awww, its Ishyboo…
Back when you were the GM for The Shadow Guard (unless my memory is failing me )
Serket NE rogue and Sideburns human priest.
I was in the guild Undecided.
Hey! Good to see you! How’re you and the hubby?
Also, not sure if anyone has made their plans but I’m already set up on Herod server.
Urlann/Human and first Paladin with Thunderfury and was in Ascension and Unity
Battletag Phaiden#1766
Looking for fellow Ascension and Unity members especially Splatzilla, Deroga, and Heavenslight
FYI - If truly classic, Pally Tier 2 judgement gear is considered nature damage and stacks with Thunderfury nature damage and AOE slows melee attacks.
Also shoutout to Rikunie!
Hey Reflex, not sure if you member Urlann, the pally with Thunderufry! I remember grinding BGs with you lol
Raybourne - Night Elf Hunter
Came from Regal, then DMFH, then Rune (later in N I N J A I, and Prominence).
I remember Lifegivinfat, Fishboy, Sigurd (sp), Azuras, probably a lot more!
I remember seeing your name, although I don’t think we ever interacted, lol
Hey Atomac! I remember you from Regal and DMFH. Great times raiding MC and ZG (spending entire mornings just clearing trash, lol). I remember our GL (can’t remember her name) talking about the difference between stalagtites and stalagmites.
haha! Yes! Dur/Durendal
For anyone interested - I rolled on PvP/EST Herod Alliance
Hmm… Neat.
Nice to see a few familiar faces. I was a druid named Eldarius, raided in Ministry of Anarchy and later Moonshade.
The man
The myth
The legend
Man this is a trip down memory lane.
Nobody remembers Grievous? lol
what about tasingbo?
haha I completely forgot about The Shadow Guard! I remember your name tho!
Definitely missed that sexy dwarf over the years.