Dragonflight, worst expansion of all time?

Users are the only ones that matter. Of course internet polls are a terrible way to judge how a community of users feel. They tend to overrepresent people who have a gripe that they want heard.

Nope. Disagree

I haven’t seen that many quitting posts. DF is great. I haven’t’ played so much since MoP.

Didn’t buy SL nor will I buy Dragron Flight either.

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I quit before 8.2 hit.

I find I have maybe 1 night of engaging activity in DF, and then what do I do for the rest of the days? Lately, I’ve gone back to 8.2 and been working through the story line that I missed. It is actually a lot more interesting than what we have gotten in DF.

I sort of feel like I got ripped off when it comes to how much they charged me for the DF expansion compared to the content I get with that expansion.

Also, anyone else hate dragonflying? I mean, I’ll take it versus the pain of pathfinder 1 and pathfinder 2 to actually fly, but the way it works is just garbage to me.


lmao no, Shadowlands is the worst expansion of all time, was the first expansion i actually quit and unsubbed from, i always take breaks but i hated SL so much i quit for nearly 2 years.

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I’d half agree. I think they may represent a minority, BUT… most people who don’t have a vehemently negative response, just quietly pay the check and don’t come back.

Good rule of thumb, for every screaming mimi, count as three, and no more. So, if you have ten screaming mimis, count it as 30.

Here’s the converse of that…Anyone who has an exceptional experience, will say so, therefore, each positive is just one positive. So if you have 10 positives, that’s just 10 positives.

That’s not my rule, that’s business 101.

I hit que today for like a split second. Thats pretty rare outside the first week or so.

I’m enjoy DF, Cata and WoD are still my least favorite expansions to this day. The rest are ok to good, but love MoP and Legion the most. /shrug

DF is like the “new puppy” which will soon be poopin & droolin on everything then chained up in the backyard.
A lot of changes in this xpac which some like but theres plenty who dislike. IMO some of the things changed took from WoW not added.


I think people just complain more. A generation of whiners.

The game is crowded.

I was very glad to get the chance to play all the other xpacs for a bargain price, but yeah, SL and DF are a wash. Can’t bring myself to log into those toons as opposed to MoP, WoD and Legion.

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I wouldn’t say the worst but i allso wouldn’t say the best while i think they improved over S L there still room for improvement.

DF was ok during the leveling experience and Dragonflying has it’s appeal but once you got to the end it was just the same crap they’ve been doing for the past expansions already.

So it’s not exactly terrible but I wouldn’t call it up to par from a gaming experience. Plus the unambiguous themes throughout DF are just…lame. Boring in fact.

It’s as if they didn’t want to take any gambles on the story and geared it towards a PG audience, which many of us aren’t and I think its shortfalls showed during the discount/bargain periods not too long ago.


If you need some else tells you something is bad, means 2 things:
You didn’t play and just wasting time
You don’t know how to think by yourself
Chose your poison.
If you say it’s bad at least give something to discuss not the awful (like my English) others say. And the worst exp of wow should be WOD (I didn’t play cata pand and BFA)

Well I can’t argue that they stopped listening, but Wrath dungeons were boring and I loved the Cata ones

The dungeons were fun, once they were finally sorted out.

From a raid logging perspective, DF is great. From an expansion point of view, it’s pretty weak.


Thousands? There’s only 40 people and their alts on these forums.