Hello Everyone! Exciting to see so many familiar names, I played a bunch around vanilla / BC. Did a lot of PVP, not much raiding
Guilds I remember playing with, De Novo, praeparet bellum (played with a lot of people in this guild)
Priest: (Night Elf) Lunne
Hunter: (Night Elf) ChaosHunter
Loga! I remember your name and Etnad! (Dante backwards lmfao)
Guilds I remember playing with, De Novo, praeparet bellum (played with a lot of people in this guild)
Priest: (Night Elf) Lunne
Hunter: (Night Elf) ChaosHunter
Bear with me, my memory is probably way worse than it should be.
I had a Dwarf Hunter, Drephus. I was in War Storm for a bit. I remember Blixxus and Meowmix and Anarden from there. I was briefly in Sov but I was a punk kid so I’m pretty sure they removed me lol.
I played NE Druid, Wham, I was in Thetakerr’s guild for a long time but the name escapes me right now. Too many names to list from there, a lot of solid people would love to reconnect with anyone who remembers me.
I spent some time playing with the pain olympics guys. Would love to hear from Diestic/Deistic however it was spelled. Or lance, ashlionheart, zorgat, nnivekk
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We are doing good! Its been a while but we now have the kids playing wow as well 
How are you doing?
Dietwater - Human Warlock
Marlen - Human Paladin
I don’t quite remember the name of the guild I was in, but I remember playing here up until just before the end of vanilla. I think it was a daytime raid guild, Eternity? Also a few others I just can’t remember
Wow, hi Nisas, Feer, Hamster, splat, littlelady (met RL), Oprah…Lonsus sounds familiar, and I def remember Aell, we raided AQ and NAxx together. DAng , not sure if you guys remember me but healers aren’t important right :P, Evilsirus Restro DRuid from Prominence.
If anyone remembers me I was and still am the same name I used back then. Gorro from Promience. paladin Human. Battletag is gorro187#2300
So where’s all our former Prominence people rolling? I claimed my name on 3 random servers because I’m not sure where anyone is gonna be.
Hey, I was Kwon a NE Rogue in Prominence/Ascension. Raided with them through BWL and AQ40. That first C’thun kill is probably my favorite moment in WoW to this day. I’m going to be playing Horde on Whitemane (PVP) if anyone else plans to do so, hit me up 
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Ajal man, how have you been! I played a mage back in vanilla and tbc in PHP, trying to find more PHP people I played with. Lunatics#1257 is my tag
this makes me EXCITED! I always ran into you on my resto shaman and have always stuck out over the years.
Man, between the article on classic raids I saw on Polygon yesterday and this thread I’ve got some serious nostalgia feels.
I was on Dragonmaw for pretty much all of classic as Tweak (rogue) and Pixen (warrior), raiding with Venerable Brotherhood and then Sovereign. It’s crazy that I’ll remember people from this period for the rest of my life but couldn’t tell you a single person I’ve met in a game since. Classic was something else.
VB people - Remembering and missing Tsunobushi (GM), Eldwon, Radagar, Galeron, Corpus, and Stara.
Sov people - Thinking this morning about Gareth (OGM) and Mizu, Perkan (lol crippling poison) and Rainz, Malicec and Tynan, Bladedance and Rumble (#@!$ that guy), Voltoor and Tremain, Shattered and Gosling, Yvarisa, Crym, and Raysk, Nudi and Wewa (feral4life?), Moghedian and Jove, Rare and Dafoe.
Definitely won’t be playing classic because this game is super not for me at this point in my life, but hope you all are able to reconnect 
I played my human rogue Jín… all I can remember doing was premade BGs with somebody we called Tiger (rogue I think) and another guy that I think was a mage named Ratuki? This was forever ago… can’t really remember anyone else besides Greengum the nelf rogue who tought me how to rogue vs rogue 
Oh hey! I remember you as Lunne! What’s up?
Lots of familiar names. Mostly just saw you guys while I was waiting in BG ques in the city.
Any other rank 14 grinders here?
Darklord where you at?
I remember a good number of those names. was facebook friends with Galomere up until about a year ago when I think he deleted his account. I think I interacted with Bundyrum and at least knew of Krs and Pempek, but can’t remember how.
I’ve never had the chance to play classic wow, but I am hoping to join some of my guildies and friends I’ve made along the way. Btag is Camina#1619
Eddwin - Gnome mage, mostly did BG’s! With the same dude as Jin, the guys name was “Tigersblood”