Dragonmaw Alliance Reconnections

I first rolled a Human Pally named Murtagh, ran around with Kovian, Zavius, Studebaker.
We rerolled horde in WotLK but I still have a few of my original alts on Dragonmaw. Great times.

I rolled a Mage named Atomac back in 2005. Joined the guild ‘Regal’ but we raided and eventually merged with ‘DM Forgotten Heroes’. After we split up I moved off servers to Black Dragonflight. I actually already recognize 1 person from this post!

Battletag is Vaelstraza#1911

I think your spam in trade chat is what inspired me to level enchanting to grind my way to my first 1000 gold for epic riding. Glad to see you’re still around and still a kitty.

Warmth - Moonshade - Nelf Warrior… main tank for Moonshade. <3

Cage - Nelf Hunter - was leader of a small guild called Guardian Aspects before joining Moonshade and rerolling to Warmth.

Also to add, main tanking for a US guild as an Australian was something I will always remember. Nothing like 3am wake up for raid time D:


Hey all, I mostly only had twinks on Dmaw in Vanilla, but they were in the guild Twinks R for Kids. 19 Druid named Delvios and a 29 Pally named Maerduk. I later transferred my main from Skullcrusher and played in DM Forgotten Heroes for the majority of BC. My hunter is an NE named Czinferall. I know DM was around since Vanilla, just trying to see who is still out there. Add me on Bnet if you want Rainbowhugz#1526 I remember both Atomac and Samizdat.

Indigolemon, NE Druid. I was in various casual/leveling guilds and raided with < Rival > and by raiding I actually mean standing around waiting for brez and innervate calls, lmao! I hung around a lot with a NE Rogue named Sack (lol).

I still play my original character as well as my other original 60, Kittyhawke - Gnome Warlock.

If you recognize me please feel free to connect IndigoLemon#1184.


So many names I recognize already - Loving it!

I was in Sovereign up until mid-Legion, same name as always, and quit playing a couple of years ago. Been waiting for classic; glad to see some friendly faces again for sure :slight_smile:

Amazing how long it’s been, best memories that come to mind:

  1. Server first Azuregos all-out war in Azshara
  2. Sovereign vs West Dragon ragnaros race
  3. Slooty camping booty bay / gadgetzan, Zizek camping BRM
  4. Flaminia vs Grievous duel ( wonder where the fireball came from xD )
  5. Omen vs TEAM PINNACLE in BRM
  6. …and many more that I can’t remember off the top of my head

I know that a bunch of us are already planning to level together and just go from there, nothing major.

If anyone wants to reach me, feel free to add me @ Perkan#1781. The closer classic gets, the more i’m around online again.

P.S. Nudi, now it’s time to come back <3


Zepp - Dwarf Hunter in Adversity!

LOL OH SHIIII ZIZEK. I had a couple irl buddies in TEAM PINNACLE that were always in BRM trying to unseat Zizek on the chain. Papapill, gnome mage, and Sonarg, also a gnome mage who was in Unity for awhile I believe.

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Oh man. What a trip down memory lane.

Moonclaw of Moonshade here.
Hit me up

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Mmaikeru - gnome mage


This is awesome, so smart of bliz to get this forum up.

  • Eisbaer, Gnome Mage - All the spoils of BWL server first.

  • Unity - Ony, MC, BWL, ZG, AQ - What a grind to open AQ :expressionless:

  • Played a lot with NnivekK, Ohhweee, Mpriest, Vivi (leader of Unity). Excited to connect with others from Sovereign and Prominence too.

Add me: lilbeast#11726


Name: Reflex
Class: Rogue
Race: Giant C**ked Night Elf
Guild: Warstorm, Prominence

Greetings my minions. The time is upon us for the second coming.


Couldn’t edit post and posted from wrong toon.


Hownow of the Horde here; spying on all my rivals…
Well well well what do we have here?


This was my first toon in wow back on good ol’ Dragonmaw.

I’ve run with a few guilds back in the day, started out with Venerable Brotherhood, then moved to End Game as a founder and officer, and then Delusions of Grandeur.

There was some other stops for a few week between all of those moves. But that was a loooooong time ago!

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My Original character back on Dragonmaw was a Little Dwarf Paladin called Lightore.

The guild I was with mainly was… (I never remember how to spell it lol) Parapet Bellum or something like that haha. Our Main Tank was a Nightelf named Drexcel.

Just a spam list of people I would love to hear from again!

Kayele (not sure on spelling Hawaiian Hunter), Canal, Nightheal, Etnad, Dorjee, Figdan, Rumpledee and Rumpledum (the twin gnome rouges.)


Human Paladin


My portrait is that original Paladin!

Some of my alts:

  • Xelthenor
  • Xelthen
  • Littlin
  • Brineth

Franknmullet, Dwarf Priest ran with Venerable Brotherhood and another guild for Kara (Can’t remember the name right now).
Also was a solo pvp grinder in battlegrounds and got up to commander. Did that grind against the horde “A Team” of Vast, Polas, Zizek, NineTailFox and others most of the time.

I remember watching JacktheKnife (think that is his name) spam selling Cow King’s Hide and something else in IF all the time while I was in BG ques.

If anyone remembers, I was one of three people to kite Borelgore from EPL all the way to AH Bridge in IF.

I also hung out in Stormwind in my own spot while talking to a night elf druid from time to time originally named kissmybehive and Blizzard made her change it to I think Kissy?

Still on Dmaw in the guild Arctic Wolves battletag: franknmullet#1488


What can I say, I tend to be brief… (I would have said short, but my dwarf is now a tauren and doesn’t fit through doors, but manages to fall into lava regularly)