Dragonmaw Alliance Reconnections

Sovereign Still is active on Kel’Thuzzad still a top tier guild.

You were Known as being one of if not the best rogue on the server good to see you back

Midgi, Gnome mage. Was also Midgii, UD warlock in Silly Hats Only toward the end of Vanilla/BC

Was in Prominence for just about all of classic. I know a few of the old Prominence people are going to play again, Everest and Romulas to name 2.

I have been casually playing waiting for Classic, haven’t played seriously since legion, since BfA is terrible.


Oh yeS! I love this thread. My my has the time flown by. My name was Evilsirus, I was a Resto Druid in “Prominence”. We tackled BWL/AQ/Naxx. My guild master was Midgi, I remember reflex, tractor, jemifer, heavenslight, everest, romulas, and I used to heal the pain train Snitch in pvp. I remember Zizek wandering the halls. Loved pvping as a guild, go head to head with ninetailfox team on horde and some other great team from another server. We had some server first, had a lot of fun, and would definitely like to do it again :P. Raided endlessly in Classic and casual since then (school/life/etc). Good to see everyone.

Dragonmaw was my first home in Azeroth. My PvP toon was a human warrior (Mishigas) and raiding toon was a NE priest (Mohel). I’m looking forward to seeing some familiar faces in the game again.

For some reason I thought Tremain (sp) was the GM of Prominence; I remember the name Everest…don’t remembers what Tremain’s Dads mage was named. Also remember a hunter named Jehuty. Probably would remember more if I saw them.

I thought I had my old guild in there but apparently I messed it up by adding the <> part.

Human Paladin

Human warrior Ackillies.
Started in Raven Knights, then tanked for War Storm and then Alexstrasza Dragon Riders.

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Oh hi guys

Edit: I guess I should follow the instructions and say I played in Prominence for AQ40 and Naxx.


Still on Dragonmaw. Progressed mostly with Cosa Nostra in Vanilla on both this toon and a Dwarf Warrior. Was in Kung Fu Kittens and Elekks Gone Wild until most of them either went horde or left the server. Tragiclance#1202

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Fek you midgii

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I remember you from the guild Fates Right Hand!!
I was LilAngel a human priest :smile:


Well we are both right technically. Tremain was the boss until AQ, Then Midgi took over. :slight_smile:

Good to see some old names here, I’m still around on both Horde and Alliance… not sure where I’m landing for Classic yet though



Iamawesome from Wu Tang Financial.

Looking for any former Wu members, a few of us are starting again for Classic!

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Sup old dragonmaw peeps! There’s definitely a few names that sound familiar.

I played most of vanilla on Dragonmaw, toon name Hamsterboat; Dwarf warrior
I was one of the tanks in moonshade (hello moonclaw and valkador, names definitely are familiar).
I used to be part of the PvP premades on dragonmaw (pushed to rank 12 back then).
Some people in moonshade that I can remember include: (babi, pochi, taltos, gaske, daimek, entanadar, warmth, allenda, heisher, blottica, I’m sure I am forgetting a lot of people too). The pvp names are a bit harder to remember, I remember tassadar?. I also remember the farming god that is Warla and of course who can forget BRM king Zizek.

I will be landing horde side this time around (west coast PvP server-avoiding streamers). Haven’t played the game since WotLK


Hey all Lonsus here

Human Warrior with BattleBraids

I was friends with alot of people but was a member of Ascension.
Welcome to the gayngbayng!

Hey Perky Baby
Hownow i love you

This is a great idea on blizzards part.

Lonsus#1870 add me!


I didn’t get huge into endgame in Vanilla but I ran regularly with a few people whose names I’ve mostly forgotten!
I’m rl friends with Nightsever, a Night Elf Warrior. He ran a weekly MC pug with relative success.
I hung out with a couple from the Washington area, I know she was a human warrior or a pally… a dude from Georgia, pally I think?.. A gnome rogue whose name was something kind of rude…And a guy whose toons were named Murphybrown and Kimmygibbler, pretty sure he was a druid on one of them.
I remember a few half names from guilds but nothing any more substantial than what I have here… Which isn’t much at all. I wish I remembered more.

I was, and I guess still am, a Night Elf Warrior. I left her there! I went by Findabhaire. Through the years all of my toons have had basically the same name so you might have run with me as a mage in either faction under that or a similar name. But I mained Findabhaire the nelf warrior throughout Vanilla and BC. I was in a few small guilds whose names are mostly lost to me now, sorry!
There are names I recognise here, so that’s pretty cool!

Edit to say I’ve rolled Ally on Fairbanks and Horde on Grobbulus, see you out there!

Theus Night Elf Hunter
Demonic Asylum guild Hunter class leader thanks Eric
Zizek, Quzer, Kimii, Watafountain, all my old prom/sov/ascension/trinity/unity/war storm homies
anyone remember that nelf hunter named Avandre?

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I remember Avandre vaguely, but thugd / watafountain lol

also hi lonzybae