Dragonmaw Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Dragonmaw (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!


Soldiersbane from Onslaught. Raided with the great Razzledazzle and Zhonya. It was truly amazing times. Let’s reconnect!

Battletag is Revo#1173

Some people I can remember off the top of my head.

Lamlot - Dwarf paladin and best friend
Conartist - DPS warrior that got conned into tanking Vael. Being in zerker stance and dying because he got crit.
Bulkathos - Warrior friend. Didn’t know where you name came from until I played Diablo 3 6 years later.
Eclipse - Another warrior. Tanked most of the time.
Xeragon - Another hunter in guild. We talked about gear most of the time.
Jcoc - You stole giantstalker pauldrons from me and now they drop every time when I run MC.
Burbonkills - I didn’t know what burbon was at the time. Mage bro that tried really hard.


I was Holyliaison (Night Elf Warrior) in Sovereign.

My Battletag is: HolyLiaison#1973


Used to play as Slurr on here way back. Alaranna hit me up!

Btag is Skurrpy#1831

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Zofu - Gnome Rogue

Played in Deathwing and Devastation.

Zofu #1866


Demonkiller - Night Elf Priest (Brother was Hadrien gnome mage)

Played in Trinity and Sovereign.

Looking to connect with any of the old gang!


Zaximus - night elf Druid. Ministry of anarchy, raided with infliction. Guild leader was thetaker.


Roguest / NE rogue and Utherjr - human Pally.

I honestly forget what guild I was in. Rip.


Imakitty - NE Druid. Many guilds I’m literally still on Dragonmaw the ghost town it is.
Imakitty#1426 the enchant shack is still open.


One of the founders of < DA >, we were founded from Frostmane < Militia > rerolls late 2005. Merged with < Div > summer 2006. We kept a summer race hot that year, died on Princess Huhuran and Anub’rekhan with TBC too close.

I was Gimmlie, dwarf warrior main tank. Except too short for Firemaw. Haven’t touched a warrior since rage-quitting after Naxx attempt. Kind of emo.

Cataphract was GM and human pally out-of-combat rezzer. Peggle champ.

Kravage was dps human warrior, wielder of Untamed Blade. Usually raid leader.

Xerotype was terrible human warlock, present for free loot. Always late.

Curryjunky was human warlock, main recruiter.

Darthbentley. The greatest main off-tank, human warrior. MT when I was absent.

Lance was a ret paladin pushing R14, then got Ashkandi. We gave a ret paladin our 1st Ashkandi.

Uygur? Human Fury warrior DW dps. We didn’t believe fury was any good, but he was always #1 on damage. Hated tanking.

Daevim. Probably best holy paladin. With us from the beginning.

Chinoumi. Usually our only druid. Usually also our only girl.

Gerchinberge. Shady rogue, mostly pvper. Human, hated combat spec. Played with our next guild in TBC.

Can’t remember any hunters. Remember priests and mages, but not their names.


I was “Le” (Night Elf Hunter) in Prominence

My battletag is Meech #11683


I was Cindara - Human Mage in a multitude of guilds. I remember playing with Nitestalker (Paladin) a bunch before server transfers.

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I remember you. I don’t remember what guild we were in together though. I played Ambernicole, human pally

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I had Malaika, human pally and Endrew, human Warlock.
Guild was Clan Silverforge.

Others in our guild were Bindee, Veit, Brottor, Troben, Slade, Aegistorm, and a slew of others i can’t remember.

Edit: MalEnd #1184

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Hey, what a blast of nostalgia this thread is!

I already recognize quite a few names in this thread from my days on Dragonmaw.

I played Kasher a Gnome Mage during vanilla who spent a short stint in Onslaught until Nefarian eventually defeated the guild. XD

I ended up going horde during BC and raided with No Dice and Bad as a Blood Elf priest Kashara.

Then I ended up going back Alliance to raid with Sovereign during WOTLK on my priest under my original name Kasher again.

Unfortunately, we ended up leaving the server due to recruiting woes and are now raiding as Sovereign on Kel’Thuzad!

Awesome to see so many old names and I hope to see some of y’all in game in Retail or Classic!

Feel free to add me if you remember me! Kasher#1982

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Oldschool Dragonmaw!

Back in the good ol’ days, I played a night elf priest, Dafoe. I spent most of my time in Venerable Brotherhood and Blitzkrieg, but I was also in a few other Dmaw guilds including Sovereign, War Storm, and Serious. I also played a druid named Fritter.

I have extremely fond memories of world PvP on Dragonmaw, people talking smack on the forums, competitive raiding between guilds, and actually knowing players based on their reputation and history rather than their raider io score.

I am also raiding with Sovereign on Kel’Thuzad on my warlock.

If you want to get in touch, feel free to add me Dafoe#1763. Can’t wait to see more posts in this thread!

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So glad to see you still around. I’ll send you a friend request on bnet.

You are ours and we are never letting you go again, bwahahaha!

Samizdat - Dwarf Paladin in Daffy Blokes and DM Forgotten Heroes.

Battletag is Samizdat#1232

To further advance on Syllenia’s post :smiley:

Tcheekin (or Tcheekiin) STILL running Daffy Blokes but we went back home to the Horde over on Kilrogg. We DO have an Alliance guild on the sister Wintermaw server but mainly hordies again. You can find us on our old website (it’s still up - Google) or our Discord Server (Daffy Blokes) and yes … we’re still around playing games. Most of the original officers/founders are here as well.

We even go to all the Blizzcon’s … still … :stuck_out_tongue: