anything. Also, the speed lines ruin the view too. Can’t wait for normal flying.


That’s completely irrelevant to the topic at hand dragonriding is a 2003 era flying system purely designed to gimp current flying because the devs didn’t like it.

It’s a turd wrapped in a pretty bow and some people are currently still distracted by the bow.


900% move speed is a nerf lol. We get it you are malding over a popular feature.

Yeah because speed is everything. /s.

10iq take

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I might be wrong but i think this is something you can turn off.

Im on a flying mount going point A to point B. Yeah, speed kind of is.

I’d rather go from point a to b without having to play budget spyro the dragon or complete the da vinci mission from ac2 every time. But hey that’s just me!

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“Dragon riding isnt even impressive for a game in 2008” -guy who is malding over losing sky swimming LUL

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Sky swimming might be stupid but at least it was functional and didn’t require you to partake in unfun gameplay. I would rather have an unintrusive turd than be forced to partake in a turd sandwich everytime I fly.

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I don’t think you understand what a “nerf” is.