Dragonflight, worst expansion of all time?

…is it not an expansion?

The zones are kind of small, the leveling is pretty linear and the acting is very hallow.


I think it is the worst selling expansion of all time so far.

Blizzard did not post about it hitting any huge sales numbers.

They added addtional free game time to try and entice people into buying the expansion which they have never done before.

So my guess is that numbers are way down. Although this early in an expansion I do not think we can call it the worst expansion of all time.


Just like rotten tomatoes they sold out.

Worst expac belongs to WoD. No contest.

  • this was the start of their asinine war on flying (which is hopefully, finally over)

  • Patch 6.1: twitter integration and the S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera

No it’s one of the best

It is Shadowlands 2.0. Logged in today, found that there was nothing I wanted to do, logged out and cancelled my sub. Oh well hope 10.3.5 has something interesting to do.


Metacritic is a useless trashfire, never, ever use it as a way to judge if a game is good or not.

Because I guarantee most of the negative reviews are from absolute trogs complaining about the about of LGBT representation.

And no, just like when people were calling Shadowlands ‘the worst expansion’ and BFA ‘the worst expansion’, the actual worst expansion was Warlords of Draenor. It was then, and it is now.

The only way Warlords of Draenor will be toppled as the worst expansion is if Blizzard rereleases it as Warlords of Draenor 2: Revenge of the Durotan Belt Midget and somehow made it worse than the original.

User scores on Metacritic have never, ever been indicative of the actual quality of the game.

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Yep. They kind of telegraphed where they were going on flying with the content at the tail-end of MOP, which featured no-fly zones. The die was already cast, I think, by then.

If you actually read most of those “extremely low scores” you would see it’s people review bombing because Blizzard removed the ability to choose your gender, ask anyone who actually plays df and they love it


Might be weird, but I am actually ok with some zones not having flight access.

They did this in TBC (which was the introduction of flight as a main expansion feature) with the Isle of Quel’Danas, but they kind of did it right, as it had plenty to do

  • daily quest hub
  • vendors that sold some pretty ok gear which required rep or badges
  • had a dungeon
  • had a raid
  • plenty of world pvp

Timeless Isle is another example and was also quite similar in a lot of ways. While it lacked a dungeon and a raid, it had

  • rares to kill
  • plenty of toys, battle pets, mounts, etc… to chase after/farm
  • world bosses

Molten front was also another area that was like this, though lesser

Isle of giants could have been like this but it was mostly just a throwaway spot that they tossed a world boss on

The problem with making an entire expansion no flying is that by then, we had already had multiple expansions where once we hit level cap, it was pay your gold and take to the skies. With cataclysm, it was flight right away at launch. Many if not all of us had poured hours into farming rep, gold, time in dungeons/raids for rare drops/meta-achievements, etc… into acquiring mounts that could fly and then that just got taken away more or less “because reasons.”

Dragonflight proves that you can absolutely design zones to compliment flying or flying to compliment the zones.

Legion is the worst expansion ever made. I will die on that hill. Rotations and classes where awful. The story was mediocre. The raids had one of the dumbest mechanics. Look at you KJ. Legiondary RNG the worst thing to ever come out. The start of borrowed power with the weapons. Just awful for the game. I would say WOD and BF are close 2nds. I liked shadow lands. And in my opinion MOP was peak WoW.


most polite void elf player

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Dragonflight is great. Shadowlands was bad. Bfa was too.

And this was the beginning of it all. The day the legion prepatch came out was the day I fell out of love with all of the classes somehow. I didn’t want to play anything because they were all the same thing.


Feel like this is way more accurate

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legion was the worst for me lack luster artifact got cheated out of Frostmourne. also crystalline swords was crap instead of having a transformation in DK Arthas.

also also we depowered them for no reason

DF is just…nothing interesting to me :slightly_frowning_face:
And I’m not so sure if Metacritic is trustworthy :thinking:

Pretty much 90% of negative user reviews are by dudes that freaked out about body type 1 and 2 and nothing more. They are in the closet and try hard to stay there or something.

Rushed? Ok dude.