Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

To be honest maybe your right maybe I am just jaded. I genuinely feel this way about the whole expansion it’s not bad per se but it’s like bread. Plain and boring and markedly average is it better than the shadowlands? I’d say yes but the flying is not impressive the questing and story is meh its not witcher 3 levels for example. The combat is average wow and the graphics are bad for this gen of games there’s not really a niche it excells at bar being an mmo. I consider it a 5/10 its not a bad wow game but it feels like a game that came out in 2015.


I’ve been making this case in a couple of threads but the drama queens keep ignoring it. Normally the big whine is us being stuck on the ground for a year and how it’s cruel and unusual punishment to be forced to deal with mobs.

Bolded for truth. I’ve stopped caring. Now I just point and laugh at them.


Yeah, I feel that. That’s really why I compare WoW to WoW rather than to other games.

I think that Dragonflight as a whole so far is an improvement over BFA/Shadowlands but there are certainly better games–such as the wither 3, like you mentioned. It’s solid overall but not revolutionary by any means.

I am coming off of a several month break though so it’s a bit more fresh to me than it otherwise would have been.

Yep, i did the same thing yesterday, Idk what anyone is complaining about, and the races are actually pretty fun. I’ve been getting gold back to back on my run.

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That’s the thing blizzard used to be revolutionary and I kind of assumed dragonriding would be that revolution for this expansion but it’s just not and there’s nothing else really there to hold my attebtion. Like bread it’s inoffensive but I would choose anything else on the menu first.


Once again if Blizzard is improving things I love it. Make dragon flight available in all zones and I would be so happy. It is better than slowly flying around on mostly crummy looking mounts, that cannot soar and use abilities like a real flying creature does to get to places more quickly and explosively. It is just so fun.

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I love the dragon riding. Its fun and i always get to where i need to go.and i havent trained it much. Stop find things to complain about. Im sure regular flying will be in like they did with previous expansions. But, this is better than no flying at all

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Not sure what playerbase you think you are speaking for, but it surely isn’t me. I would much rather have dragon riding than housing. If I wanted to play house, I’d play a SIMS game.


I spotted 3 known forum trolls with multiple comments within the first 10 comments :star_of_david:

I think it is super duper fun.

It reminds me of the way flying worked on super Mario for the SNES.

That’s the thing: I played WOW exactly because it didn’t have anything like this. It was mindless and I could just click.


Wow has forgotten what it actually is. First, there was the roguelite with torghast which sucked compared to real roguelites because guess what diablo or hades exist and do it better then they wanted to introduce platforming in korthia, yet again Mario or Celeste exist and do it better. Dragonriding is such a drag already compared to normal flying and it’s going to get worse as time goes on and you have to do it more.

Wow please understand you are not some triple a game with epic gameplay and movement mechanics your an mmo with functional but basic physics and movement. People don’t play you for that a f don’t expect it focus on what you should be good at story telling, dungeons, pvp and raids stop pretending your something you are not.


Dood, we’ve had platforming since Wailing Caverns, you’re a Classic player, how do you not know this?


And it was still bad and gladly they moved away from it.

Point is, WoW has had a bunch of stuff from all sorts of different types of games all throughout the years, that’s what makes it fun, the variety.

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No its actually the opposite wow was fun because of its core gameplay loop of leveling dungeons raid pvp repeat despite all the added annoyances they decided to throw in. Nobody played wow for the platforming in wailing caverns in fact they raged hard until it was changed. Torghast brought literally 0 people to wow and in fact lost players because of it.

Point is dragonriding is another in a long list of quirky additions which will be forgotten in time.


That was fun back then when there wasn’t much else, now though that alone would be kinda boring.

That had nothing to do with Torghast’s design and everything involed in the endless grinds plagueing all of Sl. Torghast by itself was a fun part of the expansion.

So you’re one of those who want flying completely removed from the game? Being a “quirky addition”.

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Still chuckling at someone claiming exploring wasn’t/isn’t a core part of WoW.

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lmao look at this guy who has 0 glyphs

my Dragonriding mount is moving at light speed brother and doesn’t know the meaning of fatigue.


It’s easier to think about it progressively. While yes starting out it’s kind of basic, you’re trying to fly too far too early; gather up the Dragon Glyphs that will help you make your flying much easier. Not only will HandyNotes addon show these to you, the drake you’re riding will tell you where it is.

Also for you luddites out there who think addons are an affront to society, here’s a video helping out.

OP, remember think of it as a progression rather than a full thing.

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