Kamakazee from Ministry of Anarchy. Human Paladin. Going to be playing alliance on Faerlina
Dafoe! Good to see you!
Hello Dragonmaw!
Feer (NE Warrior) of Prominence. Friend of Ministry of Anarchy, Murder of Crows, Sovereign, and Unity.
I fondly remember (Our Lord and Savior) Tremain, Galethia, Splatzilla, Felintonos, Quezoxx, Reflex, Everest, Midgi, Romulas, Prophecy, Mitsu, Pizzapepsi, Moghedian, Furikenjahva, Aell, Zorgat, TNZ, Pham, and Snitchh.
Of course some of the finest Horde rivals as well, Aozera, Zizek, Hownow, Smooth, Sunwukong and Watafountain
If only I could forget though.
This is Baramor - Human Warrior
I mostly remember people from N I N J A I
guild leader Cap
Matombo/Killara (used to tank together in MC with ninjai before I quit and came back a few months later to everyone geared and having thunderfury XD)
was also in TEAM PINNACLE and Ascension (don’t remember much there)
don’t remember the others guilds I was in tho
had a few friends
Decimus (Hunter)
Brand (pally)
can’t remember the others
and of course Warla which I talked to with my RL friend Aquilles
if u remember me or wanna chat
Wow, glad to see you too
Hey Feer! Glad to see another past Prominence member.
I was Shadowvane from Ometh. Nightelf Warrior
Rolling Pally or Rogue on Herod
Rolled on Pagle. Don’t have time to be camped by Horde in BRM/Duskwood the grind takes long enough.
Almost a Prominence reunion.
Nisas Druid Prominence
Hello Littlelady, i missed you! Hello Warmth/Cage, definitely surprised to see you still around. More familiar names appearing, def remember albinodoctor from bgs. Looks like I will be on Herod horde side with some friends. Def looking forward to classic launch!
LL will you be playing?
Hey Valk! It has been a long minute! Hoping we can cross paths again!
From Prominence then Vulgar in TBC my favorite era of Wow.
Lots of familiar names up above.
Dogmeat (Tentontotem) - playing WoW Classic on Herod (Alliance) with Brudely (Stereotype/Glasscannon) and Themillerer (Captnplanet).
We have a small guild starting out, if you are starting over and we used to raid together PM me. Tentontotem#1938
More than likely ill be around. Been playing a resto druid on an off each expansion so ill probably roll one for classic.
Reflex lost to me in a duel. hes not a very good rogue
sorry wrong character, he lost to this feral druid, therefore im better than him
Drizzturden - Night Elf Hunter - I’ve forgotten all names and guilds I was in but maybe someone remembers me! Battletag is Drizzt#12343
Hello everybody…was in various guilds with this character, the name is still the same…The biggest guild I was in was Deathwing…. I remember certain names…Splatzilla, Grievous, Heavenslight…and for the horde side…Wolfie and Zizekk