Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

It had everything to do with torghast because guess what torghast was a bad imitation of a roguelite so people who enjoy rogulites would play roguelites. Dragonriding is straight ripped out of assassins creed 2s Leo da vinici flying machine mission (which was also universally hated) with a glyph system tagged on. It’s just fundamentally bad.

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Dragon flying is what flying should have been from the start. It’s realistic and it’s fast. Nothing in the real world other than some insects fly like wow mounts too, hovering, going backward etc. I would be glad if they replaced flying with the dragon flying mechanic and expanded on it.


Just take the 1 hour it takes to go grab all the glyphs and this is a total non-issue. It’s not timegated, it’s not rep locked, it’s a bit of exploration. You will have to wait for energy when reaching the really high glyphs but this happens maybe 2 or 3 times.

Once it’s maxed out you can go from the lowest point on the map to the highest point, and back down and up again over and over without landing. You have to play around with it for a little bit, but it will click for you and then you won’t have to land and wait ever again unless you really mess up.

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It starts off kind of painful, but as you unlock skills/abilities, and you get the hang of it, it’s actually quite fun…imo

I love coming in at Mach 5 and just BOOM! Dropping down where I need to be.

It’s cool.

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This whole thread is a troll fiesta. These “complaints” have all the subtlety of a hand grenade. Not one person here has made me believe they actually don’t like dragonriding and I can’t figure why anyone is responding to them.

You can fly at 3x the fastest mount speed though

No… YOU just don’t like it or suck at using it.

Blizz should get a clue. They dont decide what we like.

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Okay stretch arm strong, (hint hint it’s actually ripped off of Spyro dragon if we’re making silly takes), WoW is never allowed to do anything, that’s your take? It’s ridiculous. Dragonriding is fun, Torghast for people who didn’t care about the grind was fun. the Turrent missions where you shoot stuff (and it isn’t bugged) are fun. Varying things up are fun rather than “go kill 12 of x, bring me 5 of y”.

love the concept but its executed poorly. love the fluidity of it, i love how the mount comes in when you cast it, the flying speed is great, but the vigor system is absolutely horrible

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If your engagement is mostly on youtube and not actually the game you are playing, should the game really be catered towards you?

Seems a bit selfish to put your own desire to not engage with the game above others who actually want to engage with the game that they pay for :man_shrugging:


I disagree. Flying was boring. Dragonriding is a lot more fun.


Your name is really good, damn.

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Dragonriding is something you must level. It will get more fun as you put points into the skill tree.

You dont understand anything if you think like this. You must hate hate hate starting at level 1 in games.


I really hate the “novody wanted this” crap

Stop speaking for me and everyone else


Lmao torgast was fun… Sure buddy. Spyro the dragon was released in 1998 if I remember correctly should a game in 2022 pride itself on making a worse version than that games flying? The answer is no unless you consider coming two points behind a medieval peasant in a science exam is an achievement. You shills have been on your knees for too long for blizzard that you are willing to take anything at this point.


So you never did it, got it.

You havent played either Spyro or Dragonriidng I see.

Come closer, let me tell you a secret, it’s mindblowing. Really.

We’re not shills. We’re having fun. If we weren’t having fun we’d play something else.

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I did it and I instantly wished I didn’t like a vast majority of people.

I have and spyro unironically has better and more precise movement than wow.

You are because you can’t objectively admit that dragonriding is not a quality movement/flying system for a game released in 2022. If this was 2008 I might be impressed and that’s a very big MIGHT. In fact I probably would still consider it average for 2008.

And so I repeat myself, you have never played a spyro game.

What does this even mean. Are certain game modes only allowed in certain years? Am I not allowed to play Breath of the Wild anymore next year?