Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Like most people, if I had access to my regular flying mount, I would never use dragonriding. Because it’s inferior to traditional flight.

And the devs know that. Which is why dragonriding wasn’t released IN ADDITION to traditional flight so players could simply choose the obviously superior dragonriding :smirk:

It’s novel. And that novelty will wear out fast when people begin to realize there’s only so many places they can put spikes on their dragons.

This is entire “feature” is just the latest effort to ignore the player base and undermine flight coming from the ever-arrogant “you think you do but you don’t” devs that have been wasting resources trying to insist that they know how you enjoy the game better than you do ever since WoD. This, instead of spending the last decade making player housing a reality, which actually would be every bit the holy grail of customization and creative liberty that dragonriding never will.


That has nothing to do with what you said.

Then plummet to the ground when unexpected diarrhea strikes, or when your baby starts choking on vomit or the phone call from your workplace you where waiting for comes in. Real life issues strike and unlike previously you get punished for them.


I mean if any of those things happen while you’re auto flying you can zoom off into the ocean, get fatigued, and die.

By the time you get back from tending to little Timmy your charges are back anyway. They come back pretty fast.

Seems like a non-issue. lol

Except for it’s not and you know that you just stop and hover in place perfectly safe.


Ya but what if my dog gets lost and at the same time someone prank calls my house 10 orders of pizza? I’m screwed without old flying!

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So land the dragon? You’re moving at 830% speed. You can hit the ground fast.

Besides, I know that when I’ve had an emergency in the past I didn’t take the time to stop flying first if I was on auto-fly. I doubt most people would either if their baby was choking.

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Hey, at least you’d have pizza!

As I said it’s just a bad system ripped out of 2009s assassins creed 2 and repackaged as a feature of a 2022 major title. It’s inferior in every way and it’s only purpose is to be more convaluted and less convenient to the player overall to fix a non issue that blizzard identified. Yet there’s mouth breathers here cheerfully clapping as they get robbed as if blizzard somehow reinvented wheel.:joy:


I agree it’s so fun

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Classic still has old boring flying.


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Can’t disprove my point? Go for classic ez.

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It amazes me they are so stubborn they can’t just say no flying was a failed experiment. Instead they have to create a system that has the same issues that they claimed flying had and have to put it into the game instead to save face.

I would much rather real flying as well or at least give people a choice - let the people who want to fly fly and let the people who think they like dragon flying do that. It would be a real interesting experiment to see how many people would stick with dragonflying.


People aren’t mouthbreathers simply because they prefer the new flight over what is effectively Skyrim’s TCL command with an animation–i.e old WoW flight.

It’s not the best flight in gaming–by FAR–but it is an improvement for many and it is more enjoyable than afking to my destination whilst tabbed out.


cant hit like on that post enough times to be satisfied. totally hit the nail on the head

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Your whole point is just saying it’s bad because it’s bad, what even is your point. Objectively inferior? Nope! Interactive flying > old afk tabbing out and stop playing the game “flying”.


Yes they are because they fail to realise in 6 months time after the 99999999th time of doing dragonflying and you have seen everything the game has to offer you will wish you could just alt tab and watch YouTube rather than control some low res dragon again going to the same place again to do the same daily again. It’s good to people now because its new once it’s old you it will just be an annoyance you wish you didn’t have to do.


Exactly. In terms of flight mechanics this is a marked improvement over what we had before. It isn’t the best of simulated flying by any means but who was expecting it to be? WoW isn’t a flight simulator.

Subjectively people can like or dislike it all they want but this argument is silly.

To be fair, that’s 95% of WoW.

Anyway, I don’t think so because you get everywhere so bleeding fast that you don’t really have time to get bored.

It’s insane how much faster it is than traditional flying.

Absolutely unreal. Imagine complaining about something new, different, and challenging, that takes a grand total of 20 minutes to figure out. Are people opposed to learning anymore? Don’t like it? Unsub, uninstall, and call it a day.

Dragon riding is dope, Blizz. Nice job! Thanks for a fun and new feature! Keep it up!