Dragonmaw Alliance Reconnections

Played this character from Vanilla till the end of Wrath. In many guilds during my time playing this dude.

Oh no, here we go again.

I hope to see other Cosa Nostra returners.
Maybe Pie Vendors and Avarice members too.

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Oh man you have brought back some memories! I honestly had forgotten everyone names, reading this now I remeber, you, Darthbentley, Daevim, Chinoumi, and Xerotype. I was one Oprahwinfrey a male nightelf rogue.

Thanks for the post looks like your the only one for DA here.

hey, wasn’t Cosa Nostra one of the Australian guilds? If so, wasn’t Madros dwarf warrior in that guild for a while. If I am right, do you still talk to him?

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hi reflex .

Hello Dragonmaw, I was also previously Nightshana, night elf rogue.

As soon as I read the name I thought, “Damn, that name sounds familiar.”
Horde side, eh? Prepare for death! But hello all the same!

Starting playing with some RL Friends in Trinity back in the day.
NE Hunter - Bizarre.

Law i know is coming back for Classic.
I am not sure if any others from Trinity are coming back.

I was probably more notoriously known as Ishboo - Dranei shaman - Blitzkrieg and then onto Vulgar in BC on Dragonmaw. I did some crappy things back then.

Hey Holy, long time no see. A few of us insanely old Sov people are still around namely myself (Tynan) and my brother Malicec as well as Anar.

Sov doesn’t have an official server/team for classic, there’s groups of us doing our own thing. Can hit me up on Discord Tycan#8091

Yeah they were some Aussies. I wish I had kept in better touch with them but there wasn’t Bnet ID back then when they all left. Good memories. Don’t remember Madros but of the names I remember were Krs, Pempek, Ariyana, Viiperzero, Nukz, Warla, Galomere, Aphid, Bundyrum, Maid, Missjade, Dotzalot, and I know there are many others. I think I have a picture of all the pallys after one of the Nefarian kills.

Hamsterboat! Def remember you, one of the elite tanking crew we had rolling!

Man completely forgot about Warla!


Moonclaw!! One of the first good friends I made in WoW. If I’m not mistaken it was you who got me invited into Moonshade??

-Warmth (Cage)


As this toon suggest, it is Budro! Myself, verminion, MChammerdin are all playing again at launch. Don’t remember my btag currently but I’ll add you when I get home.

Secretkeeper the night elf rogue here.
I used to play in Arctic Wolves and then in Chaosity.
Looking for old friends and guildies, if anyone wants to reconnect add my battletag Secretkeeper#1142

Wow, what a throwback seeing some familiar names from classic.

For classic I played a dwarf priest named Albinodoctor, and was into both the PVP/PVE scene. Was previously apart of these guilds: Ministry of Anarchy, infliction, Ascension, and Blitzkrieg for majority of classic, running BWL, AQ40 and Naxx. Definitely loved doing organized PVP and playing with people grinding for Commander through Grand Marshal.

As BC rolled around, switched to Horde and played a BE paladin, Albynodoctor and stuck No Dice from SSC/TK all through Black Temple and Sunwell, killing KT with a joint raid with the guild Bad, right after the WOTLK pre patch.

If anyone recognizes my characters lmk. Would love to see some more familiar names or if there are any old raid screenshots from those guilds!

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Hey Lightore – It’s (still) Loga (when I actually play). Fiig actually lives out in AZ now, and Etnad lives in CO. I honestly don’t know if either of them still play, but I can let them know you say hey!

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I previously played a night elf warrior named Nuquerna during vanilla and TBC as a member of Venerable Brotherhood and End Game. Planning to get back in the game for classic.

Also had a night elf hunter named Isilme and a horde blood elf warlock on Gorefiend named Telya.


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O awesome! :smiley: Heya! Damn nice to hear from you and yeah let them know I said hello! I miss everyone! I’m gonna be playing on Whitemane with a group of people I found if you are looking for a place!

I personally know Sonarg too, i’m curious to know who this is lmao. Given the name i’m pretty sure i can guess =D